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Meanwhile, back in Gage’s room, the man was now leaning against his door as well. His one knee bent, and his mesmerising eyes were now closed.

For a while he stayed there in that position without moving. Then after some time, he threw his head gently back against the door and opened his eyes slowly to stare at his room’s ceiling.

A slow, disbelieving smile curved across his face. His dark eyes were gleaming as he moved his thumb over his lower lip as he was deep in thought, still remembering the kiss he had just shared with that little bunny who had practically ran as though escaping from a lion’s den. But then he sighed out and half bite on his lower lip. His smile faded and his jaws clenched.

“Damn… I think I just shocked her a bit too much… she looked so bewildered when she ran off. Should I have held back a little…??” He muttered softly.

The next morning.

Eva woke up groaning from the loud ringing of her alarm clock.

She had a trouble sleeping last night due to everything that happened between her and Gage. And now she only had a few hours of sleep.
Thankfully, she was already quite used to this.
While Eloise was doing her make-up, Eva’s mind kept straying off from the task at hand and wandering back to what had happened last night. So in order to distract herself, she began to talk.
“Is Gage up yet?” she asked Eloise.

“Uhm… not yet, Miss. He’s still in bed.” Eloise replied dutifully.

She immediately felt her veins popping. She had to stop her hand from pinching the skin between her brows in order to not to give Eloise a hard time.

“That little…” she muttered under her breath. “Can someone go and wake him up? Isn’t it already time to get ready for work?”

“Err… I don’t think anyone would dare to knock on his door, Miss.” Eloise smiled helplessly as she replied.

“What?! Did Gage ban everyone from disturbing him in the morning?” Eva glanced at the maid assisting Eloise through the mirror.

“No miss, but… Mr. Acheron usually doesn’t wake up late. In fact, he even wakes up earlier than us sometimes. There is really no rule about waking him up in the morning, but we just thought that maybe he was tired out from work last night. Mr. Eddie also never ordered us to go wake up the Sir.” The maid said.

She was speechless. She should ask more questions to Mr. Eddie, the butler, about this when she has the time.

The old man was such a pleasant person to chat with and he obviously knew a lot about Gage. Though she knew he was careful, Mr. Eddie still always gives her a proper answer. She must find out if it was true that Gage was always an early riser. Does this mean that he only started waking up late when she was here?

She narrowed her eyes at a thought that came to her mind.

When her make-up was done and the bloody devil was still not waking up, Eva finally lost her temper and stormed into his room as she flung his doors open.

The man did not even seem to have moved as she approached his bed with her intentionally noisy footsteps. She pulled the thick curtains open but since Gage was facing the other side, the light did not seem to have bothered him in the least.

Sighing, Eva rushed to the other side and was about to yell at him when she suddenly halted in her tracks. Seeing his face reminded her of last night and she…

She nearly face-palmed. Stop it! Eva! Damn it. Forget about it! She yelled at herself instead, not daring to look at his lips.

This dangerous man… she always knew she must never drop her guard down around him. Because he had the power to shatter her walls and he the thing was that he does not do it in a forceful way. He did it so cunningly and so smoothly at that. And she was genuinely afraid that she might end up crumbling before him before she even realized it.

What happened last night proved the power he had over her. And she swore to never let that escalate to the point that they had reached last night. No. She will never let herself fall in his trap again. Because if that happens again, she knew she might never be able to break free from his hold again. From this dangerous man.

She would not let that happen. She must not! She refused to fall for a man again. Especially not him. Not to this too good to be true creature called Gage Acheron.

“Mr. Acheron! Please wake up!” she yelled at him, crossing her arms over her chest in indignation as she looked down at him.

He made a rumbling sound before his eyes slowly cracked opened and looked up at her.

The corner of his lips lifted up lazily. “Morning, darling.”

Eva nearly fell to the floor from that greeting. Damn him. Attacking her right the moment he opened his eyes. What a Casanova!

“Good morning, Mr. Acheron. Please get up now or else…”

“Or else?” he teased, not moving an inch at all as he gazed up at her with those damned dreamy morning look in his eyes.

“Or else…” she felt her brain lagging again as she struggled to think of a come back to his question. “I’ll tickle you until you couldn’t breathe.” She finished a little weakly as she blushed at her lame threat. Even she was already internally calling herself stupid at such a threat.

He blinked. Then his chuckle echoed all around his room.

Eva again screamed at herself inwardly at how childish those words sounded. But well, tickling some is indeed a good way to force someone out of the bed, no? She knew of someone who did that to her husband, and she said that move was very effective.

Why should she not do it to him as well? She might as well try before he tells her to kiss him awake again!

Without warning, Eva reached out to Gage’s side and pointed her finger out and poked him.



Stephanie Jones

Wow! Eva tickling Gage. Hahaha 🤣


Gage might grab that finger and jerk her into the bed with him