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This is somehow the most subdued and graphic of Tarantino’s films. It’s like a bottle episode, but also a beautiful slow build and master storytelling.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/uWVS_6IHWtY




If I had a nickel for every movie where Kurt Russell is stuck in a snowy wasteland with a bunch of untrustworthy people, and has an Ennio Morricone score...and knowing Tarantino, that's entirely deliberate. This also finally got Morricone his long-overdue Oscar after more than half a century of being one of the greatest composers in history, movies or otherwise. And it's pretty neat to see him bring Bruce Dern back in an expanded role after how he packed in so much chilling menace into just a few seconds of screentime as Django's original owner. The movie got some accusations of sexism for how it seems to revel in Daisy's physical abuse, but I never minded it since she's such a relentlessly despicable person that it all comes off as fully deserved. It's also very clear here just how confident Tarantino has gotten in his audience's loyalty; he was never a very fast-paced director, but this movie takes that tendency to more indulgent heights than ever before, running a full hour before the main plot gets going, yet because he's such a great writer and director, you're fully onboard for all of it.


This was easily one of the slowest paced movies I've ever seen and as you said, totally onboard. I would even consider watching the extended version although I can't imagine what the additions are.