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This week, our Spy Kids Correspondents Tom Walker and Demi Lardner rejoin us to crack into 2011's Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The World, a genuinely good kid's movie.

Nate, our perfect and beautiful producer, referred to this 90 minutes of five people yelling at once as "great and really really funny but also the hardest thing i’ve ever edited in my entire career"

Check out Tom and Demi's podcast BigSoftTitty.PNG!






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Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/



Jack Connell

skip to 51:03 for The Slander Hour, where November betrays her dear friend Abi by potentially ruining her career


hearing Vine is from 2013: ok hearing Vine closed down in 2017: ok hearing it's been six years since Vine closed down: my bones begin crumbling into dust within the millisecond


I thought that the *redacted* bit about Cumberbatch was going to be the thing that lived in my head after listening to this, and then Demi hit me upside the head with "Me Goosta" and I don't know how I can be expected to finish my work day now.

Justine Moore

The last "child" (more young teen) "prank" my husband experienced before leaving Target was a bunch of kids running through the shampoo and soap aisle spraying shit everywhere then running to grocery and grabbing the Mio drink addititive stuff and spraying that everywhere.

Bees McBee

God I remember seeing this shit in a theatre with the smells. This is giving me flashbacks.

Jon, it hurts

ive not started the vid yet but i need to just say the concept of the boy being trapped in time watching his father age and then die was fucking insane that went hard as hell

Jon, it hurts

"does your nose smell like anything" ok having had covid i know the answer to this and it is yes. completely losing my sense of smell for a while felt very weird it paradoxically felt like there was constantly a weird smell in my nose, like the lack of whatever smell is always there confused my brain. your nose has a smell you cant detect until its gone ig?

Jon, it hurts

so glad you talked about that part and ALSO the reveal where they all take their masks off and its the same guy. that reveal and the whole concept behind it was so fucking cool to me as a kid an it still is now. spy kids movies just go hard as hell for no reason


Good pull for Peter Watt's Blindsight! Love that book.