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Youve got to bend the bullets, James McAvoy. You're such a loser with your well-paying and secure office job, why don't you embrace the power of your bloodline and kill people because uuuuuuuuuuuuhhh ?? ? ? Loom?? ?






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Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Kill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com




Hell yeah Tom and Demi coming back we did it gamers

Jesper Ohlsson

...well, if nothing else, this episode did make me earnestly google "do transwomen remove their prostate?" (the answer is apparently no).


And I would touch one thousand rats and I would touch one thousand more


You can tell Alice is angry about this movie because shes telling people to read "The Boys" instead. Like just telling people to read the most angry hateful stupid drivel because that comic is authentically hateful instead of this movie, which is that exact same kind of content but run through a filter of what is borderline acceptable for the mid 00s. Comics is such a cool medium for telling stories but reading the fash shit that gets popular makes you think that our society is fully just doomed.


So I knew absolutely nothing about Wanted or what it was based on, but the moment Alice said the words "Mark Millar", everything else that had been said previous to that point suddenly made perfect sense


When you talked about informed consent in America and Planned Parenthood I felt down because my state was trying to restrict it so you couldn't use that but it turns out they didn't go forward that law so I thank you for willing that into existence.

Chad Riley

Jess beat me to it. "This is a bad fascist film," and "Mark Millar" and it was oh, of course.


the proud boys have a particularly silly initiation, where they beat you up until you can say five different breakfast cereals uninterrupted


I'd love to see you do the original Blade Runner


Really late to the party, but as a Computer Science guy I got some notes on the loom: Okay, loom spits out binary. I can grant you that. But how do you get to names? Computers do not 'understand' letters. You assign a letter to a number. Like 'A' is 65. But that assignment is arbitrary. Its 65 in the ascii standard, which is widely used in america. So. Does wanted tell me we have invented ascii a thousand years ago? But ascii is just for the english language. It is missing umlauts, let alone any support for other script systems. So... Did they also make the transition to unicode??


I'm impressed that a film where one of the leads suicide attacks a load of dudes due to her unwavering faith in a higher power, falls quite clearly on the trans side of the "9/11 - trans" divide


Chinese Room/Numerology/Divination-based assassination: Hitman series - maybe not *always* the best idea. Wanted - any apparent problems with obeying The Loom are actually because someone (who isn't white) is secretly *not* obeying The Loom.


"What if Wesley is baby Hitler?" Screenshot of IMDB showing James McAvoy as Leto II Atreides in Children of Dune (2003)


Hello again. I must request y'all seriously consider Wild Wild West for a bonus at some point, given how the first 15 minutes of my spur of the moment decision to rewatch it have murdered me. Highlights including everything in the bar with Kevin Klime "I'm not a lady, I'm a US marshal" and the crossdressibg hypnosis of a confederate general making him bark like a "good doggy".

Cate Kneale

Once again Grosse Pointe Blank... but also I'm thinking about the guy in 127 Hours who got stuck in a ravine and cut his arm off and realised he could be nice to people and have a fulfilling life and dude, you could just do that anyway.


November at 52:50: "Perfectly curving her cum into my prostate" Me, hands in my head, dying of agony: "Worth every cent, I will never stop supporting."

Flora Dapena

speaking of insane movies. when are we doing Kingsman: The Secret Service


ok but seriously, Black Summer would be way too fucking timely to ever get made lmao. For those who don't know it's about a team of superheroes who cybernetically gave themselves powers so that they could fight back against cops like an armed superhero version of BLM, only to have the federal government actively sabotage them into retirement, co-opt their development, and build its own CIA hit squads. Only for the Seven Guns (the superheroes in question) to come out of retirement after not-superman murders not-george bush for doing 9/11 and proceed to absolutely demolish both the US military, the CIA kill squads, and every police officer in their city before declaring the city its own city state separate from the US and daring the US government to come after them.


I seriously thought the return of the 1000 rats plotline was just a bit you were all doing until it didn't stop and I realized that was actually just where the movie went.