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We're live again babey! Kill James Bond returns to the Streatham Space Project on this International Women's Day (and the next two days) to talk about the one thing we've somehow managed to never mention in all our years of podcasting: Women.

Feminist cinema has such a rich and beautiful history. Cinema has always been a tool to poke at convention, to turn ideas on their heads, to force you to confront the crimes perpetrated systemically against the fairer sex since time immemorial.

On this International Women's Day, the Kill James Bond podcast takes a critical look at the portrayal of 'being a girlboss' in early 2000s British Monoculture, and then how the same story is told again 19 years later. That's right, we're watching Charlie's Angels!

8th March 2024: Charlie's Angels (2000)
9th March 2024: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
10th March 2024: Charlie's Angels (2019)



Jason Grainger

I should have known the devil would take her due for Master and Commander and Zardoz.


Confirmation that we'll be airdropping in from the Netherlands and Germany for all three nights 🥳