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Look, I know what you're thinking, this is just another bad eurospy movie- but this movie was made by Claude Chabrol, one of the directors of the French New Wave, during his middle period. He may have made this movie entirely to keep the lights on, but he clearly used the opportunity to try some things out.

French secret Agent 'The Tiger' is tasked with bodyguarding a Turkish minister's wife and daughter during an arms trade.



SAG-AFTRA are still on strike and their donation links can be found in the description of the previous episode. However, right now there's only one link to provide. https://www.map.org.uk/donate/donate

What needs to happen in occupied Palestine cannot be accomplished with donations alone. The UN and entire international community must step in and hold Israel accountable for its ongoing genocide and relentless war crimes against the Palestinian people. Join a solidarity protest as soon as you can


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Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Kill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com




I want a girl with a long scope and a shooooooort barrel … Bowm Badabadowm Badabadabow bow ba


A villain whose only super power is that they have a strong forehead? What a terrible idea! That could never work (side-eyes a Spider-Man comic)


'Le tigre se parfum à la dynamite' is a perfect film title. It's a shame they didn't stick with it in the english translation.


"She was in a ball gown and I was in the closet" sounds like the fucking hardest lyrics to a Lesbian punk song


Hyperfixation activated: many cowboy holsters did have retention systems, because you need it to stay put when riding and getting on and off horses. This was usually accomplished either with a leather loop that hooked over the hammer, or in the case of the cavalry a full flap that covered the back of the gun against the elements.

Brian Danger Hicks

When you were talking about the office being on the first floor to stay out of the flooding it took me a while to remember that in the UK the first floor and the ground floor are different floors.