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It's a Double Dragon this week as Abi is getting, and I'm quoting directly here, 'Dome the likes of which you cannot imagine'. So instead of trying to imagine this, we watched the 1997 movie Cop Land! If you're one of the fans who suggested this, I chose this one because of you specifically. Promise.



Tom Allen is a friend of the show (and the designer behind our website). If you need web design help, reach out to him here:  https://www.tomallen.media/

Kill James Bond is hosted by Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon. You can find us at https://killjamesbond.com and https://twitter.com/killjamesbond




This sort of Cop Movie, a Cop Movie made between Rodney King when America awkwardly examined cops as an occupying army and 9/11 when all cops are firefighters, is my Steez. The dumber, more high camp companion piece to this is A little film called Strange Days(1995). Warning, you will feel the urge to rend.


I do agree with Devon that the idea that Superboy murdering the unarmed black men is slightly ambiguous--it tells a better story. HOWEVER, there is really no excuse for shooting at a fleeing vehicle?? You do not know who is in the car, you do not know clearly what is behind and beyond the car in that split second, and that car does not present an immediate threat to your life. It's a wrongful use of lethal force any way you look at it.


I know that it has no relation to Rambo nor Stallone, but have you considered doing Police Academy? You can totally skip the first one of the franchise, the second one is very transparent, has guys you might love to see and if it does for a good episode there are 7 other movies in the series ending in the USSR with Operation Moscow starring Christopher Lee and Ron Perlman, guys we definitely love to see.


I took the ear thing as kind of a George Bailey type deal. Stallone’s character is meant to be sympathetic and good; He did the right and heroic thing in a moment of crisis without hesitation, but because of that couldn’t achieve all of his dreams. The qualities and implied motivations of wanting to genuinely help people that would’ve made him a ‘good’ cop made him unsuitable for the job


shouldn't have renumbered, coulda just had three episode 28.5s


What does dome mean?


i listened to this at lunch


old man here, what does dome mean?


Ahhh yes, I see now thank you


I can't wait for you guys to watch the opposite of this kind of still own cop movie, Cobra