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After seeing her friends fuck so many times and being the one to fuck other women so many times, Veronica finally wonders what it’s like to be dicked down herself. Luckily, she can talk Alex into helping her find out.

It wasn’t too often that Veronica spent time with Alex without Liz around. The two were never at each other’s throats, but they never quite felt comfortable calling each other friends in the same way that Liz referred to them as. But that didn’t stop the two of them from spending time together every once in awhile, watching a movie they had interest in that Liz didn’t or gaming together while Liz was away with her mom. And today was just one of those days. Veronica and Alex alone on his couch, watching a movie while his family went out shopping.

However, the movie wasn’t what either of them expected it to be. It wasn’t the kind of action flick they were both thinking it would be. And that caused both of them to be filled with boredom as they got to the midway point of the film. A gentle sigh left Veronica’s lips as she turned her head to look at Alex, seeing his dark flicker from the gunshots in the movie. “This movie’s fucking trash. So, you mind doing me a favor?”

“What is it and why?” Alex turned to look at Veronica, curious to just what she had in mind. Being the devious one of their group of friends, she could either think of a way for him to make them some quick cash, or demand he order a pizza for them. He had no way of knowing until she asked.

“This isn’t something I would usually ask, but it’s been something I’ve been thinking about for awhile. I want you to fuck me.”

For a moment, Alex could only pause and look at Veronica with a bit of a puzzled look, clearly confused on just why she would want that from him. “Okay…. Why…? You’re the most womanizing one in the group. Couldn’t you just get one of your--”

“Alex, if I trusted them to do a good job, I would have asked them. But you’re the only one I’ve seen actually fuck someone like they’re your toy. And that’s what I’m wanting. To be absolutely railed.” Veronica didn’t hesitate to make her way across the couch to Alex’s lap, purposefully climbing in it and looking into his brown eyes. “As gross as it sounds to admit, you’re the only one I can trust with this and not just start spreading rumors.”

Without missing a beat, Veronica reached one of her hands down to Alex’s crotch, not giving him a chance to react or even ask if it’s really what she wants. But when he remained silent, still unsure about if he should do this with her, Veronica let out a heavy sigh right in his face. “How many times has Liz told us to fuck now? That she both wants us to get along better and wants to see you practically rape me like you do her? Take this chance and follow her advice. Hell, if you aren’t freaked out by me having a dick, my pussy is probably tighter than hers because only a few people have fucked it.”

Once again, when Alex failed to respond to her, Veronica took charge of the moment. She may have wanted him to be in charge by the end of things, but she didn’t want to wait forever. And she especially didn’t want to try and verbally convince him when she knew exactly what would get him going. Veronica quickly unzipped Alex’s pants as she stayed on his lap, fishing his cock through his zipper with only one hand as she leaned in close enough for their lips to brush. “Don’t make me start begging….” She quickly pressed her lips against his own in a gentle but eager kiss as she began to stroke his cock. And that finally seemed to make Alex get the big picture.

He quickly returned her affection as Veronica stroked his cock, neither of them missing a beat when the other pulled away from the kiss just to go into yet another one. And as one kiss trailed into another, the two of them beginning to slowly make out on his couch, Alex embraced the feeling of Veronica stroking his shaft right in the middle of his living room. Her hand wasn’t quite as skilled as Liz’s was, but the way she moved and twisted her wrist showed just how eager she was to get things started. And that lit him up inside. Especially when she pulled away from his lips, allowing him to look into her red eyes and see the look of desire that waited within them.

“I mean it. I want you to fuck me. I want you to ravage me. The same way you do with Liz. Try and knock me up for all I care. I’ll take pills when we’re done. Just… Just don’t make me do all the work. I want to have the power and control taken from me.” Veronica’s heart raced in her chest as she admitted this to Alex, knowing that it was what she wanted but not knowing how he was going to take being told this.

Fortunately, it seemed her took it exactly how she wanted him to, nodding his head to her and reaching both of his hands behind her. “And here I thought you said you didn’t want to start begging. Didn’t take you long to break that. But...” Alex chuckled under his breath as he caught Veronica in a heated kiss, flicking her skirt up just enough for him to get a firm hold on her plump ass cheeks as they continued to make out with each other. All while Veronica stroked his now hard cock, teasing him and exciting him bit by bit.

After a moment of letting Alex play with her ass, his hands nervously and gently squeezing her supple ass cheeks, Veronica slowly pulled away from his lips and started to make her way off of the couch. She moved slowly and purposefully, getting between his legs and pulling down his pants in the process. When she stopped moving, his cock was right in front of her face, all nine inches throbbing and pulsing only inches away from her nostrils. But she paused for a moment when she got into position, a very gentle and almost invisible blush coming to her cheeks.

“Everything alright? You seemed pretty eager a moment ago.”

Letting out a gentle breath, Veronica nodded her head before lifting it so she could look Alex in the eyes. “Having a dick myself, I know not everyone likes the same thing. So… How do you like it?” The almost invisible blush that was on her cheeks darkened as she asked her question, making it clear that she was just as nervous about doing something like this as he might be, even if she was the one who started it and was eager to get things going.

“If you aren’t sure what to tell me….” Veronica reached a hand out and gentle grabbed onto Alex’s, bringing it to the back of her head and pushing herself against his shaft, purposefully rubbing her cheek against his length. “If you don’t know what to say, just guide me. Tell me what to do as you move me, okay?”

Alex thought for a moment about just what to do. He thought about just how Liz sucked him off every time. She was the first person to suck his dick and the one he always thought was the best when it came to doing it, but should he mix it up with Veronica? Should he push the boundaries and see what she’s okay with? Should he just take charge and fuck her throat? All of these options rushed through his mind as he grabbed a firm but gentle hold on the back of her head. “I’ll tell you to lick, kiss, suck, or bite. You just do what you’re told.”

“Bite? I knew that you were a freak, but I didn’t expect--”


Almost immediately, Veronica did as she was told. She leaned her head forward and pressed her lips gently against the underside of his cock. And when he guided her lower and lower down his member, she continued to pepper kiss after kiss along the way, imagining that was what he wanted from her since he wasn’t telling her to do anything else. At least, until she reached the base of his member, where he cleared his throat and pulled her close enough so that she was flush against his balls.

“Take into your mouth and suck.”

The blush on Veronica’s cheeks darkened a bit and she did as she was told once again. She parted her lips and took his full and heavy balls into her mouth. Where she quickly began to suck on them. Deep down, she wasn’t sure just what he wanted or how he liked it, but knowing what she enjoyed, she began to swirl her tongue around the heavy orbs, licking up every inch of his balls that she could reach in this position. And that seemed to be just what he wanted, the sound of him starting to moan filling her ears as she did what she was told.

After a moment of him sitting back and enjoying the way her tongue moved along his balls, Alex thought it was time to make her do something else. He carefully pulled her away from his balls, gasping when they popped out her mouth and she was left gasping for a moment. “Lick.” Was all he said as he pressed her against the underside of his shaft once again, carefully guiding her toward the tip as her tongue remained firmly pressed against his length.

Of course, with this being the first dick that Veronica had sucked, the taste and scent of Alex’s musk was something that she didn’t expect. It wasn’t as powerful as she expected it to be, but it certainly wasn’t as weak as she thought it could be either. Especially when he guided her toward the tip of his member and simply smiled at her, his order to lick having not ended yet. She quickly began to swirl her tongue around the head of his cock as he carefully lowered her onto his cock.

The moment that she felt his tip move past her lips, Veronica had a vague idea of what he would enjoy. And she was quick to take things into her own hands. Moving ever so slightly away from his hand, she began to bob her head up and down the length of his member, keeping her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his member as she went down. But as she made her way back up, Veronica was easily able to curl her tongue around his length, wrapping it in her tongue as she pulled her way back up to his tip.

And when she arrived at his tip, she kept her red eyes locked on his own, gauging his reaction and seeing exactly what he liked. So when she noticed him mouth the word ‘bite’ while she was at the tip of his shaft, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. But, she didn’t go against what she was ordered to do. She gently bit down on the tip of his member, not enough to bring him any actual pain, but enough to make sure he felt that her teeth were there. And when he let out another blissful moan, Veronica knew exactly what she needed to do.

She was back to bobbing her head up and down the length of his shaft, sucking Alex off while she brought a hand to her breast and began to fondle herself through the school uniform that she wore. It didn’t take more than a moment for her to work herself into a pace that allowed her to press her tongue against the underside of his length as she went down, coiling it around his shaft as she made her way back to the tip, and then gently nipping on the head of his dick every time she was at the tip.

Veronica was pleased with herself as she brought Alex closer and closer to his orgasm, able to feel his cock throbbing against her tongue more and more by the moment. It was clear to her that she was doing a good job, but she didn’t expect him to grab onto the back of her head and suddenly yank her down to the base of his cock without any warning. His grip on her head was tight enough that she couldn’t pull away, so instead of fighting against it, she began to swallow around his member, forcing her throat to collapse and tighten around it.

“Fuck fuck fuck…. I didn’t think you’d be better at sucking my dick than Liz is. A tighter pussy is one thing, but this? Shit…” Hot and heavy breaths left Alex as he relished in the feeling of her throat collapsing around his member, pushing him right up to the edge of his orgasm. The only thing that kept him from cumming right then and there was the fact that he was so used to seeing Liz’s face light up in excitement when he was on the verge of cumming, even if that look only lasted for a few moments.

But when he looked down, Alex was greeted with the sight of Veronica’s red eyes fueled by pleasure and excitement. All while she groped herself through her clothes in front of him. And that look, for reasons that didn’t make sense in his mind right now, pushed Alex over the edge and into a blissful orgasm. Right then and there, he came down her throat as he groaned out in pure and utter bliss. A smile came to his face as he leaned his head back and sank into the bliss that she was giving him.

Right up until the moment that Veronica pulled her head back and popped her lips off from around his member. At that moment, Alex was unable to stop himself from cumming even more, splattering his seed against her face and even going as far as coating her soft lips in his cum. Though, he didn’t realize just what he had done until he opened her eyes and noticed her glaring at him, a look of expectancy on her face. And, when he saw the look, he expected her to make him apologize. “I-I’m sorry. Fuck, V, I didn’t--”

However, when he opened his mouth to apologize, Veronica just brought one of her fingers to his lips and shook her head. “Don’t apologize, Alex.” As she spoke, she made sure that he could see her tongue was still covered in his spunk and that she hadn’t swallowed it down. “Just take control of things. I told you. Fuck me like you fuck Liz.” With a smile on her face, she swallowed down the cum that was on her tongue and licked her lips clean. “Shit, knock me up if you want to. Just force yourself on me.”

Maybe it was the sight of Veronica with his cum on her face. Maybe it was the sight of her swallowing down the cum that was in her mouth. Or maybe it was the fact that she was telling him to not be gentle and to take control. Whatever the reason actually was, hearing his friend say that to him, Alex didn’t bother trying to stop himself as he quickly and suddenly pinned Veronica to the living room floor. Without missing a beat, he flipped up her skirt to expose her cock straining against the black pair of panties that she was wearing. “You want me to take control, huh? Fine. You want me to fuck you like I do Liz? I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet.”

Hearing Alex say this to her, Veronica felt her heart skip a beat in her chest. The only times she had ever heard him talk like this was when he was trying to bed Liz while others were around, something coming out of him and making it clear just what he wanted and how he was going to get it. And as she looked up into his eyes, she could see that something had shifted. That nervous look that he had was gone, and a look of pure desire and lust for her filled his gaze. It wasn’t the first time Veronica had seen this look in someone, but to see it in someone she knew was only after one girl his whole life? She couldn’t help but love it. Especially when he tore her panties off of her hips and tossed them across the room, allowing her eleven-inch cock to spill out and reveal its full size.

However, much to her surprise, Alex quickly grabbed a firm hold of her throbbing shaft and slapped his down on top of it. A sharp gasp left Veronica’s lips when she realized just what he was doing. “A-Alex, I thought--”

“Shut it, V. You said you want control taken from you, right?” With both of their cocks together, Alex quickly began to stroke the two of them off while bringing his other hand to Veronica’s mouth. “Then keep quiet and enjoy it. Scream into my hand if you want to, but just know I’m not going to listen. Especially since you have the nerve to have a bigger dick than me.”

Once again, that tone of determination that she only heard him ever take with Liz struck Veronica’s ears and caused her heart to start racing in her chest. And on top of that, the feeling of him pumping his hand back and forth along their cocks flooded through her. The bliss that came from having a strong grip moving along her shaft pushed her close to her orgasm almost right away. But the feeling of him throbbing against her shaft after having just cum on her face? It lit something up inside of Veronica. Something that she wasn’t sure how to process. Something that told her it was a miracle that Liz hadn’t fallen in love with this dick or gotten pregnant. Something that told Veronica that, if Alex actually let loose and took full control, she might never find someone who could hold a candle to the way he would treat her.

Everything that coursed through her pushed Veronica closer and closer to an orgasm, one that she knew would be one of the best she’s had in a while. Unfortunately, just as she was starting to think she would cum all over herself, something horrible happened. Alex pulled himself and his hand away from her cock, leaving her throbbing and pulsing against her stomach.

“A-Alex…?” Her voice was muffled against his hand as he adjusted himself pressing the tip of his shaft against the entrance to her pussy. For a moment, just long enough for him to force his tip inside of her, Veronica’s lust-addled mind couldn’t process just what he had in mind. She couldn’t understand just what he was going to do until he started to bury each and every inch of his cock into her. And when he bottomed out inside of her, it all connected in her mind. He was going to fuck her while having that look and tone of determination and desire. At least, that’s what she expected.

Unfortunately, all that Veronica got was Alex thrusting into her at a hesitant speed, as if he was unsure if she would truly like him getting rough with her. And that wasn’t something that she could stand as the lust that coursed through her drove her to want more. Drove her to want him to ravage her in the same way he did with their friend. Fortunately, the feeling of his nine-inch cock plunging into her over and over again kept her happy for a short time. It showed her, in that short period, that he would definitely be able to bring her the kind of pleasure she wanted if he would just get serious about things.

On the other hand, despite wanting to fuck Veronica like he fucked Liz, Alex knew just how much of a bitch Veronica could be if she wasn’t happy. And now that he was buried inside of her, something had clicked in the back of her head that told him he needed to do phenomenal if he was going to keep her happy while he fucked her on the floor. That he might even need to fuck her harder and rougher than he fucked Liz. And something about the possible consequences that could come from disappointing her kept him from truly approaching this the way she wanted, even if he craved ravaging her just like she wanted.

An annoyed groan rumbled in Veronica’s throat as she brought one of her hands to Alex’s shoulder, bringing the other to the hand that was covering her mouth. Without any hesitation, she pushed him off of her just enough to be able to get up from the floor. “What happened to that aggression, Alex? That determination and fervor that you show with Liz? Am I not good enough for you to go all out? Cause if that’s the case, I’ll be sure to show you why you’re fucking wrong.”

Without missing a beat, Veronica pulled Alex onto the couch, pushing him so he rested against the back of the couch and was facing the tv across the room. She quickly turned around to face the reflective tv herself and slowly lowered onto his lap, making sure to have her pussy rest against the tip of his cock. “This is your last chance, Alex. Don’t make me regret asking you for this, got it?” With a heavy breath leaving her, Veronica continued to drop herself down into Alex’s lap, this time making sure that she felt each and every inch of his cock filling her pussy and stretching her inner walls.

In this position, he felt just as long as he had when she was on the floor, but something about the way she was taking control and making the moves herself prompted her to bring a hand to her blouse and begin to unbutton it. And much to her surprise, almost immediately, one of Alex’s hands latched onto her breasts through her bra, bringing a smile to her face as she began to bounce on his cock. “That’s more like it… But you still haven’t earned being in charge just yet.”

When she began to move, the pace that Veronica had set was a slow but steady one. A pace that brought them both pleasure, allowed her to relish in his cock stretching her inner walls, and a pace that allowed her to slowly work her way into moving faster and more desperate. It was a pace that allowed Alex to also grab a firm hold on her where he wanted, exploring her body with his hands and figuring out just which spots sparked something in her. And, of course, it was a pace that Veronica needed to set because she had never ridden anyone like this before.

Being the reason a massive cock was filling her over and over again, grinding against her inner walls and even reaching deep enough to hit her womb if she lowered herself just right. It was something that she wasn’t used to in the slightest. Even the very few toys she had didn’t fill her up this wonderfully as she bounced on Alex’s cock. But the way his member throbbed and pulsed inside of her, the way his hands roamed her body and even took the liberty of pulling her blouse off of her while he groped her, and the way he began to gently rock his hips to mirror the way she moved. All of it brought something that Veronica wasn’t used to. And something that Veronica found herself enjoying more by the moment.

It didn’t take more than a few moments for her to pick up the pace of her bouncing, causing her breasts and cock to bounce with each move that she made. Even beginning to move so quickly and roughly in her pace that her cock slapped down against her thigh every time her rear end met Alex’s lap. It was an odd sensation that rushed through Veronica, but as he reached a hand around her and began to fondle her balls while groping and kneading her breast, she couldn’t bring herself to stop. Especially when Alex started to massage her balls as she bounced, bringing her even more pleasure than she had felt while he was fucking her. “Hah… Fuck…. My first time riding a dick and I’m going to cum so quickly…”

The almost disappointed laugh that left Veronica caused Alex to squeeze her breast harder. Maybe she still wanted to be in charge of things. Maybe she still didn’t think he had what it took to keep control of her just yet. And maybe she secretly just wanted someone to try and take control of her so she could stop that from happening. He didn’t really know at that moment. But what he did know was that he needed to do something more than grope her. He needed to do something more than just hold her and be quiet like this.

And that’s exactly why, as Alex reached his peak and came inside of Veronica, he didn’t hesitate to move the hand that was latched on to her breast to her chin, turning her head just enough for him to catch her in a deep and heavy kiss. He didn’t know just what was driving him to do this to try and quell that disappointment that he heard from him. But as rope after rope of his cum flooded into her womb, he didn’t hesitate to force his tongue into her mouth. Nor did he hesitate to break that kiss a moment later and look into those red eyes of hers, that look of lust coming back to his own. “Your first time riding a dick and you want to complain about cumming quickly? V, if this is your first time riding a dick, you should be complaining about what took so long. Liz’s first time, she came just from me bottoming out inside of her. But here you are, taking it like a champ and even being groped in the process.”

Veronica couldn’t properly process just what Alex was saying to her, the pleasure of having him cum inside of her flooding her mind with more pleasure than she thought it would. But what she did know was that he was complimenting her in his own weird way. And as he did so, catching her in another kiss, the sensation of being creampied like this only caused her to cum right along with him. However, without having a hole of her own to fill, Veronica ended up shamelessly unloading onto Alex’s floor and herself. Rope after rope of her own cum splattered along the floor and the underside of her breasts, coating her in her own spunk as he, somehow, still remained hard inside of her. “You don’t need… To console me, Alex… I keep telling you… You need to take charge… Don’t make me do all the work.”

Of course, as she spoke, Veronica continued to bounce on his shaft, this time at a mediary pace until the pleasure from her orgasm settled and she could go full tilt once again.


Whether it was because Veronica really wanted to relish in the feeling of having a cock buried so deep into her pussy, or because she truly enjoyed the way Alex groped her as she rode him, or whether it was simply because she wasn’t going to stop riding him until he finally took charge of things, Veronica didn’t stop bouncing on his cock through orgasm after orgasm. One look at the clock across the room as she continued to lift and drop her hips onto his lap and she could see that a few hours had passed since she and Alex started to have their fun. But she was starting to feel a bit worn out. And a creeping suspicion that this may not have been worth it started to fill the back of her mind.

Right up until she felt Alex reach his hands around her and grab onto her breasts once again. However, unlike when she first got into this position an hour and a half ago, the way he grabbed onto her was different. Rougher, greedier, slightly painful, and even a bit more possessive. The same way she had seen him grab Liz when the two of them were fucking. And for a moment, a bit of hope filled Veronica. Maybe he was finally comfortable with her body and knew what he was going to do with her. Maybe he was finally going to take control away from her like she wanted him to. And maybe, just maybe, he was going to keep bringing her the slight amount of pain that she felt from his nails digging into the soft skin of her breast, allowing it to mix in with the pleasure that she felt.

For a moment, she heard Alex’s voice behind her, but she was too swamped with emotion and lust to process just what he was saying to her. Right up until the moment that he pushed her onto the floor once again, lifting her ass into the air until she was on her knees. “H-Hey, what are you--”

“I think I finally get what you want, V. You don’t want me to ravage you like I do Liz. You want someone to dick you down like you’re some cheap whore. And now that I know what your body likes… I’m going to do just that.~”


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