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//This story was written by BlackAce70, a friend and helper for KovaCommissions. You can find his other work here >  https://archiveofourown.org/users/BlackAce70  < if you like his work and want to support him in some way. I hope you all enjoy the read//

Futaba takes a trip to Shibuya on her own as part of her promise list.

Futaba stood at the entrance of the house’s front door. Letting out a tense breath of air as she tried her best to relax her stiff muscles.

“Okay Futaba, you can do this. You’ve been planning this for weeks.” She murmured to herself. Looking at her clenched fist. “There’s no turning back now.” 

Slapping her cheeks, she steeled herself as she opened the door and ventured outside. Making sure to shut the door behind her while on her way out. The weather was rather perfect today; clear sunny skies with not a single cloud in sight. Accompanied by a pleasant, soft gently cool breeze passing the air. The perfect day for the intended stroll throughout the city that Futaba had in mind. “Oh wait…” She paused in her step.

“I almost forgot the most important part of this walk.” 

Pulling out a small pink device from her pocket, she pressed her thumb against the dial. Twisting it softly with a few soft clicks, a faint buzzing came to life. Futaba’s body immediately going rigid once more with her lips parting for a small gasp. The reason for her sudden reaction was the cause of a small pink vibrator she currently had lodged inside of her pussy. The sex toy humming with a soft intense setting as it rubbed against the teen’s tight folds. Seeing that her toy was now on. She shoved the remote and her hands into her coat pocket, making her way down the crowded alley of Yogen-Jaya. 

Some might want a little context as to what Futaba was doing. A few days following the hacker’s induction into the Phantom Thieves. Along with overcoming the horrific trauma of her mother’s death, one that plagued her mind for over two years. The reclusive girl had been looking up ways to help herself break out of her shell. Though she somewhat made progress in the form of making friends, thanks to Akira and the others. She still couldn’t bring herself to traverse out into the world by her lonesome. At least, not long-distances; the farthest she ever traveled to, was Sojiro’s cafe. And that was only because it was within the same district as their house.

Futaba’s brainstorming eventually brought the girl to come up with a ‘unique’ plan. Fueled by the many days of her searching up various porn and hentai videos while was alone at home. Her plan? Walk around all of Shibuya, while having a vibrator lodged firmly inside of her. The logic to her idea was; if she could the courage to walk around with such an item on her person, and not arouse any sort of suspicion towards herself. Then she would be able to walk around in public, normally.

Now, did this make any remote sense? Probably not, in the eyes of the general population; but as Futaba has come to shown time and time again. She was anything BUT normal. 

Feeling her cheeks heating up, Futaba tried to ignore the intense buzzing going down inside of her. Which only served to increase with each step she took. “Fuck, this ain’t gonna be easy,” She muttered, feeling her walls rubbed and pressed against the stimulating toy. She had to bite her bottom lip just to stifle a small moan that wanted to slip out just now. Nevertheless, with a quick shake of her head, the hacker made her way down the alleyways from her house and into the main district. 

The area was bustling with crowds of people, hitting mid-afternoon as well. Futaba got to see just how crowded it could get around this time. “Whoa, talk about busy. It’s almost like walking around in a video game or something.” She said in awe, looking around the area as she took her stroll. A short pause overtook her, caused by the sudden spike in pleasure thanks to her little friend downstairs. In her brief distraction to quell her anxiety, she hadn’t been aware of just how fast she had actually been moving. Pushing the toy even deeper into her folds. Squeezing the remote in her pocket, she took a few deep breaths. In an attempt to calm the shuddering pants that were leaving her. 

“Easy girl, if you allow yourself to get worked up like this now. You’ll never make it to Shibuya.” She uttered to herself. She lightly slapped herself on the cheeks, “Alright, if I remember correctly; the fastest way to the city would be by train- oh shit…” 

Realization crashed down upon the small teen as it finally dawned on her that she needed to take a train for her destination. This made her worry, not because she didn’t have any fare with her. But because up until now, she had never taken the train by herself since her mother’s death. There was also never a need for it since Futaba had Sojiro drive her around whenever they had to go out. This would be the first time she would be taking public transit all on her own. 

“. . . No, you knew you’d have to tackle this at some point. May as well get it over with.” With newfound resolve, she headed out for the train. “What’s the worst that could happen?” 


‘Okaaay, this is worst,’ Futaba groan and grunted as she was pushed and shoved against the various people within the packed track. Maybe it was her, but she didn’t remember these trains being that crowded when she was younger. She lucked out when she found her back pressed against the train door, giving her the luxury of at least being able to lean against something. ‘Now all I have to do is wait another 15 minutes for this ride to be- …?!’

Her thoughts ended abruptly by the train’s jerk on top of the tracks. The sudden motion resulted in Futaba to be pushed and rubbed against by one of the passengers. Their leg unintentionally brushing up in between her thigs, prompting a muffled noise from the hacker. The woman, who had been the culprit behind the unknowing gesture glanced at the teen.  

“Sorry about that, forgive me.” She uttered, before fixing herself stance. 

“N-No worries,” Panted the ginger, her face slightly flushed as she did her best to calm down. Her nerves having momentarily been shot with pleasure coursing throughout her body just from that simple contact. Fortunately for her, the woman didn’t seem to notice her current demeanor. Turning her back to whatever she had her attention on previous. Leaving Futaba to wallow in what had just happened. 

Holy Shit!

Fixing herself, her mind just now took notice of how fast her heart was racing. Not just from the stimulation of her sensitive cunt. But from how she nearly exposed herself just now. Her conscience reminding her that she was currently on a crowded train. And any one of the passengers riding with her could figure out what she was doing. One slip up, and she’d get caught; yet, instead of scaring the young girl, or racking her nerves like crazy. The deeper parts of Futaba’s mind found the situation utterly exciting. 

Her body moving before her mind could, she fiddled with the remote hidden inside her pocket once more. Cranking the vibrator up to a higher setting. Her grip on the train’s pole bar tightened, a slight blush forming on her face from the sex toy humming to life with renewed vigor. Her walls coiling and constricting all over the massaging bullet. Forcing Futaba to stifle another moan that wanted to slip out, whilst she was in the midst of rubbing her inner thighs subtly. Not wanting to give away what she was doing just yet. Though she could feel herself beginning to get wet with arousal. Her juices slowly soaking her jean shorts, as the hacker had forsworn in wearing any type of panties. 

Help spice things up with her little sinful adventure. 

“Hm? What’s that noise?” 

Futaba’s eyes bulged out, “?!” 

“I don’t know.” 

“There’s a noise in here?” 

“It kinda sounds like… buzzing? Is there a bee in here or something?” 

Futaba’s heart began to palpitate uncontrollably from the many comments she started to overhear around her. People were starting to notice her little friend acting up inside of her. She maintained a look of obliviousness, not want to risk any sort of suspicion thrown towards her. But the relentless toy vibrating inside of her did nothing to help hinder the flushed expression on her face. Only emphasized by the labored breaths she was struggling to contain. It was only thanks to the sound of the train tracks drowning out the noise a bit, that prevented people from figuring out where the buzzing was originating from. 

‘Shit, they hear it, r-relax Futaba; you have to relax.’ She could feel her entire body trembling. But to her surprise, it wasn’t out of fear. The rush, the adrenaline, all of it was coming from her overwhelming sense of excitement. Where this feeling was coming from, she didn’t know. But she’d be lying to herself if she said she didn’t love it.  Even though the risk of being exposed at any given moment was high. She wanted to see how far she could take it. With another twist of the dial, she set the toy on the highest speed possible. 

“Ngh!” She quickly brought a finger to her mouth and bite down. Nearly breaking skin as the toy spasmed wildly against her core. Causing her legs to snap shut together, her grip on the pole growing tighter as sweat gathered at her palm. ‘K-Keep it together Sakura, you can do this just keep it up.”

“There’s that noise again, and it’s louder now.” 

“There definitely has to be a bee in here somewhere.” 

“Where? I don’t see anything.” 

“Just focus on the ride, focus, focus on the ride.’ Was Futaba’s mantra. Repeating it to herself over and over, drowning out the public’s commentary while her climax well up inside of her. She could feel it building, becoming more intense with each passing second. But she couldn’t cum, not just yet; she would be in Shibuya soon. So she just had to hold on for just a little longer. 

‘A-Almost there Futaba, you’re almost there… The train will get there soon, just- ?!’ A burst of shocked snapped Futaba out of her mantra. Caused by the toy rubbing up against her sweet spot. Sending shocks of pleasure up her spine. It was too much for the petite hacker to handle. Her mouth opening and husky-like breaths seeped out of her. ‘Fuck, I… I can’t… hold on. I’m… I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna-’

Futaba slapped a hand over her mouth, letting out a muffled scream as she squirted all over herself. Her pussy juice spraying harshly against her shorts. It was only thanks to the miraculous timing of the train announcing its destination. That the erotic moans coming from the ginger were largely ignored. Leaving the girl in question to utter one breathless statement. 

“H-Holy… Fuck…” 


As the train entered into its designated station, all of the train passengers began to file out from the cars. Amongst them was the quaky, bowl-legged Futaba; letting out a gulp of air, followed by a sigh of relief. The height of her orgasm fading away, bringing back her crystal clear clarity. Rubbing her thighs together, she could feel the stickiness of her horniness seeping from her soaked shorts. The vibrator in question still vibrating faintly, it’s noise silenced by the sea of people surrounding her, blindly chattering away. Either on their phones or to their friends or loved ones. 

“Holy shit,” Muttered Futaba, regaining her breath; she paid no attention to the train pulling out of the station behind her. “I can’t believe that actually happened to me.” 

She ran a hand across her forehead, ridding herself of the sweat dampening it. Before taking that same hand and placing it, flat palmed against her chest. The rhythmic beating of her heart slowed down significantly, going back to its normal steady pacing. As if everything that transpired earlier, hadn’t happened. A part of her mind was still in disbelief; she had shamelessly got off on a public train and DIDN’T get caught. Her walk barely started, and already she came once today. Setting herself upright and fixing her disheveled stated, she stared forward, making her way out of the train stated and into the city. 

“Let’s see what else I can do while I’m here in the city.” 

One way or another, today would be quite the eventful and lively day for Futaba. 


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