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Robin punishes her twin kids, Mark and Morgan, for stealing her coat.

“You want us to do what?!” Both of the young twins shouted at their mother, Robin. The white-haired male of the two twins, Mark, couldn’t believe what his mother was saying, while his blue-haired twin sister, Morgan, could only blush and fall silent, her eyes falling toward the ground. The trio stood in public, in the middle of a busy street in the middle of town and everything could see and hear just what was being said.

“You two heard me. I want you to strip right here in the open.” Robin crossed her arms under her breasts as she stared at her two children, a clear look of anger on her face. “You two stole my clothes as a prank for Anna, now you’re being punished for it.” The white-haired woman didn’t move as she kept her eyes on her children, watching them both stare at her with concern and worry that she was just joking. “I don’t care if these perverts touch you or fuck your or flat out rape you. You’re being punished for trying to pull a prank on your own mother of all people.”

Mark blushed but knew that his mother wasn’t the type to joke around, especially if it meant that someone else could possibly end up being involved in whatever was going on. “O-Okay… C-Come on, Morgan… You know Mother…” The young man started with the white top and cloak that matched his mother’s, dropping the cloak onto the ground around his feet before simply tossing the shirt aside. “I hope it’s okay to put my cloak back on… I don’t want anyone trying to-”

“You stole mine from me. If someone takes yours, then it’s your problem.”

On the other hand, Morgan stayed silent as she undressed, closing her eyes and keeping them that way as she followed her brother’s lead, pulling her top off and exposing her breasts to the world around her. A soft and embarrassed whine escaped her lips when she moved her hands down to her waist, gently pulling at her underwear and the pants that she had on. “D-Do I have to…?” The blue-haired girl’s clear plea for mercy fell on deaf ears, prompting her to open her eyes and see that Robin had actually walked away from her and her brother. The young girl’s gaze immediately darted over to her brother, seeing him already fully undressed and covering his crotch to the best of his ability. “M-Mark?”

Robin turned around just in time to see a few men surround her children, one of the men wrapping his hand around her son’s mouth and grabbing his rear end like it was his property. An almost excited chuckle left her when she saw the two other men tear her daughter’s clothes from her body. “Boys, boys, boys! Be sure not to harm my children! I want to do a bit of shopping with them today! Otherwise, do whatever you please.” The white-haired woman turned around and stepped back up toward a booth with nothing but books in it, a bright smile coming to her face. “I wonder if there are any tactic books in here. You two would love that just as much as I would. You’re learning tacticians, after all.”

Of course, Mark was unable to say anything with a hand covering his mouth, a deep blush on his cheeks as a hand held onto his shaft and a hard, throbbing cock pressed against his ass cheeks. But he was able to see the look of joy on his mother’s face as she looked through the books, unable to do or say anything at all as complete strangers touched him in ways that he didn’t want.

On the other hand, Morgan wasn’t in a much better place, both of her breasts being squeezed and played with while one of her ass cheeks had a firm hand grabbing onto it. However, nothing was covering her mouth, allowing everyone to hear the pained and distressed whimpers that left her with each touch that she felt. Even when her mother turned around to look at her, the blue-haired girl couldn’t stop the men from grabbing at her body, groping her and playing with her like she was some kind of toy. “M-Mom… Please…”

“Please what? Do you want one of the books? I don’t mind getting you one.” Robin smiled as she looked through the books before her while both of her children be groped and played with, hardly caring.


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