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With everything done for the day and it being time to rest, Felicia let out a blissful breath as she stepped into her shower. “I can finally get to bed. That damn spider bouncing around the city left me exhausted. You would think he would learn to slow down a bit. Doesn’t he have a girl waiting at home for him now?” Running her hands through her white hair, Felicia let out a quiet gasp as she felt the shower water hitting the top of her head. “Nice and warm. Just how I like it.”

Unbeknownst to Felicia, though, another person had snuck their way into her apartment. They were simply waiting for her to let her guard down, knowing just who she was and what she was capable of. It would be hard to take her down otherwise. “Just a little bit longer…” The feminine voice whispered under their breath.

Feeling the water against her skin, Felicia allowed her eyes to close before smiling and starting to rinse her hair, washing herself. After taking the moment to enjoy the feeling of the water against her skin, she knew that she couldn’t stay in there for long. “I wonder what I can do tomorrow. I’ve got enough savings to take a break, after all. Go off the grid.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea…” The voice whispered once again. But this time, it was as Felicia turned around to feel the water against her back.

Unfortunately, before Felicia could properly react to the feminine figure in front of her, things went black. The scream that left her in the same moment failed to fall even onto her own ears. And, of course, she couldn’t see the figure that snatched her life away.


With Black Cat being out of the picture for the last month or so, Peter finally regained a sense of self during the day. Instead of feeling the need to chase her around the city, he was able to spend time with MJ when nothing was happening. Which allowed the two of them to go to Central Park every once in a while, today being one of those times.

“We’re still planning to go to Symkaria again in a few months, right?” Peter started as he set out a picnic blanket for him and MJ to lay on. “You were excited to receive that letter saying some of the people we met missed you.”

“Yes! I can’t wait to make our way back. Fortunately, Jonah has been giving me a few raises and perks with these last few stories I’ve put out.” MJ showed no hesitation as she got on the blanket, cozying up to Peter. The two had no plans for the picnic right now. Just staying together and maybe going to one of the dozen food trucks around for lunch. “Do you think Miles can handle things while we’re gone?”

“He’s got Genke if anything goes wrong.” There was a sense of confidence and pride in Peter’s voice as he spoke about Miles. “He’s proved himself time and time again at this point. I’d almost say better than I did when I got started.”

“Maybe, but you didn’t have any outside support like he does.” MJ smirked and planted a quick kiss against Peter’s cheek. “So, about our trip. Harry is back in town. Do we want to invite him? He’d love it. But… It--”

“It wouldn’t be a romantic getaway anymore?~” Harry’s voice broke the conversation the two lovebirds were having, causing them both to jump and turn around to see their best friend making his way over to them. “I can just help you two afford a second trip, you know that, right?”

“Harry! Buddy! If you’ve got the time, sit with us.” Peter was the first to speak up, being sure to be as gentle as he could while smacking Harry’s thigh. “Can’t say I expected to see you in the park today.”

Harry was careful as he sat, being sure to not get in the way of the two lovers that he called his friends. “Felicia decided that we needed a day out. I’ve apparently been cooped up in the lab for a bit too long.” He watched as both MJ and Peter laughed at his comment.

“How’s it been going between you two? When you told us that you and Felicia had started talking, we were a bit worried after everything that happened recently.” MJ started as she readjusted herself against Peter’s torso. “But you haven’t told us any bad news, so we’ve imagined things have gone well.”

“Yeah, we’ve been taking things slow for the most part. It’s hard for someone like me to keep family matters a secret, so she knows more than the average employee. But she’s been there for all of it and done what she could.” Harry smirked as he tilted his head as Felicia finally made her way over. “Though, she’s probably going to be mad I sprinted off without her when I saw you two here.~”

“There you are, Harry! I was worried about you. First, you send me for lunch and then I find you cheating on me with these two? How dare you?~” It was clear from Felicia’s tone that she was kidding as she easily dropped down next to Harry and wrapped her arms around one of his. “Things going well? Harry tells me that you two mentioned traveling. But he never told me where.”

“We weren’t decided at the time we told him.” MJ smirked and gently rubbed Peter’s chest, getting a bit too comfortable. “But yeah, we’ve been thinking about it. And we were just talking about inviting him before he showed up and spooked us.”

“Yeah, but that’s when--” Peter paused for a moment as his Spider-Sense went off, prompting him to sigh and reach for his phone in his pocket. He looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. “Sorry, some of my former students still call me for advice. I’ll go handle this.”

“Oh, Pete. Don’t forget we’re going to Aunt May’s for dinner tonight.” MJ planted a quick kiss against his lips before watching him run off and pretend to answer the phone. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes before turning her attention to the couple that was sitting in front of her. “Sorry about that. You know how he is.”

“Putting almost everyone before himself. Gets a bit frustrating, but it’s a good quality.” Harry responded, a smile on his face as he watched Peter disappear from view. “So, about my offer.”

“You know that we’re always happy to have your support, but we couldn’t just take that kind of offer, Harry. You know damn well just how bad we’d feel.” MJ adjusted her position so that she was sitting with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. “Pete might have a different opinion as long as you’re positive about it, but I’m still firm that we shouldn’t.”

“I’ll see if I can talk to him about it when he’s free. I’m sure he’d love to take you somewhere. Plus, you two know where you can always pick up a few extra shifts to earn some cash if you want to pay me back. It’s not a big deal.”

“MJ, can I ask you something?” Felicia finally spoke up after not being able to see Peter anymore. “Doesn’t it hurt to have him just run off like that?”

“Felicia, that’s not fair. We all know the kind of guy he is.” Harry butted in, turning his head to almost glare at her.

“I know, I know. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. But you don’t run off on me while we’re in the middle of a date. And I’m sure it’s happened a lot. I just want to make sure MJ’s okay.” She turned her attention back to MJ before seeing a look of slight pain on her face. “I’m sorry if I--”

“No no. It’s okay.” MJ let out a heavy sigh as she looked into her lap, recounting the times when Peter had to run off on her to save the city at one point or another. “It’s gotten better, definitely. But it does hurt. At first, I felt like I was never enough for him. Like others were more important than me. But… Over time, I realized that he always runs like this so that he can be sure I’ve got our home over our heads. So that things are ‘better’ for me.”

Felicia quietly let go of Harry’s arm as MJ kept her face toward the ground. And without missing a beat, she wrapped her arms around MJ’s neck, incidentally placing the redhead’s face into her cleavage. “Well, we’re here for you, MJ. Just like Peter is out there doing things for you, we’ll be right here, making sure you’re waiting for him to get back. Ain’t that right, Harry?”

“Of course it is. She knows that.”

Being in the position she was in, MJ didn’t know if she should leave Felicia’s chest or not. There was no reason to, after all. But there was also no reason for her to stay other than the soft feeling of Felicia’s skin against her face. “Uh, Felicia…?”

“Yeah, beautiful?” Felicia looked down at the back of MJ’s head with a smile on her face, gently rubbing her friend’s back. “Is there something I can help you with? Or are you just enjoying your time there? It’s fine if you are. Harry might get a little jealous, but I’m not going to tell you to leave my tits.”

“Hey, why would I be jealous? It’s not like I haven’t experienced it myself.” Harry butted in, causing the duo of women to chuckle at his remark.

“Yeah, you do get access any time you want. But MJ’s a special case and you know that. It’s rare you find someone as lovely as her. And Peter’s lucky to have her.~” Felicia carefully ran her fingers through the red hair that was draped over her breast, giving the ends a very slight tug. A tug that she was happy earned a moan in response. “Oop. Sounds like I hit a sweet spot.~”

“Felicia!~” MJ quickly pulled her way out of Felicia’s breasts to look her in the face. She couldn’t believe that she had done that. Especially in front of Harry. “Really? I thought you had some shame, girl.”

“I do. But some things are more important than feeling shame. Making a friend smile, keeping someone’s mood up, making sure those that are important enjoy themselves… Those are all good reasons.~” Felicia smirked as she turned her head toward Harry. “He can tell you. Whenever it comes to a bad mood of his or my own, shame goes out the window as long as the end result is both of us feeling better.”

“I mean… Sure, Felicia…” MJ started, a sigh leaving her a moment later. Deep down, she was embarrassed that she moaned like that for someone other than Peter. But she couldn’t deny that the tug felt good. It always did when Peter’s super strength tugged her hair, so it didn’t surprise her when Felicia did as well. “I just wasn’t expecting it, okay?”

“Just like you weren’t expecting this?” Without missing a beat, Felicia reached a hand out and carefully groped MJ through her top. And with no hesitation, carefully made her way around the redhead’s back so that no one could see what was happening. “No one expects to be groped in public, but it’s so much more fun when there’s a bit of risk.~”

MJ watched as Harry could only sight in front of her and get a bit closer, understanding exactly what Felicia was up to. “Harry… Talk to me…”

“There’s not too much I can do from here, MJ. Just make sure the two of you don’t get in trouble for Felicia’s little display.”

“‘Little display’? Harry, I’m offended.~” As she spoke, Felicia brought her free hand to MJ’s other breast, slipping this one underneath her top to reach her bra. “This is not some trivial display. I’m making sure our beautiful friend understands her worth and beauty. And any time she wants me to stop, she knows she can just speak up.~”

MJ nodded her head as a deep blush came to her cheeks. It was a shock that Felicia was doing this for sure, but there was a weird sense of enjoyment bubbling inside of her. Was it because it was someone other than Peter? Was it because they were in public? Was it because it had been a while since she and Peter had done anything super intimate? She didn’t know. But she almost didn’t care. Not when Felicia carefully kneaded her breasts while they were in her hands, causing heavy and embarrassed breaths to leave the redhead. “Felicia…”

“Yes, Red? Is something wrong?~” Felicia slowed down her kneading long enough to pull MJ’s top over her breasts, revealing to Harry the bright red bra that she was wearing underneath. “You’ve picked such a beautiful color for your body. It almost matches your hair.~”

MJ let out a sharp gasp at the cool tingle of New York’s air against her breasts. Only to turn her head to look at Felicia, wanting to ask just what she was thinking. However, before she could get a word out, her lips were caught in a gentle but passionate kiss. A kiss that caused MJ’s mind to swirl and forget that they were currently in public for a moment. At least, until Harry spoke up.

“Come on, girls. You can’t take it that far in public. Not without getting to a bathroom or something, at least.”

“Damn… Harry’s right, Red. What do you say you come back to his apartment for a bit? Peter’s busy, after all. And he wouldn’t mind you spending some time with Harry and I, right?”

“Y-Yeah… If it’s you two, I know he wouldn’t mind.” MJ let out a bit of a disappointed breath as she shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re willing to do something like that in public, Felicia… You almost got me caught up in it…”

“Almost?~” Felicia couldn’t stop herself from laughing in MJ’s ear as she fixed her friend’s clothing, placing a few gentle kisses against her neck. “MJ, you were more than ‘almost’ caught in it.~” With a bright smile, she rose from her spot on the ground and pulled MJ up with her. Only to bring a hand to the redhead’s supple rear end, slipping said hand into the pocket of her jeans. “Now, let’s go have some fun.~”

Of course, Harry was a bit used to Felicia acting like this around other people, but it still bothered him ever so slightly to see her pouring all of her attention into MJ. Though, deep down, as he stood up from his spot, he knew that MJ needed the attention and love more than he did. “We should have plenty of peace and quiet there. I’m off for the rest of the day and everyone knows not to call me if Felicia’s around.”


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