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Happy Friday everyone! We have finally arrived at the Season 1 finale of Agents of SHIELD. This season has been a JOURNEY and I am excited to continue it! Click here to watchalong with me to the finale. I'm excited to read all of your comments about this!

As a reminder of my watch order, I'll be breaking away from AOS for a few weeks as I watch Season 1 of Daredevil! This is going to start right away, so stay tuned for some episodes next week. Once that is watched, then I jump back to AOS for Season 2. 🥳

Thanks so much for watching with me and I hope a lot of you are excited for the other shows too! 😊

✦ KL



Steve Mercier

Welcome to the worst finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D....yeah, it was pretty cool; but, it just gets better from here (I'm gonna try not to hype this show up too much, but fuck I love this show). My favorite bits: the fight between May and Ward (golden), the moment between FItz-Simmons (awwwww), and frankly just how bad-ass Skye becomes in the end, with little more than a camera-phone and her sassiness. Phil Coulson is the bleeding heart of the team and the show, but I've always seen Skye as the protagonist; and Chloe Bennett just gets better with every episode, and every season. Nick Fury showing up is cool and all, but my heart is invested in the ensemble cast here. Definitely looking forward to Daredevil season 1 (another fantastic fucking show), but can't wait for AoS season 2 (and 3, and 4, and so on).


The ONLY thing I disagree with you (when I first watched this finale) was on Garrett's demise 'cause I thought it was HI-larious. It was because it looked like it was gonna be the trope of the bad guy not actually being dead and he was going to come back even stronger later when he crawled up on that table. I was like, "Ugh, oh no (*sigh*)" then they quickly said, "Nope. We're not doin' that." So, it was relief I felt and laughter that the showrunners were like, "This ain't that show." But, to each their own. Excited to see what you think of Daredevil and more excited for you to continue AoS. Don't get me wrong though, I do love Daredevil, but I REALLY love AoS. 😁


I love your passion for this show! Chloe is getting a lot better with her acting for sure. So excited for what's to come.


I think I'll find it funnier on a re-watch, but it just felt so jarring and dorky HAHA. Thanks for watching!