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Hi guys, time for new status update. Yep, I haven't forgotten about you.

During December I continued to work without any particular problems and, overall, at the moment I'm continuing to make all the images that will be present in the next update. As mentioned in the past, the next update will be quite rich and, consequently, I needed more time than I expected.

Furthermore, due to some health complications and several check-ups in the hospital, the time I have been able to devote to work has decreased a lot in the last few weeks. Fortunately, the worst seems to have passed and in the next few days I should be able to be fully operational again.

In the coming weeks I will publish some preview images of the next contents, which will then be followed by the new release of the game. Thank you all for your patience, I hope to be able to update you soon with new juicy news.



It's great to hear that you're still workin', I'm glad to hear that whatever health complications you've gone through have passed and that you're doing better, it'll be exciting to see those preview images. Keep up the good work!