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Hello guys, we're finally back with our Nex(e)us Institute's communication and news: I'm still working on it, and the final results are pretty cool!

After the last release of the Patreon's version (v0.03 ), I want to mention again the free release of it, for the fun of everyone else out there. At this point, I gladly thank you for your feedback, confirming the favorable response to this new version. All minor issues took to my attention by your declarations will be fixed soon.

Speaking about future releases, the next updates will be pointed to some new and exciting secondary quests, already available in the current version of the game. My final goal is to publish 2 or 3 updates, which could make you able to accomplish few side quests, making the game always bigger even out of the main story (also introducing new game feature for each update).

The game is growing up fast and I can't wait to show you all the new contents that will be available in the next future. I highlight your passionate attention and lovely support and I remember again that Patrons will be able to enjoy the next updated releases 3 weeks before anyone else.

See you Hypno-Cowboys!


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