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So, what are the latest news coming from the Nexeus Institute? As I told you a couple of weeks ago, lately I've been mostly involved in writing the dialogues. All the NPC dialogues are ready and a good 90% of the script of the first main quest has also been written, including the bad endings you might run into during the adventure and the different narrative events you will have to deal with depending on the choices you make (yes, from time to time you will have to make decisions that will have more or less serious consequences for Nicole's future).

Also, the very first main quest I'm working on has undergone some changes, so as to be able to offer a game session… let's say more playable. For this reason it was necessary to create some additional maps (of which you can see a small preview) and also some more events, but nothing that has excessively slowed down my schedule.

Furthermore, since with the next release it will be possible to move freely around the Nexeus (or at least in the areas that will be ready), the next update will also contain some other bad endings and some new characters.

In the next few days, most likely from next week, I will start working on all the images that I will have to insert in the game (surely this will be the work that will take the longest), after which there will be the testing phase to make sure that there are no bugs or errors. At that point, it will be time to publish the new version.




Yep, I used the wrong format for the post and the preview image is a link that needs to be downloaded. Sorry