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I was pretty far over my target release date with this one, but my day job has been redonkuluz with a capital everything lately, and the last thing I've wanted to do in the evenings is sit at my computer to write.  So thanks for the patience!

This release contains Casey dreaming during Friday night, then a little of Saturday morning.  It's very linear,  which may annoy some of you, so I apologize in advance for that.  I may add more branching options to the dream sequences...but on the other hand it's unlikely that Casey is a lucid dreamer, so I might just use that as an excuse and leave it as-is.

Enjoy!  And as always, send me any bugs, typos, thoughts, complaints, etc. here or come slide into my DMs you sexy beasts.

Linky: http://tufty.games/games/weekend-v2-0.1.3-p1.html


Nunya Biznez

Hmm. I will point out only that CASEY doesn't need to be a lucid dreamer when (s)he's being controlled by somebody who IS awake ... ;)

Kerr Wm

Is this the point where we start eagerly anticipating another release? ... :)


Soon! Probably a week or so if nothing blows up at work :)