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Hey everyone!  I feel like all I've been hearing these days is bad news and worse news, so I thought I'd brighten everyone's day a little by sharing some good news!

I've been hard at work on The Weekend v2, and I'm excited to announce I'll be putting the first alpha release up this month for my lovely subscribers.  I'm aiming for this release to have all of Friday's story content, but if I can't squeeze everything in by the end of the month I'll find a good cutoff point so you guys can have a new release to play around with.

I've rewritten everything from scratch, so expect a completely new take on our familiar story of self-discovery.  I've expanded Friday's time frame by putting Casey on the train early in the morning to allow for more "adjustment" content, and to set up some additional story beats before our hero really starts his/her primary adventure on Saturday.

The first alpha will be focused primarily on the raw text content, so don't expect any big illustrations or a 100% complete UI, but you should get an idea of what to expect longer-term.

I'm excited to see what you guys think!  And if anyone feels the need to cancel their subscription due to the current unpleasantness happening in the real world, please don't feel bad.  I'll be releasing new versions publicly as soon as their ready on the usual channels.

Stay safe everybody, and I hope you find some joy where you can :)


Marv Singer

glad to hear. cant wait to see the revamped interactions between hayden and casey (yea i am basic xD)


You're not alone! Due to the popularity of this branch I'll definitely be expanding it, for both male and female Hayden storylines. After the Friday alpha release I'll start sharing more about what to expect Saturday, so keep an eye out.


This is so exciting! I can't wait to see how you rewrite the story, especially Casey and Sophie, their romance is just the sweetest most adorable thing ever.