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This month we’re going to be expanding the world just a bit but adding a lot of features to this game. We’re still in the early stages but if everything goes according to plan you can expect these in the next build at the end of this month.

-Harem system allows you to gain certain female characters and add them to your harem. You’ll be able to interact with them, talk to them, have sex with them, and have them do things for you. There are five types of girls for your harem: Fighting, cooking, crafting, gathering, and persuading. There’s going to be a starting girl for each skill and more to come later.

-Fighting allows you to have a girl fight another girl. Start with challenging with certain women and depending on your stats you’ll either win or lose. Win and train your girl to increase her score. She’ll be able to be a gladiator and even enter tournaments, higher stakes with higher rewards.

-Gathering lets a girl go out and hopefully come back with useful ingredients and materials. The higher the score the higher the chance she’ll come back with something. This fuels crafting and cooking and helps you make more money.

-Cooking is very important as this will help your other girls in completing tasks. The better the meal, the better the boost in stats, the better the results. And you can also sell these meals for a profit. 

-Crafting is similar to cooking but girls with this skill can make clothing, furniture, and tools. As expected you can use these items or sell them for money.

-Persuading is a passive skill for buying and selling. A higher score gets you a bigger discount and gets more money for things you sell. The money you save and earn helps your girl increase their score.

-Each skill will have a potential business that your high level girl can run. You’ll get a variety of perks and supplying their businesses gets you more money.

-Harem housing will dictate how many girls you can have in your harem. If you want more girls, you’ll need more space. Housing will be added to in later builds as well. So you can buy more homes and improve them in various ways.

These skills will be attached to girls and we’ll expand upon them as we continue to work on the game. We’ll also be attaching similar and other activities for your character to do as well. Everything we add will give you more options to play the game your way as you progress through the storylines and increase your wealth and standing in this world. It is very necessary to have as much of this implemented as soon as possible and the best part is that it doesn’t get in the way of the sex and nudity.

Future plans for the game (Subject to change)

-Wandering feature. Go where you want or pick an open area and explore it. Randomly find items and characters. Need a specific ingredient that can only be found in an area? Wander and hopefully you’ll find it.

-Housing not only lets you give your girls a place to stay but you can also upgrade and furnish it to get access to more options. Buy the deed to the home and sell it if you want.

-Possible day and night cycle. This one’s a bit of a stretch but we’ll keep the door open. Setting up a day and night cycle would be dependent on actions instead of some kind of in-game time. So if you’re doing a lot of wandering or banging then it might become the next day.

-Alternate costumes for the girls in your harem. Even less likely due to budget constraints but it would be nice to do if we can.

-Menu revamps. At this time all the menus are just placeholders so if they don’t look that compelling that’s why. They get the job done and we have every intent to make them look better down the line.

-Voices? Not everything would be voice acted but there’s a good chance for some moaning and groaning for the sex scenes.

-Different body types? Maybe there’s a chance to have a younger or older character not a meaty guy? Other kinds of customization? Another idea limited by budget. 


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