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This is the title for the next project Goddess Realm. So now’s a good time to talk about many of the planned features for this game. For a while I have wanted to make a game that allows a player to engage in many stories and develop their character as they see fit. Customize your character, make choices, make items, acquire various things, and grow your home(s) as you want. There are many, many, many things that I want to have in the game but it’s best to keep it simple and not forget what this game ultimately is.

This is first and foremost a porn game. You’re going to see plenty of nudity and sex. That is the main goal of this game. Everything else is giving context and personalizing your experience.

The inspiration for this game is a mixture of Mass Effect and Dragon Age Origins. There is no combat in this game and it wasn’t the aspect of either franchise that I loved the most, although the combat in Origins was fun. What we’ve taken from those games is the focus on dialogue and branching paths in the story.

Character Stats

-Seduction – Romance and sway the opinions of women with your sexual prowess. Good for getting more sexual favors from others. 

-Charisma – Makes it so that people are willing to agree with you. Good for non-sexual advantages.

-Intimidation – Impose your will through threatening others. Effective against those that needs a compelling reason to do as you say.

-Manipulation – A calm mind and sharp tongue can allow you to convince women into agreeing with you. Works for lying and getting more from others.

-Luck – Good for gamblers and explorers. The only stat that can’t be increased through dialogue.


-Conversation battles – Talk to women and use your skills and stats to get the dialogue choices you want. Different options will present themselves and you're level of success will depend on what you say. Level up your stats the more you favor them.

-Storylines and random events – Go through quests and talk to NPCs for more things to do. Random encounters can present new opportunities and experiences that differ with each playthrough.

-Codex – Entries for characters, locations, and items as well as stories will be located here to help flesh out the world and provide reference and reading material whenever you want to take a break.

-Inventory Your magical bag can only carry so much but with the right materials, or enough money, you can possess larger bags to hold more.

-Journal Keep progress of what you have done and what you need to do.

-Crafting Gather resources so that can make various items in the game. Why buy everything if you can make them? You can also turn this into a job to create a good stream of income.

-Home upgrades Home sweet home and nothing makes a home sweeter than with some additional rooms and furniture or maybe even a different home?

-Day/Night cycle Some things have a limit to how much you can do in a day, some can only be done during day or night, and sometimes you just need to pass the day to get something.

-Minigames There will be plenty of things to do and different activities will help you achieve any goals you may have. They break up the usual gameplay and you’ll be rewarded for your time.

-Gambling Bet your hard-earned money for fun or financial gain. Reminder that luck is a stat worth maxing out if you want to better your odds.

-Costumes Dress the part and get what you want. Keep a wardrobe and change when needed.



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