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Alrighty, so! Here's the new video, dropping in less than an hour on the Youtube channel, but this is an early draft of it with way more clips from the show, before I had to paper over a bunch of them for copyright reasons. I'm not sure whether people would prefer to watch this one first, but it's here as an option! Downside is that it's lower visual quality because of the upload limit on Vimeo. (I have a paid plan, but Vimeo is a bit expensive for the >5gb plans, and I don't want to upload it to Youtube because I'm afraid Youtube will be confused about me having an unlisted video very very similar to a published video). 

So anyway this one has benefits and drawbacks. Also, this draft is from before I added the end bit where I'm on camera thanking you all for your support, and I enjoyed doing that of course so please check that out on the Youtube channel version around 42:30 for that, as well as announcements about the channel. I'll streamline this in the future, but this was sort of my first time posting an enhanced version for supporters, so I hit a few snags late in the editing process. This stuff is complicated! But I had such a good time making this video, and I want to thank you all again for your support.

More cool stuff in the future! Have a great day or night or whatever it might be.





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