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I have good news! All of Amai's "Senpai Interaction Events" are now in the game! These events make up a large chunk of the total amount of content in Amai's week, so this is a pretty big milestone!

(I'd say that 33% of a rival's content is her Befriend/Betray storyline and stealth mission, 33% are her Senpai Interaction Events and confession, and the other 33% are all of the other miscellaneous aspects of her week.)

Over the past few months, I've been showing off my Amai progress through screenshots and video clips of the latest additions to the game. However, I don't want to show off very much footage of Amai's Senpai Interaction Events, since I would consider those to be spoilers....

Well, a few weeks back (perhaps it was over a month back...) I said that, in my "next Patreon post," I would show off the new system that I created to make it easier to put new rival events into the game quickly. And then, I never did it! Whoops!

Well, it seems like now is the right time to finally make good on that promise! To show you how I was able to implement all of Amai's "interact with Senpai" events into the game within a mere 2 weeks, I've created a 20-minute-long video to show off the system that I created.

I really can't emphasize how much of an improvement this is over the way that I previously did things. It took me about 7 times as long to put Osana's events into the game, since each one of her events was its own script. Now that I have a single script that is specifically designed to make it quick and easy to put new events into the game, I've been making progress much faster than was previously possible!

As I said above, the Befriend/Betray storyline and the interaction events comprise 66% of a rival's content, which means that now I'm more than 2/3rds done putting Amai into the game. The B/B storyline and Senpai interactions can easily be considered the most time-consuming part of implementing a new rival; and now that they're both behind me, I only need to mop up a few remaining things before Amai is done and ready to be released.

I'm extremely tempted to announce a release date for her, since I feel like I know exactly how much work remains to be done and how much time it'll take, but I think that I should hold off on doing that. I would hate to get everyone excited, only to say, "Oh, no! Wait! I was wrong! I actually need additional time..." because I forgot about something important, and then disappoint everyone.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy taking this 20-minute-long look into the rival implementation progress, and I hope that you look forward to hearing me announce Amai's release date in the near future!

As always, thank you very much for supporting the development of Yandere Simulator!



Hi I see that recently u added new phone color models to the game idk if u added them during the 4/2/2024 build or a previous one. I wanted to ask if u plan to change some of the characters phone colors cause for some I don’t think it makes the best sense. Example: the occult club using brighter color ones like pink and yellow since I imagine they are a gloomy club/ppl. Or there’s some that I think would be better choices like saki using a cyan model instead of pink one cause that’s her main color like how Kokona uses a purple phone. Ik it doesn’t change anything fundamentally in the games but the little details help.


Yeah, good point. I do agree that a character's phone case should match their personality. If someone provided me with a set of phone textures that are intended to be used for specific characters, I'd add them.


Yandere Dev when will you give some information for Aishi Family Tree i’ve been waiting like a year ❤️ i respect your decisions but can you please hurry!!!!


I definitely would have liked to make a video about it by now, but I just haven't been in the mood for it. Maybe sometime later this year - we'll see. Maybe in the period between Amai and Kizana.