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Captain America: Civil War (2016) Movie Reaction

  • 10 = This movie is a masterpiece 14
  • 8-9 = Great movie, with overall great moments and a little something special 0
  • 6-7 = Good movie with good stuff, enjoyable 0
  • 5 = Average movie, not good but not bad, OK 0
  • 1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped 0
  • 2023-12-08
  • 14 votes
{'title': 'Captain America: Civil War (2016) Movie Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': '10 = This movie is a masterpiece', 'votes': 14}, {'text': '8-9 = Great movie, with overall great moments and a little something special', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '6-7 = Good movie with good stuff, enjoyable', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '5 = Average movie, not good but not bad, OK', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 8, 20, 50, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 14}


Watch here : https://vimeo.com/892700528 (password : Evie27)

This one was so good!!

What did you think of this movie??



I didn't grow up on doctor strange . But I went back to it its really good too. Most people love this movie . It's in my top 10 MCU movies .


Evie, I completely agree and can see both sides as well. Stark was feeling the guilt over the lady’s son who was killed and believes they need the oversight to keep the casualties and destruction to a minimum and I agree with Cap. He is concerned that they might get sent somewhere they shouldn’t be and if they want to go somewhere and they won’t be allowed. He doesn’t want this committee telling them what missions to go on. He feels it should be their choice. I hate the fall out between Tony and Cap and the way Cap left the shield behind at the end, but also the letter and phone letting Tony know that he will always be there for him. Oh, not sure if you knew that the shield is made out of vibranium, which is the strongest metal on the planet and it comes from Wakanda. Blank Panther’s suit is made with vibranium and in past movies they have mentioned Wakanda. Rest in peace Chadwick Boseman. Such an amazing person. It’s hard for me to watch these movies with him and at the same time, I’m so happy we have them to watch. This movie was released in 2016 and that is the same year he was diagnosed with colon cancer, but he continued to work in the MCU movies as well as others until he passed away in 2020. I really liked him in the movie 42, about Jackie Robinson who was the first African American to play baseball in the Major League Baseball. There was a picture going around social media of a little boy who had his Black Panther action figure lying on the floor and all the other Avengers action figures standing around him in a circle. On thing that I think is interesting is that it seems like Tony and Cap reversed roles in this movie. Tony had always been about breaking the rules and Cap, being in the military was always about following the rules. I have this movie with a few hours of bonus features and there are a few interviews with Chris Evans and RDJ talking about how much they loved each other. I look forward to continuing this journey with you.