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  • 0001_1.mp4



Done at last, well, the first part at least. Overall I'm content with what I got here. The only issue I kept having was with the cloth sim for the pillow. It's better to scale everything up by about 5x for the sim to work properly from what I gathered on forums. Still got a ways to go on that front I suppose.

Next up will be the sex scenes. I'm thinking maybe 3-4 different positions with possible alt angles, each about 10 seconds in a loop. Compared to animating dialogue, it shouldn't take as long however some irl matters may delay it a tad. Aiming to release it somewhere by the end of next week so fingers crossed all goes well.

Like always, if you have any critiques or opinions to add feel free to do so, tweaks can be made here and there as I haven't gotten to adding SFX and background music. I'll work on those once all the animations are complete.



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