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Andrew and Theo and here giving a rundown of the recent Patreon fee structure debacle and why startups and ridesharing apps sucks. We also claim responsibility for Sam Dastyari's resignation and delve back into Nature Corner for Theo's frightening take on the humble magpie.

But mostly we're taking time to thank you, our humble, spiritually fulfilled, extravagantly attractive Patrons.




On the subject of ads, I agree entirely. IMO it should be an either/or between ad-supported or Patreon-supported, but not both. And since you’re already Patreon-supported...

cool biRd pics

on bird of the year, magpie is a pretty solid choice for the first year running the award. its probably the bird that affects australians the most day to day. i think the ibis vote was a bunch of people’s first dip into irony. i hope the award changes to more like the nz one and only threatened species are nominated. extra shoutout to the platypus for being one of just a handful of mammals that produce venom, the rest as voles and burrowing mice or something. i once tried to write a uni paper on platypus stings but there isnt a lot of research on it. its meant to be extremely painful though