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”It was far more powerful than our initial assessments. I believe it possesses a Nascent Dragon’s Heart, too, which is what ultimately led to our defeat,” the middle-aged vampire said in a serious tone as he reported to the raid organizer. “We may need to reconsider our approach or reach out for assistance.”

“I see,” the organizer said as she wrote in her report. “Did you get any indication of the beast’s inclinations for the upcoming event?”

“Nothing concrete, but what little interaction we did have made it clear the wyvern is incredibly arrogant. I have a hard time seeing it submit even to a far more powerful being, and with its aggressive nature… I believe leaving it be is far too risky.”

“Very well,” the organizer said with a nod. “I will refer it to the upper brass. Now go to your team… I reckon they need you right now.”

“Thank you,” the middle-aged vampire said as he stood up. “But... once more, I must warn you. The wyvern is far more powerful than we believed, so make sure not to just send anyone to be slaughtered.”

“It’s fine; if worst comes to worst, the Patriarch has returned from Nevermore,” the organizer said with a smile, making the vampire’s eyes open wide at hearing his grandfather had returned.

“In that case, I can go rest with a peaceful mind,” the vampire said as he left to rejoin what remained of his failed raid party. Losing so many people was a horrible experience… but it had to be done, even though he regretted the outcome.

Preparation for the Prima Guardian’s arrival was already well underway, with the World Council having made a strategy plan. Based on the knowledge provided in the original system message regarding the event, it was clear that beasts who had consumed system-provided natural treasures had to either sit out the event or join the Prima’s side.

Additionally, It was theorized that when the Prima Guardian event truly began, all protections of human lands would be lifted. Putting these together, it had been decided to address certain known powerful monsters living close to where humans lived, while actively exploring the unknown zones of the planet.

One of the most powerful examples of a known powerful beast was the Northpeak Wyvern. It lived in between Skyggen, Haven, and two other smaller cities, all so close that the wyvern could reach them in a very short time if it decided to attack. To leave it unaddressed would be the same as leaving an enemy behind your own frontlines.

Originally, the vampires hadn’t even gone to fight the wyvern but to try and reach some kind of compromise. Perhaps have the wyvern sign a system-bound contract making the wyvern agree not to fight for the Prima Guardian during the system event.

However, they hadn’t even gotten that far before the beast attacked them, forcing the vampire squad to switch to plan B: simply killing it.

It was something they wanted to avoid when possible, but the Northpeak Wyvern had left them little choice. Plus, based on reports, this wyvern was incredibly aggressive toward anyone who entered its domain. It would kill without even asking any questions, so even if it wasn’t going to ally with the Prima, getting rid of it was probably for the best, as keeping such a dangerous beast that couldn’t even be talked to was simply too risky, especially with its domain being so close to human settlements, and its high level of power.

Sadly, it seemed that even with their high assessment of the wyvern, they had underestimated it. His party had been one of the elite teams that hunted down these known high-level monsters, so they had genuinely believed it was a done deal and that there were few monsters they couldn’t handle, at least on the ground. The Sky Whale was leading the assault on the underwater creatures to ensure there wouldn’t be an invasion from the depths during the arrival of the Prima.

As with many others, the vampires all had gone to Nevermore but not stayed the full fifty years. They were all fully aware they were not competing for any kind of Leaderboard position, so they had only gone there for the leveling and stayed a couple of decades until they exhausted most of their potential after evolving to C-grade.

The middle-aged vampire had returned not even a month ago and had already disappointed himself and the family immensely. Alas, with the return of the Patriarch, they hopefully no longer had to hold any fear of these powerful creatures hidden across the planet.

Especially when one considered that his return would also mean the return of all those who had competed in the Leaderboards alongside him. With all those elite members of Earth, he had a bright view of the future and foresaw a less-than-bright future for the wyvern.


Jake walked through the icy cave but remained unbothered as he channeled arcane mana through his veins and protected himself with an outer layer of arcane energy. He saw the wyvern ahead of him within its cavern, in prime position to launch a breath at the entrance. Seeing this, Jake had already made a resolution.

If it dares attack, I kill it.

No arguments or discussions. Jake wanted to talk, sure, but he did say he wanted to remind it of how rude it was to use its breath on people without warning. If, even with this warning and the wyvern’s wounded state, it still decided to attack, Jake would rule this particular beast a lost cause.

Luckily for the wyvern, it didn’t attack even as Jake reached the entrance to the large frosty cavern. Instead, it just raised its head and looked at him with wary eyes, seemingly considering if maybe it should attack.

Jake just stood still as he observed the wyvern for a moment. It was pretty large, about nine meters in length, which, in retrospect, probably wasn’t that large. Or maybe it was; Jake’s only comparison was the Viper back in the day, and he knew sizes between wyverns, dragons, and pretty much all kinds of beasts could vary significantly.

Upon closer inspection, Jake also noticed that the wyvern’s injuries weren’t actually that bad. Sure, they weren’t great, but the frost wyvern seemed to have a lot of Vitality based on how it was already healing. Likely assisted by some passive skill, allowing it to heal faster in a cold environment like this.

What was clear, though, was that it had spent a lot of energy. The half-baked dragon’s heart in its chest had been entirely emptied of gas and would take a while to fully recover. Which made Jake wonder why it had unleashed all of the mana at once into one attack. Did it have to? Or was it to ensure the vampires became the living popsicles they currently were.

Off to the side of the cavern, he had already spotted all the frozen vampires, with the wyvern throwing glances toward them as if afraid Jake was going to try and rob it of its loot.

“So, you really don’t remember me?” Jake finally asked after a bit.

“You do perhaps smell faintly familiar, but no, I do not remember any creature such as you,” the wyvern said in a cautious tone.

“Oh, so you know how to speak normally?” Jake said, a bit surprised. What the wyvern had done before was more or less mana-speak, if one can call it that. It was sound produced solely through magic, not any physical movement of vocal cords or anything like that.

“What do you want?” the wyvern asked, not bothering with Jake’s question or any kind of politeness.

“I told you already, I want to teach you about hospitality,” Jake said with a smile. “The last time I came here, I did so with genuine curiosity. You see, this was my first time encountering a wyvern in the wild. Imagine my dismay when said wyvern proceeded to unleash a breath on me before I could even introduce myself, blasting me off the mountain. You really don’t remember that or who I am?”

The wyvern was silent for a moment before speaking. “… do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?”

“Wow,” Jake exclaimed. Was… was this frost wyvern just an asshole? So far, all information pointed to the answer yes. “So you just attack anyone who comes here for no good reason?”

“No reason?” the wyvern huffed. “For an inferior creature to invade my domain is more than enough reason!”

“Inferior creature, huh,” Jake said, his smile entirely fading, and instead of using words, he answered with actions as he fully unleashed his aura upon the cavern, even going so far as to use Pride of the Malefic Viper a bit.

Instantly, the wyvern reacted as it opened its mouth, seemingly to release a breath, but at the very last moment, it stopped itself as its eyes opened wide. It had felt Jake’s killing intent the second it showed any indication of an attack, making the wyvern wisely hesitate.

“The only inferior creature I’m seeing here is you,” Jake said as he stared down the wyvern. “And not just because you’re a wanna-be dragon. You’re also a fucking idiot.”

Jake’s words were harsh and insulting, yet the wyvern did nothing but close its mouth as it lowered its head before the pressure.

“Do you have any idea about humans or the enlightened races in general?” Jake asked, making the wyvern hesitate. “Of course, you fucking don’t. Because if you did, you wouldn’t have decided to kill a group that clearly came here and sought you out specifically. Much less flee back to this lair as if nothing happened afterward.”

Based on the weapons that the raid party carried – and the fact they had shown up with a raid party in the first place – it was apparent to Jake that they had come here with the express purpose of hunting down the wyvern. Or at least to be able to fight it should negotations go south.

Seeing as they were also from the Sword Saint’s clan and failed their raid, it also wasn’t hard to see what would come next. They would send an even stronger party… or the old man himself. Even if the wyvern was pretty strong, even for its level, it wasn’t peak-tier genius. Jake reckoned he could have killed this wyvern even if he was a lot lower level than he was now, and the Sword Saint would also be able to slay it without any issues whatsoever.

In some ways, this realization was a bit disappointing, though it would also be kind of weird if some peak-genius wyvern appeared on a random mountain on Earth. The mere fact a wyvern with the potential to evolve into a dragon was born there in the first place was already pretty damn impressive in its own right.

“Answer me, what do you think is going to happen now with that group of vampires who came to kill you?” Jake asked the wyvern.

It was silent for a moment before answering. “They will have learned to not attack my domain again… or report to their kin and come back with a stronger group for me to overcome.”

“Let’s assume it’s the second one – because it’s definitely the second one – what do you plan on doing when that happens? Keel over and die?”

“I shall defeat the-“

“Wrong,” Jake cut the wyvern off. “You die. If not with the next attack, the one after. The enlightened races operate like that. If you kill one member of their faction, they will keep coming back until they wipe you out, and the people who attacked you belong to a faction where I’m aware of at least one person who could easily kill you if he so desired.”

“Do you belong to their faction?” the wyvern asked with a hint of nervousness, making Jake believe he was finally getting through to the dense lizard.

“No,” Jake shook his head. “Not directly.”

The wyvern was silent for a while before Jake sighed. “Seriously, you have a Greater Blessing and yet you are this clueless?”

“My Patron has never interacted with me outside of our first meeting…”

“Well, that sucks for you,” Jake muttered. “Could have at least told you to not stay in the same place if you piss off people you shouldn’t. Makes you a sitting duck.”

“I must remain here,” the wyvern said with a tone of certainty.

“Even if it means your death?” Jake questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Leaving would be the end of my ambition,” the beast said, once more not leaving anything up for interpretation. This made Jake frown a bit, but he soon realized something.

Jake had walked a lot on the mountain, and while his boots had certainly made him aware of natural treasures, Jake honestly filtered away the feeling most of the time when on stuff like mountains. All the random metals inside the rock registered, which wasn’t particularly interesting. He did pick up when a potent piece of metal entered his radar, but that had not appeared on this mountain.

However, now that he checked again, he did notice something peculiar. While there wasn’t any particular piece of ore that registered as particularly valuable… there sure as hell was a lot of it. As in, the entire mountaintop was one big piece of metal with a thin layer of rock covering it, with a shitload of ice and snow stacked on top.

With this in mind, Jake quickly reached a conclusion: “You need this mountaintop to progress as you absorb the energies here?”

“Yes,” the wyvern confirmed.

Jake also reached another conclusion as he scanned the room and found quite a few skeletons of different beasts encased in ice. “And you feed the mountain itself living creatures you capture in ice?”

The wyvern remained silent to that question, pretty much confirming that as a yes. It did also help that Jake faintly felt energy being drained out of the frozen vampires stashed off to the side of the cavern. With his sphere, he also saw what looked like the body of a large vulture hidden under some snow, having died recently from the looks of it.

“You plan on feeding those vampires to the mountain too?” Jake continued questioning the wyvern, even though it was mostly rhetorical in nature.

Despite it taking a moment, the wyvern slowly confirmed. “I need it for the cold energy to keep increasing.”

Jake now also knew why the mountaintop had gotten so much colder since his last visit. The wyvern was the direct cause. From what Jake quickly gathered, the metal around them was rather unique in that it wasn’t just cold; it also actively absorbed all heat energy others expelled. Freezing people would keep them still, and they would passively fight back against the cold energy until they ran out of energy and died, giving plenty of nourishment to the metal.

“I’m not saying that’s necessarily wrong of you, but capturing any enlightened like this isn’t going to end well for you,” Jake sighed. “With that in mind, release them.”

“What?” the wyvern exclaimed. “I thought they were not part of your tribe?”

“I’m not part of theirs, but that doesn’t mean they’re not part of mine,” Jake said, shaking his head. “They live within my domain, after all.”

“How can they live in your domain if-“

“You seem to misunderstand,” Jake cut off the wyvern with a smile. “You are also living within my domain. Everyone and everything on this planet is.”

His words seemed to insult the wyvern, but with his aura bearing down on it, it didn’t say anything as Jake continued. “Now, I’ll give you an easy choice. Release those vampires and stop messing around with the enlightened species. Additionally, if people come here, don’t just fucking attack them, but kindly ask them to leave if you really don’t want them here. You can do that… or I’ll kill you right here, right now. To make the decision easier for yourself, do me a favor and contact that Patron of yours.”

“My Patron will not be plea-“

“Just tell him the Chosen of the Malefic Viper demanded it of you,” Jake sighed.

It took the wyvern a lot longer than Jake thought it should before the wyvern finally reached out. Jake knew that anyone blessed could reach out at all times to their Patrons, though more often than not, they were just ignored or filtered out passively. He did hope that the Everfrost Dragon God would respond, though, as that would make things a lot simpler.

More than a dozen seconds passed as Jake saw the wyvern clearly preoccupied mentally. He saw its lizard face frown and change a lot during this time, probably partly due to dealing with a direct divine message and partly because of the nature received.

After what felt like half a minute, the wyvern finally looked at Jake, lowered its head to the ground, and spoke. “This lowly one begs for forgiveness and swears fealty to the Chosen of the Malefic One.”

Jake stared at the wyvern that had an entirely changed demeanor as he sighed internally.

… maybe I should have just gone with telling the wyvern to get divine customer support from the beginning, huh?







Clout flexing for the win!


Fucking called it lmao 🤣😂


Divine customer support is the single most blasphemous and hilarious thing I think I've ever heard lmfaooooo

Taj Malloy

Tftc With his sphere, he also saw what looked like the body of a large vulture hidden under some show I think you ment "snow"


"what do you plan on going when that happens?" "Going" should be doing Or maybe "what" to Where. Great chapter as always


new mount acquired! looking forward to it evolving to a dragon as jake’s pet lol

Pablo Barbatto

Get in line or get the knife!!!


Great chapter. Happy Monday!


Just casually flexing


tftc :) "what do you plan on going when that happens?" -> "what do you plan on doing when that happens?" "hidden under some show," -> "hidden under some snow,"


"and is this clueless" -> "and are this clueless"

Joe Woodhouse

I wish I could refer people to divine customer support, and that it got these results.

Charles Torry

Thanks for the chapter


“Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down” - where are all my homies who know?

daniel gager

Lol divine customer service!

Chris Warner

Wannabe dargon dun goofed


Jake channeling his inner Karen „I wanna speak to your manager“

Nick P

Do we know who the wyvern’s patron god is?


Don't think jake does pets, with the bit about tamers awhile back, "pet" kinda comes with the implication of slavery.


He has a greater blessing from the everfrost dragon god


Love it when an MC stops railing against being a megastar (can’t think of the right term) and just uses it as is necessary!

John Balman

LoL love the ending

Ty Cooper

Lol. Well now Jake has a wyvern sidekick. I know I know. The dragon accord are friendly and all but I really want to read about Jake fighting a wyvern and dragon. I mean he is a hunter and all. Those are ultimate opponents for a hunter. So will we have to have a dungeon with one in it to see this fight or one not part of the accord in the wild? So I am going to guess that the thawed vampires will send word to the SS's clan telling them the wyvern pledged loyalty to Jake? Also, doesn't this mean that the wyvern didn't consume a natural treasure during the initiation? Which means it can fight with Jake? Lol so many people are going to be happy Jake has a wyvern mount. Sandy is going to get jealous.



Justin saldana

🤣🤣 I can only imagine what that Frost dragon god said. He probably was annoyed at first then really scared lol

Chase Burton

Thanks for the chapter

SciFi Fan

Thank you for the chapter! Keep the reunion tour going! : - )

Jeff McCulley

Problem is, it’s not a peak genius, so not enough of a cool kid for Jake’s club. At least Sandy won’t be able to eat the whole mountain. I think.


Just imagining that conversation is hilarious. "Why the hell are you talking to me?" "Well sir, um... I'm getting bullied by a human who said to contact you and say the Chosen of the Malfic Viper demanded me to." "The Chosen of... What the fuck did you do?!?" "Apparently the first time we met I blasted him off my mountain with my breath attack? And now he's here making demands, calling me an idiot, and threatening to kill me." "Im so fucked. Which means you're super fucked. Here's what you're going to do. You are going to do everything he says without question and be polite, or he will kill you and there is nothing I can do about it." "But siiirrrrr..." "No buts. You're going to fix this, right now. Now stop talking to me and start talking to the monster in front of you."

Strato Junon

Jake just pulled out the "I want to talk to your manager" card! Hahaha I enjoyed this chapter. Thanks!

Jeff McCulley

Why yes, frost dragon gods pee their pants, too. Why do you ask? Prolly told him to suck up to Jake, too.


So, the multiverse Version of the Customer is always right, is The Chosen is always right? Does that make Jake a cooler and multiversal Version of a Karen?

Josh Hietpas

Well damn. Now i wanna see dragon rider jake when the wyvern evolves

Jeff McCulley

In about ten seconds, Zac’s gonna realize that “Calling Divine Customer Service” would have worked with the termite Queen, too. And definitely will with her replacement. And pretty much every other monster on the planet that he doesn’t wanna fight. Prima project problem solved.


Prima is gonna show up expecting an army and all of them are just gonna look at him with wide ass eyes, "Do you have any idea who owns this damn planet? I ain't touching that conflict, you go deal with the human monster and his Primordial boss."


Thanks really enjoyed the chapter. Jake emplaning the most basic social interactions!


The wyvern got lucky he was already weakened for Jake to want to fight. Otherwise he’d be toast already. Jake’s generous overall though as he’d rather others strive to be stronger. I like how low key he is in building a coalition.


And just like that "frosty" the wyvern to turn dragon was born

Hunter Thornton

Zogarth, my man. The divine customer service was freakin epic. Can’t wait till he tells the viper about an what his reaction will be


Remember, this is Jake we're talking about, has to have an ie or y at the end of it


Sandy is on a diet of quality over quantity. No point eating a bunch of mediocre metal when they could go find some really good metal.


Looks like Jake learned from that one Nevermore floor that was designed to educate new initiates on the multiverse about how to to interact with divine hierarchies

Nathan Johnson

Meanwhile back at the order: Everfrost Dragon God groveling in front of Villy: "I'm so sorry! My wyvern didn't know who had come to talk to him! I'll do anything!" Villy: "This sounds like a problem between my Chosen and you. Go grovel to him." "Oh, and if you don't do it in the next 10 years I'll kill you and your whole faction." Villy later to Jake "Hahaha, he's gonna be so fucked trying to get to the 93rd universe in time, this is hilarious!"

William WIlson

What I'm wondering more than anything is what will Jake do to effect this wyverns evolution. I mean wouldn’t it be so classic for Jake to make friends and then make this dragon some weird ice elemental dragon.


Oh wow. First time in a very long while Jake is swinging around that good ole fashioned Malefic status. Our boy Jake is becoming quite the "You dare?!" Young master.

Anthena Sales

Zogarth, you should turn this story into an animated series on Netflix or find an independent animation company and put it on You Tube.


So with this chapter, I think we can finally rule out any serious leveling to be done on earth now, at least for his class. I doubt many, if any beast can compete with him.


Or when they can lie there and have the metal brought to them

Cordell Patrick

Probably something weird like injecting his energy in a ritual to help the cold producing ice run without life energy and making the wyvern jump to true dragon status as well just fo s**** and giggles


unless he goes deep into the wilds maybe, my guess is that the v powerful beasts are further away from human/enlightened settlements. hopefully he’ll do some alchemy first though! but yeah his whole party from nevermore seems quite op for the planet at this point

William WIlson

I was thinking something along those lines. I could also see Jake simply infusing the metal in the mountain and making that metal feed off of cold energy.

Seen Death

Nah earth is massive, and im sure theres plenty of less inteligent creatures that diplomacy wouldnt work on. There are the creatures burrowing deep to capture the core which wont stand down, and im sure theres plenty in the skies, seas, and even the land. Besides theres always dungeons to clear

Jay tolley

I don't think he needs to level much right now outside of alchemist. With the Prima being said to be C grade would be stupid to get jake to much stronger. Not to mention he just leveled a ton in nevermore. Needs time working on foundations to and level up during big events.


I really doubt it. The Wyvern isn't even a higher level than him. Jake is used to fighting things 40-60 levels higher than himself. The only beast I can think of that is that high, is the sky whale. How many other beast are that high of level? 2 or 3 per zone(sky, land, water)? So maybe 10 total enemies that might grant a level. I haven't heard of a single c grade dungeon on earth yet. Not saying they don't exist, but it also needs to be a peak c grade dungeon. Chances are slim. Basically leveling his class on earth is largely over I think. Sure we'll get some during the Prima Event, but that's an event not business as usual.

Ryan Ulrich

So I’m assuming the Prima guardian has some sort of Avatar projection skill. He sends weaker versions of himself to top performing planets (armies to weaker planets) and the more that are defeated the more power returns to his original body for a final confrontation with the elites of the 93rd universe. I’m just trying to figure out how the satellite will function as a World Wonder. Since it’s Jake’s home universe it must be OP

William WIlson

I don't think Jake throwing his Blessing in the termite queens face would have done a thing, not originally. Jake's position now is way different than when he fought the hive Queen and king the 2nd time. Mainly that he hadn’t birthed Vesperia yet. However I do think if he shows up now all ectognamorphs will submit to him. I'd also love to see the wasp nests on Earth that have been mentioned in book 3 and I believe book 8 come by Haven to say hello. Like Jake's in the middle of his wyvern talk when he get a message from Miranda about an army massing outside of Haven so he and the wyvern go to meet them and that's when Vesperia shows back up. It could also have a portion of the chapter being the Sword Saint showing up to the cave to deal with the wyvern just missing Jake and the wyvern, and getting messages from everyone freaking out about the ectognamorph army and wyvern meeting in Haven and hims then rushing off to help handle the situation to only find Jake having a beer or 2 with everyone.

William WIlson

All primas basically tell the prima guardian fuck off I ain't dying for your dumb ass, I love it.

William WIlson

Jake shows back up to the Order to 1000s of messages from the everfrost dragon god. Jake initially is all wtf but Villy pops in and explains. Jake thinking it's a hilarious prank plays along.


Why would he do that with the arrogance it has displayed for far? With Jake’s mentality if SS shows up to slay it right now, he will just stand aside

Jason Hardman

I imagine if the Web comic that's already out is successful, then stuff like that may be in the future, which I'd love to see. You make it all sound so easy though, which it definitely isn't.

William WIlson

Well the wyvern submits at the end of this chapter. I don't see Jake or the ss not talking when both are there. Also I don't think the Sword Saint would actively want to fight the wyvern if the wyvern returns the vampires. Also the Sword Saint is hard countered by this wyvern. As mentioned in book 9 cold counters rain more than heat does.

Jeff McCulley

After it just swore fealty? Nah, this second rate Wyvern just became boring to Jake. No name-pie for YOU!

Mathias Eriksson

hahaha thats exactly what i was thinking when the vampire was talking about monsters chosing side, "i was like who the hell wants to fight the hunter" espeially as alot of beasts/monster have a blessing XD

Jay tolley

So next chapter we need that conversation between the wyvern and his patron

Brandon Turner

Damn I was really hoping the records of earth would have birthed some top tier beast but I guess this rules that out

mathieu brassard

The Viper probably just watched Jake's live stream and is now in the process of rolling on the floor laughing

William WIlson

I don't think Jake would be disinterested simply due to the wyvern swearing fealty. If anything I think the arrogance and self interest of the wyvern actually makes Jake more inclined to help him.


Talk about fighting dragons, I wish I could get a side story of the Wymgod fighting. I mean a pick tier dragon which standing a the pinnacle of space magic! That got be awesome! I won’t mind even if it is an image of him at lower grades though I do wonder if he could get that as a finally when Jake final conquer the whole Nevermore

Seen Death

Probably would have fit more smoothly in this chapter, but i personally think its nice to have some vague guesses, it doesnt seem like everfrost dragon god is going to be mentioned for atleast another while (im more curious how Sword Saints crew will handle this, like will the popsicle survivors just pass along the message or what)


If Jake is the one explaining social interaction to someone, you know they are in a bad spot.

Lonnie Sizemore

He's going to help the wyvern become some gnarly origin dragon that the flights are going to have a hard on for, which the viper is going to exploit for profit 😁

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter

Daniel Hamilton

Completely forgot Jake has new toys from nevermore, he could set up his valley with his cabin in the center of Mangas labyrinth adding a barrier so no one can bother him, I mean so the city pillar can have better protection 😂


Vampire casualties/survivors didn’t add up accurately. I put the breakdown in the comments section but wasn’t sure if zog paid attention to edit comments past the first day…might be a relevant reference in future chapter conversations so thought I’d say something here to cover more bases

Joseph Irdanto

Imagine the reaction of SS when he came to the mountaintop, being all ready to become the slayer of Calamity Wyvern of Ice that so aggresive it threaten life on earth... Only to see a meek lizard.

Anthony Smith

Reika soulflame potential.

Jeff McCulley

Remember that they mentioned other teams going to unexplored areas of the planet. There have to be some places where the likes of Jake, Fallen King, Sword Sant, etc didn’t stunt the population. There’s still hope!

Josh stevens

I just want to say I found this series maybe 3 months ago on Amazon. Great work love everything about the story.

Jeff McCulley

You seem to be assuming that all of the events take place simultaneously. I’m not sure that’s true. Earth may have gotten five years because they were the most powerful, and the most powerful Guardian goes there first before he gets his butt kicked—and knocked down in power. After all, Jake and the others will be free to go help other planets afterwards. If they’re all conquered already, that doesn’t make much sense. Unless, umm…Jake & Co trounce the Guardian and it’s army in like the first ten minutes of the five years or something. Hey, it could happen!

Jeff McCulley

Remember that after Earth’s event, he and the others can go help out other planets, which will continue the leveling process. And, I suspect, grow the empire that Jake doesn’t want as he claims planetary pylons. ;)

Jeff McCulley

No, he’s going to be disinterested in the wyvern because it’s scrub, a non genius wyvern. “Hey bro, ask your god where his Chosen is chilling?”

Jeff McCulley

Nah, his name is gonna be Nobodie. And watch, I just ticked Zogarth off, so she/he’ll become a boon companion. ;)

Jeff McCulley

Won’t be meek to anyone on Earth besides Jake. It’ll just say, “Lord Thayne dropped by.” And SS will nod knowingly.

Jeff McCulley

Here’s a thought. When they beat the Prima Guardian unconscious, Jake seals it and feeds it to the mountain. And it’s friends. Lunch!


Minagas labyrinth is a dungeon, not something that can be placed in the outside world. I mean I suppose he could move his house to a dungeon, but that would seem to have lots of disadvantages


I feel like the sky whale is a decent representation of what you get without Jake's influence. Solid, but not dramatic. This wyvern is another data point, basically. And... this wyvern is pretty scary. 50 noburu clan c grades who have been to nevermore for several decades is not a trivial force by any means. I doubt we will find many things more powerful except maybe underground. But then there is Jake...


My assumption was that the prima guardian is a different creature for each planet, because when we saw him a long time ago, it mentioned he had 10k chains, which corresponded to each key fragment on earth, iirc.

Matt Spratte

Thanks for the chapter! I had quite the backlog to catch up on! Love letting them build up and devouring 10 at a time!


I wouldn't describe the webcomic as horrible, though it is not my preferred art style. I don't think we have seen enough of it to know. That said, I do feel like it isnt really 'there' yet, and lacks depth, and this may reflect that so much of the depth of this series comes from people inside their heads, and it can be a bit hard to show instead of tell in that sense. But it could also be because I know the story too well. Also, the webcomic is going light on the numbers, which i feel is an odd choice. But I don't think it's fair to judge too much until we've been through a few post tutorial arcs. (Or even get into the meat of the tutorial)


Frost dragons are cool. I hope we have a new Jake juice experime-, ahem, friend for jake


Sorry I'm late was doing day stuff THANKIES FOR THE CHAPIE ZOGIE!




One more ;) "and partly because of the nature received." -> "and partly because of the nature of the message received."

Bobby B

The wyvern will probably help protect the cities under attack during the Prima event. Either that or Jake will origin juice it. Depending on circumstances.

Ty Cooper

Zog did point out how close it is to multiple cities. I bet you are right. Plus the wyvern can surely freeze all the enemies to strengthen the mountain.


good chappie

Ty Cooper

I see from your speed you are as hooked as the rest of us. Welcome aboard this crazy train.

Ty Cooper

After the whole prima guardian event I do not see earth holding anything Jake would consider a good fight and will start the space exploration for new opportunities.

Ty Cooper

Probably. Jake will have the thawed Popsicles head home with a message from Jake letting them know the wyvern is now going to watch over the cities around the mountain, but he gets to keep his trophies for the mountain

Ty Cooper

So next chapter we get a quick message to SS via vampire mail and Jake bails to see his family?

Jeff McCulley

Just gonna point out that the termites are next door, And mention the name “Vesperia”.

Jeff McCulley

Some of you folks with the dragon mount hankering, I wanna ask. How do you think that having a sapient “mount” would fit with Jake’s Path? Just as importantly…why would he need a dragon for a mount? Just curious. Figured I’d toss this out before next chappy. G’night. 😴


First time commenter. Love the book good job


The dragon mount things makes zero sense on so many levels. This goes against who Jake is a person and the story as a whole when we come across multiple dragons to date. I mean this is not ‘All The Skills’


Divine customer support. That's is gonna be a new phrase for me. Hahahahaa Hahaha haha Ty for the chapter!

Jeff McCulley

Nah, not the Primas, they don’t have a choice. Just the regular monsters.

Jeff McCulley

At that stage, “Chosen of the Malefic Viper” would have been sufficient to get their attention. Vesperia was just frosting on the cake.

Jeff McCulley

From what I understand, the webtoon has done the same thing the Dresden Files TV show did. And thus I haven’t even been tempted to go look.

RonGAR (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:09:52 Who else is glad that the Wyvern lived??? #Happy. Now free the members of the Noboru clan.
2024-05-02 02:09:52 Who else is glad that the Wyvern lived??? #Happy. Now free the members of the Noboru clan. Also, it is about time the MC 'Flexed' his authority bit instead of pretending he doesn't have it. Or care much about it. It is there it is yours, use it for something. ;) Hmmm, would he have just watched that wyvern die if the Noboru clan won and just shrugged it off? And or would he have just watched the Noboru clan die in open battle to the Wyvern if it came to that? Didn't he learn from his time in Nevermore not to be so APATHETIC, when his 'student'/pupil made that planet-wide blight/chaos contagion? Because if you were always planning on coming to the rescue to either side, then, why not just do so? Don't stand there like an indifferent demi-god when you know you are going to stop things in the end. But then again, Jake doesn't like interference in his fights or in his life, sooooo ... yea there is that. His ppl will just have to suffer his character make up/development, like they would any other god they find themselves under or serving.
2024-05-01 20:11:05 Who else is glad that the Wyvern lived??? #Happy. Also, it is about time the MC 'Flexed' his authority bit instead of pretending he doesn't have it. Or care much about it. It is there it is yours, use it for something. ;) Hmmm, would he have just watched that wyvern die if the Noboru clan won and just shrugged it off? And or would he have just watched the Noboru clan die in open battle to the Wyvern if it came to that? Didn't he learn from his time in Nevermore not to be so APATHETIC, when his 'student'/pupil made that planet-wide blight/chaos contagion? Because if you were always planning on coming to the rescue to either side, then, why not just do so? Don't stand there like an indifferent demi-god when you know you are going to stop things in the end. But then again, Jake doesn't like interference in his fights or in his life, sooooo ... yea there is that. His ppl will just have to suffer his character make up/development, like they would any other god they find themselves under or serving.

Who else is glad that the Wyvern lived??? #Happy. Also, it is about time the MC 'Flexed' his authority bit instead of pretending he doesn't have it. Or care much about it. It is there it is yours, use it for something. ;) Hmmm, would he have just watched that wyvern die if the Noboru clan won and just shrugged it off? And or would he have just watched the Noboru clan die in open battle to the Wyvern if it came to that? Didn't he learn from his time in Nevermore not to be so APATHETIC, when his 'student'/pupil made that planet-wide blight/chaos contagion? Because if you were always planning on coming to the rescue to either side, then, why not just do so? Don't stand there like an indifferent demi-god when you know you are going to stop things in the end. But then again, Jake doesn't like interference in his fights or in his life, sooooo ... yea there is that. His ppl will just have to suffer his character make up/development, like they would any other god they find themselves under or serving.