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Patreon stresses me out. Every week I sit down to write something and every week I freeze and can't come up with something good enough.

So I'm trying a new approach, I'm going to jot down ideas as they come to me. This will be like extended tweets. I'll still write longer posts, but I'm hoping I'll produce more content by doing it this way too.

Today's thought is that lots of people are saying the Government has ended its elimination strategy. Many are saying it hasn't.

I say, what does it matter? Either way they will try to stomp out any covid outbreaks. The ambition will be to get to zero.

The government still views a good health response as the best overall response. Nothing changes.

I'm anxious as hell where we're at. There keeps being bad news happening about the time I'm thinking of going to bed. I need to turn news alerts off.

I know someone who thinks we should let it rip and tough on those not vaccinated. Except what scares me is if our hospitals overflow then our people working in health are so stressed and overburdened.

I'm really scared that the health system will overflow and my dad, who is double vaxxed, will have something unrelated occur and he won't be able to get the help he needs.

I'm sick of being anxious about this goddamn virus.


Katherine Wharton

There’s no need to stress on my account - extended tweets sounds great 😀