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Lucifer S2E15 UNCUT.mp4

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D Boss

Neither you nor your editor seem to be aware of the tremendous mismatch in audio levels between your voice and the show volume. Do either of you actually listen to the final product before uploading? Seriously the show volume is 20-30 times quieter than your voice, meaning one has to turn up the playback volume to max to hear the show, and then your voice is ear splitting. And it's been that way for 90% of the episodes so far, getting worse lately. Seems to me someone with a so called degree in sound design should have a better grasp of mixing 101. Your mic gain is set so high as to punch up ambient noise when your noise gate opens - which tells me that gain is set way too high. Probably because your mic is way too far from your mouth. It should be 4-6 inches from your mouth. And I know headphone volume is often not representative of the actual record volume in OBS - jeepers do some short test recordings to set the respective gain values correctly! (most set ups allow you to independently set the headphone volume of your mic output, so you can get a false sense of what is being recorded - the headphone volume is not always the volume of what is being recorded) I suppose I can't really complain with paying only a dollar a month, but someone gleeful about getting a sound design degree should not display such amateur handling of the simple matching of voice over vs show volume! (or you can record voice on a separate audio channel in OBS then your editor can bump it up or down with respect to the show audio if you can't figure out how to balance the record levels)

Celia Fox

Yes, an emotional episode. I really felt for Luci in that end scene where he dug into the pain of his parents' manipulations and the loss of Chloe (due to this gift from God thing) I actually have a mug with that scene on where Luci is lighting the sword but with tears in his eyes! The maze and Chloe scene at the Grieving Gathering was so good! See you in episode 16.

Jim Greer

It’s the reason i’m not renewing my subscription , that and the swearing .