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Treasure Map of Holding

Wondrous item, uncommon

Component: Aberration hide

A sailor once became shipwrecked on a deserted island. When all hope seemed lost, he came across a half-buried treasure chest containing supplies! Miraculously, every time he emptied the chest, it soon filled back up. When a ship finally arrived, however, he wasn’t met by sailors, but by four disgruntled adventurers.

X Marks the Spot. This treasure map is inscribed with ink that ripples like sea waves. Over the course of 1 hour, you can touch the map to a container no more than 2 feet in any dimension, performing a ritual that links the two. This can be done as part of a short or long rest. In order to access the magic of the map, the linked container must then be buried, at which point the map changes to display the general area in which the container is located.

As an action, you can use your finger to draw an X on the spot on the map that corresponds to its linked container’s location, causing the map to momentarily become a portal that can be reached through to retrieve or stow an item from the container as part of the same action. When you reach through the map for a specific item, the item is always magically at the top of the container. A creature that draws an X on any other location on the map takes 1d4 psychic damage.


Rare variant: You can open the portal and retrieve or stow an item as a bonus action instead of an action. You can link the map to a container that is up to 4 feet in each dimension.





This is such a neat bag of holding variant!