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harry potter order of phoenix react

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anthony finnell

my grandpa always told me to watch out for a hairy pooter

Ashlynn Siobhan

Order is my favorite book, but my second to least favorite movie. One of Ron's best moments comes from Order when Hermione is telling Harry about the idea for the DA, and she tells her and Ron were talking about how they need to do something about Umbridge and Ron says he suggested poison. It's not explained in the movie but Tonks is related to Draco. Tonk's mom Andromeda is the sister of Narcissa Malfoy (Draco's mom). Andromeda married a muggleborn named Ted Tonks and was disowned. Tonks (Nymphadora) was in the same year as Charlie Weasley, she was a Hufflepuff and graduated the year before Harry started. She's a metamorphmagus and can change her appearance at will. She's one of my favorite characters. Bellatrix is also Andromeda and Narcissa's sister so Bellatrix is Draco's aunt also. Neville's parents are alive but they were tortured so badly they live in the wizard hospital St. Mungos and have no memory of anything. Neville goes to visist them with his grandmother and they don't even recognize him. Also they left out that Umbridge was the one who sent the dementors after Harry. People in the minstry were talking about how they needed to do something about Harry and she sent two dementors after him.