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Chapter 16: Getting his Girl a Bull for Christmas - Part 2

Fandom: Harry Potter

Tags: Cheating Bride, Cuckolding, Bull, Huge Penis, SPH/teasing

Cast: Petunia Dursley - Emily Blunt

Nnh, yes, shit, ooooooooooh.

James grunted, his jaw clenched tight as his hips thrust back and forth with bruising force. He had one of Lily’s flailing tits gripped tightly in one hand while the other played with her clit, tickling it with his thumb as he bottomed inside his girl’s gushing, velvety pussy.

Lily’s back arched, her toes curled and she sang as another orgasm crashed into her, overwhelming her senses.

Still, James didn’t let up.

They’d been at it for hours, their bodies coated in a sheen of sweat and their damp hair plastered to their skin. The fire had long since died out, but James didn’t stop, he didn’t let his exhaustion or his desperate need to cum stop him as he fucked his beautiful, slutty girlfriend for all he was worth.

It was a chilly Monday night and Lily had just returned from a weekend spent with her parents, the Evans family in full wedding-planning mode. Sirius had had her exclusively both Thursday and Friday nights too after winning a poxy bet James would quickly come to regret making.

When he finally saw his girlfriend’s beautiful face smiling at him earlier that day, back from her brief trip, it was all he could do to not throw her over his shoulder and take her back to his room.

As it was, he was able to hold out until their last lecture finished before doing just that anyway. He’d had her at his mercy ever since, channelling his raging libido, using it and shagging her for hours.

Ever since she’d started shagging Sirius too, their love life had ascended. They’d become more adventurous, daring and kinky, their sex lives, in terms of satisfaction and frequency, on a whole new level.

‘Stop!’ Lily finally gasped out desperately when he started up his thrusting again, having only given her a minute to recover. ‘Jesus James, I need a break!’

Though she was breathless and chuckling a little incredulously, she wasn’t kidding. She looked exhausted, but James’ cock was still rock hard and he wanted nothing more than to keep fucking her.

Instead, Lily pulled him down and pushed him onto his back, collapsing atop him with her ear over his heart, her eyes peering up at him through a shock of messy, sweat-slicked coppery tresses.

‘What’s gotten into you?’ she asked breathlessly, her breathing still rapid as if she’d just stopped running a marathon. 

James smirked and brushed at her hair with his fingers until it was in some kind of order.

‘Sirius might have been rubbing it in my face over the weekend a little,’ he admitted with a crooked grin. ‘You’re not allowed to leave me for that long again.’ He softened his words with as adorable a pout as he could muster before continuing in a babying voice. ‘I missed you.’

Her pale face was flush from their exertions, but she still smiled radiantly and slid up his body to plant a kiss on his dry lips. ‘My bull was misbehaving, was he?’

His cock, without fail, would always throb whenever she referred to Sirius in that way. He didn’t think that’d ever stop being the case either, it was just too hot.

‘He was being a right shitter, that one,’ James agreed with a cheeky grin and Lily purred when he started to massage her shoulders. 

‘I’ll cut him off for a week,’ Lily decided with a predatory smile. ‘Or until he gets on his knees and begs you for forgiveness.’

James barked out a laugh and kissed the top of her slick head before pulling her in close with a tight hug.

‘How’re your family?’

Lily groaned in displeasure and buried her face in his neck, her next words coming out muffled as she tried to snuggle as close to him as possible. ‘They’re fine,’ she admitted reluctantly. ‘Everything’s just a little crazy right now, apparently Tuney’s a real bridezilla.’ 

‘A what?’

Lily chuckled tiredly. ‘Never mind, muggle phrase. She’s being difficult.’ Lily was as wriggly as an eel, moving this way and that and she groaned in frustration. ‘Bloody hell what did you do to me, my pussy’s throbbing.’

‘Good throbbing or bad throbbing?’

She frowned cutely as she considered the question, and James couldn’t help the silly surge of pride that bloomed in his chest. ‘Both? I think? Pass me a potion.’

Reaching over to the bedside table with an excited grin, James pulled one of the vials from the potions case, uncorked with his thumb and passed it to his girlfriend. She downed it without thinking and groaned with pleasure as its effects immediately started to take effect, her aches relieved and her energy quickly refilling.

She’s still horny, excellent.

‘Oh!’ Lily suddenly exclaimed, putting her hands on his chest and pushing herself up into a seated position. James watched with lascivious eyes his girlfriend’s pale, heavy breasts swaying with her movements, her puffy pink nipples showing marks from where he’d all but mauled her earlier. ‘I talked with my parents, they said it’s fine to bring Sirius to the wedding - I told them you might be uncomfortable being a stranger and the only wizard there.’

He didn’t care what she told them, but he still snorted. ‘You sure you can cut Sirius off for an entire week? Look at the lengths you’ll go to just so you’re not without him for a single weekend.’

She puffed up adorably and poked him in the chest with an authoritative finger. ‘Don’t give me lip, mister. You did this to me!’ Her eyes softened and she groaned, burying her face in her hands. ‘Ugh, I can’t believe I actually asked my parents to bring my bull and my boyfriend to my sister’s wedding…’

Predictably, his cock throbbed again. Lily did it so frequently these days that James was certain she did it deliberately, getting a kick out of his reaction specifically.

‘Please tell me that’s exactly how you asked them.’

She didn’t stop covering her face. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

‘You’re right,’ James admitted, reaching blindly under her mattress and wrapping his fist around the object he’d stashed there earlier. ‘That does sound pretty ridiculous.’ Gently, he placed the metallic object on Lily’s breast and she froze at its cool touch, her fingers slowly parting as she stared wide-eyed at the ring in shock. It was his great-grandmother’s, the band made of beautiful, intertwining strands of mithril inset with a large diamond surrounded by smaller emeralds - like petals on a flower. 

He’d found it in his family’s vault and immediately knew what he had to do.

‘It’d probably sound better if you told them you’re bringing your bull and your fiancé.’

Of all the reactions he was expecting, James’ preference had been for Lily to squeal and jump up and down on the bed like an excitable little girl, staring at her new ring with a wide smile on her face as her incredible tits flopped all over the place. 

While that still would have been incredible to see - particularly the latter part - Lily’s hands shaking as she picked up the ring and marvelled at it, happy tears leaking from her shining, emerald eyes and a radiant smile gracing her beautiful features definitely took the cake.

Shit, I think I’m gonna tear up too…   

With a sniffle, she nuzzled her head into his neck and looked up at him, her hand holding the ring to her breast. ‘I thought you said we were waiting until after we graduated…’

Shrugging, James shifted onto his side so they were face to face, their legs still intertwined. ‘Eh, I got tired of waiting. Besides, that’s still true, we’ll get married after we graduate.’ He grinned, kissing away the tears that were still streaming out of her eyes before pressing his forehead gently against hers. ‘Don’t think I haven't noticed how moody you’ve been lately either - feeling a little jealous of ol’ Tuney, are we?’

Lily sniffled then let out a watery chuckle. ‘I couldn’t help it,’ she pouted, handing him the ring and holding her hand out, her fingers splayed. ‘It’s an inherent weakness in the female species, we cannot just be happy for other women.’

James felt overwhelmed by the feelings of love and affection thrumming in his chest, so powerful he felt like he might burst. If you’d asked his teen self if he could ever feel this way about another person, especially a bird, the arrogant little shit would have laughed in your face. But he did, he loved Lily more than he’d ever loved anything in his entire life. 

Taking the ring in hand, he slit it onto Lily’s pale, slender finger and they both admired the glimmering, jewelled heirloom in silence.

Finally, James couldn’t take it anymore.

‘You’re supposed to say something, you miserable harpy.’

‘Oh?’ Lily replied cheekily, still marvelling at her ring from every angle. ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.’

She let out a shrill, erotic cry when he reached up and pinched her pinky, puffy nipples, pulling on the hardened nubs until she launched herself up and straddled his chest, her eyes dancing with mischief. ‘Alright, alright, you win.’ He didn’t buy her surrender for a second, especially given the way her eyes danced with mirth. Grinding her soaked womanhood against his aching erection, she leaned down, pressed her lips against his ear and purred. ‘Shall we call Sirius up here to help us cele - eeeek!

Lily squealed with shock and laughter as James flipped them around so he was the one straddling her chest. Grabbing her large, pillowy tits in hand, he wrapped them around his cock and took his pleasure. Lily’s face was flush with both arousal and merriment, her smile so radiant it lit up the otherwise dark room. Biting her lip, Lily reached up to run her palms over his still-slick chest, groping and admiring his pecs.

Yes,’ she whispered, and James’ entire body shuddered at the word.

‘I’m gonna need you to speak up Mrs. Potter, I didn’t quite hear you.’

Her smile somehow grew wider, almost hysterical, and she put her hands over his, squeezing his member even tighter with her breasts. Inhaling deeply, she screamed with all her might. ‘YES!

Lily was breathless, her eyes shining, but her impish smile had him on guard.

‘Are you happy, husband?’ They both shuddered in bliss as she tried on the title. He liked it, he liked it a lot. ‘You finally made me scream as loud as my bull does…’

James threw his head back and let out an animalistic groan that drowned out his fiancée’s mad giggling. He bent down and shut her up completely by capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Lily groaned into his mouth, her arms and legs wrapping around his muscular frame as she returned his affections with a passion that threatened to undo him.

Again, their sex life had never been anything but spectacular, but it had risen to a whole new level ever since he gave Sirius the keys to her knickers. Lily had always been as passionate as a dragon in heat when she wanted to be, but not only had her libido been supercharged by their new relationship dynamic, James found her newfound confidence intoxicating, the way she teased and sometimes treated him like her cuckold, otherworldly.

James quickly had Lily panting and moaning like the little tart she was, his fingers pistoning in and out of her womanhood as it soaked his hand, her walls clenching powerfully around him.

‘What are you thinking about?’ His growl was directly into her ear and earned him a full-body shudder. ‘You're about to rip my fingers off you little slut.’

Lily let out a breathless chuckle, her face buried in his broad chest.

‘I'm wondering if I should let my bull have me first on our wedding night…’

James’ thumb pressed down hard against Lily’s clit, his fingers hooking and rubbing the roof of her vagina. His fiancée’s throaty chuckle turned into a squeal and her hips shot off the bed as she came, her body contorting in pleasure.

Before she could recover, James slid in between her quivering legs and buried himself all the way to the hilt, his head butting up against her cervix.

‘Ooooooooh fuuuuuuuck…’

‘I think you need a reminder on who really fucks you best, Mrs. Potter.


‘Whaddabout you then, your grace?’ Vernon Dursley’s brute of a father was completely smashed and, at this point, making an absolute nuisance of himself by stalking around the ballroom with his other sons and picking fights with people. ‘Who d’you think’s gonna win, hmm?’

James swirled his martini glass and grinned wide before taking a sip. He'd been on a full charm offensive all day, his mission to make sure that every member of the Evans clan fell in love with him before he returned to Hogwarts.

He'd studied for this very line of questioning. Both Lily's and Vernon's family were football crazy, and while he knew nothing about the sport, it was similar enough to quidditch that he'd been able to follow it easily enough.

‘Sorry mate, Chelsea have been pretty rubbish lately. Arsenal should smash you lot.’

He fought the urge to grin like a fox when the men of the Evans clan all cheered, his future father-in-law nodding at him in approval.

The Dursley clan quickly scattered with grumbled protestations and angry Vs while a couple of Lily's cousins introduced themselves. He did likewise, just as Lily had taught him.

‘Potter, James Potter,’ he replied confidently, once more ignoring the bemused smile he received in response.

James had never been to a muggle wedding before, and while he'd been initially concerned that both he and Sirius would be bored out of their minds, it hadn't been anywhere near as bad as he'd feared.

That was, until Lily had introduced him to everyone as her fiancée and Sirius had somehow let slip he was some kind of minor nobility.

That had certainly put a stop to Vernon's snide, passive-aggressive insults. James had enjoyed seeing his oafish face turn an unhealthy shade of purple when the groom realised he'd only make himself look like more of a tit if he kept making his stupid, unfunny jokes.

‘Potter! Make us a pot of tea, would you, old chap?’

It had taken all of James’ considerable willpower to keep a bland, unamused expression on his features whenever Vernon had pulled out that zinger.

The look on his face had been worth it.

As for the wedding itself, the ceremony had been held in a beautiful, gothic cathedral in London that reminded him of a mini-Hogwarts. Petunia - always jealous of her sister because of her looks, popularity, and later, her magic - actually looked like a completely different woman without her face set in a perpetual sneer.

With her blonde hair done up in an elaborate bun, a wide smile permanently affixed to her surprisingly pretty features and her large breasts almost spilling out of the cups of her dress, James had no issues admitting the bride was a vision of beauty on her special day.

Lily and Sirius had been tickled pink when James had told the bride as much when they went up to congratulate the recently wedded couple, her face flushing in embarrassment, but looking undeniably pleased - despite her new husband’s face turning an unhealthy shade of purple.

After the ceremony, they’d adjourned to something Lily had called a hotel. It was a novel concept - essentially an inn, but orders of magnitude larger and more luxurious.

Magicals had no need for such establishments, especially with portkeys and internal expansion charms being a thing. Practicality aside, the hotel that hosted the reception - the Langham - was a beautiful venue, the ballroom making even the most opulent of its counterparts in many pureblood manors seem penurious by comparison.

If the church had reminded James of a mini-Hogwarts, the hotel had reminded him of larger Beauxbatons, the two sharing similar architectural styles and luxurious, ostentatious decor.

While James bemoaned the fact that he was missing the after-party up in their room, he grit his teeth and bore it. He was on a mission, unfortunately, far more important than what his fiancée and best mate were up to.

Keep telling yourself that, Potter.

By the time the wedding was over, James was determined to make sure Lily’s family thought him the second coming of Merlin.

He was schmoozing with a group of Lily’s cousins, all of them talking more about football, when Petunia found him. James’ eyebrows rose when he looked up and noticed she was on the verge of a panic attack, her previously flush features and pretty smile nowhere to be seen, replaced with a plaid countenance and nervous, harried expression.

He smiled politely and nodded at his new friends before she hurriedly pulled him away and, looking up at the huge, extravagant clock on the wall, James realised with a start that it was nearing midnight, and thus, an end to the festivities.

‘Where’s Lily?!’

His eyebrows rose further at her panicked whisper, but he sure as hell wouldn’t be answering. He knew exactly where his girl was, but the last thing she’d want was to have her good time ruined by her panicking shrew of a sister.

‘Petunia,’ he said by way of greeting, and simultaneously trying to calm her. ‘What’s the issue…?’

Before she could get a word in edgewise however, the bride was forced to plaster a smile back on her pretty features when they were interrupted by one of her uncles. The man was leaving and, after giving Petunia a kiss on the cheek and a final congratulations, introduced himself to James.

‘I’ve heard a lot about you,’ the older man teased, a jovial smile on his chubby features. ‘Here to steal Jeremy’s other daughter?’

James barked out a laugh and turned on the charm. ‘I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed,’ he said with his most roguish grin. ‘Lily’s the one who stole me from my parents! That girl knows what she wants, and she takes it. Potter, James Potter.’

Again with the weird look, both at him and the drink he was nursing, but the man laughed nonetheless and, with a final shake of his hand and confirmation that Lily was indeed as he said, scurried off to his family.

Petunia turned to him with a puzzled frown, her inexplicable panic momentarily forgotten.

‘I didn’t know you lot watched movies,’ she accused, whispering the potentially damning part under her breath.

James only stared back at her blankly. He had no idea what she was on about.

Movies? Does she mean those moving picture stories Lily keeps harping on about…?

Seeing his incomprehension, Petunia elaborated with a frustrated growl. ‘Potter, James Potter?’

That…didn’t help clear things up. Petunia rolled her eyes in annoyance.

‘You can’t be serious. What’s the drink? Vodka martini?’

‘Shaken, not stirred,’ James nodded slowly, a sinking feeling in his gut. ‘Listen, Tuney, I have no idea what you’re on about. Lily said I had to introduce myself like that, that it was customary, and she also said I’d like this drink best - no idea why, it tastes like water.’

The feeling in his gut worsened when Petunia let out a peal of mocking laughter, laughter that only intensified when she made to regain her composure, only to see his continued, puzzled frown and start all over again.

James remained remarkably calm while Petunia laughed in his face. That changed when she finally calmed and explained to him just who James Bond was, and how he’d been making a tit out of himself all night.

‘Lily pranked me…?’

‘It would seem so,’ Petunia agreed with a cruel, mirthful smirk filled with schadenfreude.

She pranked me?!’ His eyes narrowed. ‘This cannot stand!’ He saw a waiter strolling past with their tray held high and placed his half-empty martini glass on it before turning to the bride, his charming smile now showing far too many teeth. ‘You wanted to see your sister, right?’

Petunia’s amused smirk instantly faded when she was reminded why she’d been seeking her sister out in the first place. Shakily, she nodded and James held out his arm for her with a grin that nearly split his face. She looked at the offered appendage distrustfully before slowly taking it.

‘Let’s be off then, the night’s winding down, wouldn’t want to keep you from dear Vernon for too long…’

James felt Petunia’s grip tightening on his arm and his eyebrows rose in curiosity. 

Well that’s interesting…

They hurriedly slipped out of the ballroom and James led his future sister-in-law through the opulent, palatial hotel. They were receiving a few odd looks, especially given Petunia’s dress, but they were nothing compared to what they would have been getting had she not had her train and veil removed. After the ceremony, she’d changed into a far more practical, still off-white dress that hugged her slim figure, flared out at her hips and, thankfully, was still cut low enough that her melons were almost spilling out.

James had to give it to her, the woman knew her best feature. Features, even.

As they made their way to the elevator, James could feel Petunia growing more and more tense, her back stiff and her shoulders trembling.

Surely not…

He kept his suspicions to himself and, when the elevator doors opened with a soft ping, he put a calming hand on the small of her back and guided her inside. They were the only ones in the elevator, and as it started to move, James didn’t remove his hand. Thankfully, despite apparently not really caring for him, his presence and touch seemed to calm her a little.

The benefits of hosting the reception at a world-class hotel was that most of the guests had booked rooms so they could stay the night, he and Lily were no exception. James had even tried to throw some money around so they could get the best the hotel had to offer - if he were going to experience something new, he wanted it to be the best they had to offer. Unfortunately, the most expensive suites had been booked out that weekend.

While the hotel and ballroom had been an impressive sight, the rooms they had been given had just been okay. Barely above their dorms back at Hogwarts in terms of luxury or comfort. Lily had assured him that wouldn’t have been the case had they gotten one of the palatial suites, each would have been the equivalent of the Gryffindor common room on their own.

Feeling Petunia start to tremble once more, he sighed and moved closer until his shoulder was touching hers.

‘You’re a virgin, I take it?’

He knew he’d been right on the money when Petunia paled, her eyes flying wide and her back going ramrod straight.

She turned to him, disbelief and embarrassment warring on her pretty, minimally made-up features. ‘H-how-?!’

‘Guessed,’ he assured her in a soothing tone. ‘Bride goes frantically searching for her sister in a blind panic just as her wedding is winding down? Either you think you’ve made a terrible mistake -’

Petunia’s lips curled and she sneered, James could only sigh in disappointment.

Such a shame. Well, either that or you’re having a panic attack because you’re supposed to consummate the marriage soon…and you’re scared.’

Petunia neither confirmed or denied, but her silence spoke volumes.

James sighed again, this time wearily. ‘Was it your idea, or Vernon’s?’

Petunia’s cheeks noticeably pinked and she did her best not to acknowledge his existence, her gaze fixed on the elevator doors as their carriage made its slow trek up the floors of the hotel. She clearly didn’t want to talk about it - especially to him - but she seemed far more unnerved by the silence and, perhaps, her own thoughts.

‘Vernon’s,’ she admitted, and started in surprise at Jame’s vehement cursing of his name. Seeing her look, James elaborated.

‘Well, he’s robbed you of your special night, hasn’t he?’ he said with an annoyed frown. ‘Instead of looking forward to consummating your marriage on the supposed happiest day of your life, you’re freaking out. I mean, I could tell you sex isn’t that big a deal, but that won’t do you any good now…’

James cheered internally when his words had a noticeable effect. Her rigid posture eased and the corners of her lips twitched in an amused, self-deprecating smirk. ‘Quite…’

Finally, the elevator pinged and the doors opened. 

Before they could step out, Petunia turned to him with a nervous, hang-dog expression.

‘Were you Lily's, er, first?’

He only just held back a snort. While his fiancée’s true sexual awakening was a relatively recent thing, Lily Evans had been the furthest thing from a blushing virgin their first time together.

Thank Merlin for that…

‘No,’ he answered succinctly and Petunia winced, shying away from him.

‘I thought that might be the case…’

As she bowed her head and looked away, James kept the elevator doors open with a press of a button, the fingers of his other hand cupping his future sister-in-law's chin and making her face him.

‘Your issue is that you've put sex on too grand a pedestal, built it up into being something more than it is.’

Evidently, he'd stepped in it with that one and Petunia’s sneer was back in full force.

‘So sex with my sister means nothing to you?’

He didn't rise to the bait.

‘Being with Lily means everything to me,’ he corrected her calmly, without raising his voice. His soft spoken intensity instantly disarmed her. ‘Sex is just a small part of that. An important part, not no more than anything else.’

He stopped holding the doors and together, they stepped out into a lavishly decorated and carpeted hallway with replica renaissance-era portraits hanging in each section of white-panelled wall. With James’ hand still on the small of Petunia's back, he led her past countless, equally white doors until they stopped in front of room 934.

Before he unlocked the door, Petunia froze and stared at him with wide eyes when James whipped out his wand.

His magical wand, thank you very much.

Petunia's distaste for his kind and magic in general was no secret to him. At the sight of his wand however, James couldn't help but grin when he noticed her obvious excitement.

‘Relax,’ he whispered in a soothing tone, his wand dancing. ‘I'm going to cast a silencing bubble around us. I want to play a prank on them.’

Petunia watched his wand with fascination as it danced and its tip started to glow. When he silently cast the spell, she gasped as a translucent, spherical shield made of hexagonal tiles briefly sprang up around them, before quickly fading from view.

Pocketing his wand, he winked at the bride before unlocking and opening the door behind him.

Before he did so however, Petunia froze in realisation and hissed, her eyes narrowed. ‘What do you mean them?’

She got her answer rather quickly.

Opening the door had temporarily broken the silencing ward, allowing the erotic symphony within to ring out past them and down the otherwise silent hallway.

James hurried the shocked Petunia inside and shut the door behind them, reenabling the ward.

His cock throbbed with desire in his slacks at what they found. The rooms at the Langham were relatively simple, a short hallway with doors to a bathroom and closet that quickly opened up into the bedroom, the bed around the corner and out of sight.

Steam still billowed out from the bathroom in a warm, misty cloud that fogged his glasses, while both Lily’s silky, emerald dress and Sirius's tux had been thrown haphazardly to the floor.

Petunia had frozen like a startled cat as she was assaulted by his fiancée and best mate’s animalistic cries. James took her hand and led her deeper into their room and, though her reaction had been immediate and notable when she’d first heard the amorous sounds, that was nothing compared to her reaction upon seeing them.

‘W-what? What are you doing?!’

To be fair to her, Petunia's reaction was understandable. After all, as they rounded the corner, they were both met with the sight of Lily’s pale, naked, glorious ass sliding up and down Sirius's huge, veiny, towering cock.

Fuck, that's so hot…

‘I told you,’ James whispered in Petunia's ear, sliding in behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, his lips against her ear. ‘They can't hear us…’

She didn't seem to mind his close proximity and invasion of her personal space, apparently far more concerned with what they were seeing.

She turned in his grasp, her eyes wide. ‘Lily's cheating on you?’ she hissed in shock, unable to believe her supposedly perfect little sister was capable of such a thing. ‘With your best friend?!’

‘How can it be cheating when I'm the one that set them up…?’

‘W-what?!’ she shrieked, her eyes widening in fright when she thought she'd given them away. James grinned at her gasp when she realised the magic was very real, and very much in effect. Petunia turned back to him, lost, confused and, much to James’ delight, a little curious. ‘W-why?’

‘Why?’ he parroted, blinking owlishly at her and being deliberately obtuse. ‘Just look at them, you can't tell me that doesn't turn you in…’

Petunia didn't answer, but her gaze did return to the shagging couple on the bed, her eyes staring at Sirius's huge cock spearing her sister's womanhood.

Ooooooooh yes, yes YES,’ Lily groaned loudly, as if to emphasise his point, her head swaying from side to side as she bounced and ground on Sirius' cock, her lips spread wide around his shocking girth. 

Speaking of his best mate, he gripped Lily’s pale ass with his large hands, the fatty flesh reddening from the power of his grip. He thrust up into his fiancée, his big balls bouncing around like a sack of quaffles.

‘Yeah Lils, you missed my big cock, didn't you?’

Lily didn't answer so much as she moaned in the affirmative, her head lolling back and her wet hair trailing down her back in wavy, coppery tresses. Sirius chuckled then groaned as Lily started to incorporate a hip shake with every downward thrust.

James’ cock was so hard it started to feel uncomfortable constrained in his trousers. When he wrapped his arms around Petunia's waist and pulled her close, only her flowing wedding dress and his thin slacks separating her bum and his straining member, she sucked in a startled breath and froze in shock.

‘Is this okay?’ he whispered in her ear, initiating no further contact until she gave him the go ahead. She didn't, not with her words anyway. Her body relaxed and she leaned back against his broad chest, her gaze transfixed on Lily and Sirius' union.

She's probably wondering how much that would hurt…

‘Sirius is my brother in all but blood,’ James explained as they silently watched. He loved it when Lily rode his best mate, it made her look so sexy and powerful, like she was forcibly ripping the pleasure out of Sirius' hands. ‘We share everything, even girls. Lily is the love of my life, the future mother of my children… this past Christmas, I basically gave her permission to shag Sirius and only Sirius whenever she wanted, no restrictions…’

Petunia had grown more relaxed in his embrace and as she listened to him speak, though he could still sense her incredulity and disbelief like it was a physical force.

‘There's no jealousy,’ he continued. ‘I just love watching her cut loose, I love seeing her uninhibited and crying out in pleasure…even if I'm not the one giving it…’

‘You lot are mad,’ Petunia vehemently insisted, though she didn't look away. ‘Are all you magicals just a bunch of crazy hedonists?’

James slowly started to trail his fingers up and down the forearms down by her sides. His touch was feather light, exploratory. He didn't want to scare her away, but given the way she shuddered at his touch, her cheeks pink and her breath coming in shaky, unsteady gasps, he didn't think he was in danger of that.


‘I'll have you know,’ he began in a teasing tone, his warm breath on her ear causing more delightful, sinful shivers, ‘My parents have been married and monogamous for over eighty years - we're just uniquely uninhibited…’

His words caused Petunia to gasp in shock for an entirely different, non-erotic reason. She'd likely seen pictures of his parents from when Lily came to visit… they did not look like they'd been married for that long.

Heck, they don't even look like they've been alive that long.

She would learn of her sister's new longevity sooner or later…

‘So?’ James asked and Petunia stilled once more. They'd elapsed into silence as they watched Lily sensually bounce and gyrate, her pale bum moving in a hypnotic rhythm as she slid Sirius' huge hog in and out of her, their combined juices soaking the sheets, her lips red and spread wide around his best mate’s girth.

He couldn't blame her for getting lost in the erotic scene playing out before them.

When Petunia shook her head to regain some clarity and turned to stare at him in confusion, James grinned and elaborated.

‘Didn't you come here for a reason?’ Her cheeks pinked further when she realised what he was saying. ‘Go on, ask your slutty little sister what you came here to ask…’

Petunia went ramrod straight at the reminder, and though she’d grown accustomed to his increasing physical contact, her face scrunched up in phantom pain as she warred with embarrassment and indecision.

Thankfully, Lily made the decision for them.

Lily took as much of Sirius' member inside her as possible, her head lolling back as she groaned with animalistic lust. ‘You're fifty years too - mmh - early if you think you could - hah - sneak in here without me noticing, luv. Why don't you stop watching and -’

Lily had arched her back during her victory speech in an impressive display of flexibility, her smug grin turning into a horrified shriek when her upside down sister came into view.

Quicker than a golden snitch, Lily hopped off Sirius and covered her naked body with a nearby pillow, her face as red as her hair as she gaped at James and Petunia in disbelief. Sirius…was very Sirius. The man had no shame and as his heavy, glistening member thunked down against his belly, he put an arm behind his head and grinned in amusement, making no effort to cover himself.

All he needed was a tub of popcorn to complete the image of sheer nonchalance.

‘I believe you've met?’ James asked cheekily from behind Petunia, his fingers still gliding up and down her arms. ‘Dursley, Petunia Dursley.’

‘Are you out of your bloody mind?!’ Lily shrieked in outrage, brushing her wet hair out of her eyes. Her entire face was red, but James didn't delude himself into thinking it was because of embarrassment. Well…not only that. ‘You brought my sister here because I pranked you?!’

‘Actually,’ he interrupted what he was sure to be a tirade and perhaps some painful hexes, winking at Sirius before continuing, ‘Petunia here asked to see you, she was rather desperate, actually. It's not my fault you were…busy. Utterly, gloriously indecent if you ask me.’

Sirius barked out a highly amused laugh and Lily shot him a look that promised retribution later before she turned to her statuesque sister, her eyebrows raising minutely when she noticed what his devious hands were doing, unchallenged.

‘What is it?’ Lily asked her older sister impatiently, clearly no love lost between them. Not since Petunia’s jealousy of her magic had ruined their relationship.

Petunia swallowed thickly, her gaze firmly fixed on the plush carpet as she tried to muster her courage. She was trembling, her fear and anxiety coming back strong. James soothed her, his touch growing less subtle and his voice calmly encouraging.

‘Go on…’

Without lifting her eyes from the floor, she spoke in a quiet, shaky voice.

‘I'm…I'm not - I haven't, I… tonight…’

James sighed in resignation as Lily's face scrunched up in confusion. He translated.

‘She's a virgin and she's scared,’ he explained diplomatically, his features a mask of innocence. ‘She wanted to ask for some advice from the resident slut in the family.’

With reflexes honed through countless hours of quidditch practise, James was able to dodge the lightning quick stinging hex while Sirius howled with laughter.

Lily shot her lover a dirty glare before huffing in annoyance and turning to her older sister. ‘Is that it?’

Wincing and fidgeting with the hem of her dress nervously, Petunia nevertheless nodded. ‘Could we perhaps…speak in private?’

Lily shot her a look of disbelief. ‘Private? Why? You just stood there and watched me at my most intimate and didn't say a word.’

‘She rather enjoyed the show too, I might add.’

This time, both sisters shot him dirty looks and Sirius whistled in sympathy, the cad trying his damndest to contain his mirth.

‘Wow, tough crowd…’

Lily rolled her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, as if asking her muggle god for strength. ‘It's not that big a deal Petunia, just make sure your dear husband goes down on you first and you'll be fine -’

Petunia interrupted her, her voice sounding small. Scared, even. ‘Doesn't it…hurt?’

James and Sirius shared a secret smile as Lily groaned in frustration. Though the sisters weren't as close as they used to be, her cattiness had much more to do with her epic shagfest being interrupted rather than genuine annoyance.

‘Oh for goodness sake -!’

‘It can,’ James interrupted before Lily could take out more of her frustrations on her poor sister. ‘If your partner doesn't know what they're doing.’

Petunia winced again at his words, her opinion on the matter rather evident. Lily, on the other hand, reacted as if she'd been struck by lightning, or rather, a bolt of inspiration.

Seeing realisation dawn in his fiancée's features and the evil smile that soon followed, James could have kissed her. In that moment, without needing to say so explicitly, they were of one mind. When she turned and locked eyes with him, they weren't just filled with understanding, they were filled with mirth and cruel desire.

Setting up Sirius to be his girl's bull had been more than just a desire to have his voyeuristic and cuckold kinks satisfied - though make no mistake, that had been the primary reason. James had also hoped to broaden Lily’s sexual horizons, to turn the woman who he intended to spend the rest of his very long life with into as much of a degenerate as he was.

And judging by the look on his fiancée’s face as she stared between the two of them, he'd succeeded.


‘No, no, James is right,’ Lily conceded, her attitude doing a complete one-eighty. ‘If Vernon doesn't know what he's doing, tonight will be incredibly painful for you.’

James almost felt sympathy for his future sister-in-law as she winced and shrank in on herself.


‘Thankfully,’ Lily continued with the most sincere smile she could manage, ‘there's a way we can mitigate that by quite a lot.’

Petunia's head snapped up eagerly, her eyes wide with hope and desperation. She likely thought Lily would offer her a magical solution…

Oh you poor, sweet summer child…

Instead of answering immediately, Lily let the pillow she was using to guard her modesty fall to the side, exposing her glorious, naked body to them once more. Her skin shone with a healthy sheen, a sticky combination of dampness from the shower, sweat and sexual fluids. When she threw a leg over Sirius' waist and straddled him, her heavy breasts jiggling and swaying like pendulums with her movements, James almost groaned as she held his huge cock against her belly and grinned, biting her lip sexily.

Petunia audibly swallowed.

Gone was Lily's reticence, gone was her embarrassment. Now, his sexy fiancée looked to be relishing in her older sister’s discomfort. As she ran her fingers up Sirius' massive cock, alternating between left and right after each journey, Lily ground her womanhood against the towering pillar of flesh, eyeing the both of them hungrily.

Petunia's eyes were also transfixed by Sirius’ member, as if she were a snake and her sister's hands had charmed her.

‘A-are they all like that?’ Petunia whispered in horror, her voice trembling.

Lily turned to James, her smile now mocking as she continued grinding against her bull’s hefty cock.

Goodness, no,’ she answered with an amused chortle. ‘Not even close. Sirius is…special.’

Oi!’ James protested in faux outrage, his own more modest length threatening to tear a hole in his slacks.

‘Sirius is much, much larger than average,’ Lily continued to tease with a sultry purr. Biting her lip, her cheeks rosy and her eyes heavily lidded with desire, she rose up high on her knees then groaned deeply as she impaled herself once more on Sirius. Both James and Petunia watched as she sank lower and lower, her body trembling with pleasure and lust, until Sirius’ large, spongy head was pressed up against Lily's cervix.

Now that she'd bottomed out, Lily slowly gyrated her hips, biting her lip sexily as she performed for them. Her embarrassment was long gone and now she was clearly getting off on being watched by her fascinated, mortified virgin sister.

‘A-and that feels good?’ Petunia finally asked in disbelief, her eyes glued on their union and her voice barely above a whisper.

Lily chortled then moaned like she usually did after a deep, morning stretch. ‘I certainly don't keep him around for his charm and winning personality.’


Lily yelped then chuckled throatily, another groan slipping out as Sirius spanked her pale arse. She wasn't bouncing so much as she was swivelling her hips and gyrating, his best mate’s member no doubt reaching and brushing against every one of her deepest pleasure receptors.

Petunia licked her dry lips. She was watching as if Lily were a muggle magician - hilariously, doing the inverse of pulling a rabbit out of a hat…

‘A-and that doesn't hurt?’

Her disbelief and incredulity were palpable, but it was mixed with something else. Something far more titillating than her adorable innocence.

‘No,’ Lily purred, shutting her eyes and smiling in contentment. ‘Pain is the furthest thing from my mind right now…but the story might have been different if Sirius had been my first…’

The man in question made to arc up in protest at the slander, but James shut him up with a fierce look, his hand waving back and forth over his throat to shut him up. Sirius stared at him in confusion before his eyes widened in shock, a smile not too dissimilar to Lily’s now splitting his face.

Petunia couldn't stop staring at their union, at how wide Lily’s lips were spread around Sirius’ girth, her exposed clit, the copious sexual fluids seeping out of her nethers…

Petunia was getting turned on, and not only was she not complaining about the hard cock stabbing her from behind, she was subconsciously grinding her bum against it.

This is going to be brilliant!

Licking her dry lips, Petunia cleared her throat and continued. ‘Then how - how do I-?’

Practise Tuney,’ Lily answered, her smile positively devious. If Petunia noticed or cared that Lily had slipped back into using her childish nickname, she didn't say anything. ‘Like with all things - mmh - if you work at it hard enough, you'll - hah - reap the rewards…’

The room descended into a tense, sexually charged silence as they waited for Petunia's response. It took her a bit, bless her innocent heart, but in her defence, they'd done quite the number on her.

Finally, Petunia froze when she realised they were all staring at her expectantly. After briefly frowning in confusion, her eyes widened and she paled.

‘W-what are you-?’

Her eyebrows raised in challenge, Lily turned to him and smiled kindly.

‘My love, be a dear and show my sweet sister what she's been missing out on.’

What?!’ Petunia shrieked in outrage, her face going from pale to Hogwarts Express red in a heartbeat. ‘I'm married, you ridiculous harlot! Can't you, you know, do magic or whatever?’

Lily’s kind smile notably cooled and became forced, her beautiful emerald eyes like two chips of ice. ‘No, I can't just do magic,’ Lily replied with an eyeroll, lying through her perfect teeth. ‘Unless you want to risk the spell backfiring and doing God knows what to your privates…’

‘I - b-but -’

‘If you’re not going to - nnh - join us, bugger off yeah? You’re spoiling the m-moood,’ his devious fiancée finished with a shudder and a deep groan as she spread her legs wide and leaned back, supporting her weight on Sirius’ chest. The pose exposed and showed off as much of her writhing body to her sister as possible, from her nether lips spread obscenely wide around her bull’s colossal shaft, to her heavy, hanging tits that shook and swayed every time Sirius thrust up into her, his cock bending with the strain as it repeatedly forced its way into Lily’s tight channel.

Both of them were now lost in their own world, the pleasure from their actions and the eroticism of being watched by someone not in the know turning them on like crazy. Sirius showed this by picking up the tempo of his thrusts, groaning in pleasure and effort as his hips bounced off the bed with the speed of a woodpecker.

Lily’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and she screwed her eyes shut, her mouth open in a silent scream of pure, raw passion. Juices were squirting out of their union due to the force of their shagging, and her heavy tits were flailing all over the place deliciously.

James leaned into Petunia, his lips right against her ear. ‘Vernon will probably go straight to doing that with you,’ he whispered, his voice filled with false concern. ‘Imagine how much his mates have been geeing him up all night - do you think he’ll be…considerate?’

Petunia whimpered as she stared hopelessly at the furiously shagging couple on the bed, their pale flesh red and flush with their exertions.

With his fingers still brushing gently against her forearms, he leaned in even closer, his warm breath directly in her ear. 

‘Lily told me you fancied me,’ he revealed, and Petunia froze, a strangled, betrayed gasp escaping her throat. ‘She said you got terribly jealous when she came home and showed a picture of me to your parents…is that true, Petunia?’

His future sister-in-law made several choking sounds before finally answering.

‘I-I’m married.’

‘That’s okay,’ James whispered gently, their soft conversation almost completely drowned out by the sounds of Lily and Sirius’ furious rutting, their moans, groans and the squelching sounds of Sirius rapid thrusts filling the room with their erotic chorus. ‘Don’t think of it as cheating, think of it as preparing yourself properly…so you can better satisfy your husband.’

It was almost too easy to manipulate the usually stuck-up, jealous woman, she was like putty in his hands, shuddering at the mere sound of his voice and the sinful promise they conveyed. She eagerly latched onto his words like they were a lifeline, and she was drowning in a stormy sea.

Finally, Petunia whimpered and leaned back against his broad chest, her head resting on his shoulder. Her cheeks were flush and she was panting with need while looking up shyly at him. James smiled, doing his best to hide the smugness he felt as he gently rubbed circles on her belly.

‘Do you want me to take care of you?’

He was being deliberately vague, not wanting to scare her off by putting to words what he actually meant. Petunia knew exactly what the meaning was though and her cheeks flushed an even darker red.

‘P-please,’ she begged, her hands finding his and squeezing tight. ‘I - I want… please.’

James chuckled directly into her ear and the deep sound had Petunia shuddering and whining with need. Though Sirius was still going to town on Lily, his fiancée was watching them like a hawk. Looking up, he shot her a wink and Lily flung her head back, groaning in victory.

As hard as it was to not just take a seat, pull his dick out and wank away as he watched his woman getting fucked, James managed it. Instead, he focused all his attention on Petunia and called upon his years of experience in seduction to make this as seamless and enjoyable an infidelity as possible.

While this wouldn’t be his first time seducing a married woman, it would be his most enjoyable.

‘You ready?’ he whispered softly, staring down into Petunia’s wide eyes and blushing face. Her features warred with indecision briefly, but with one final glance at her furiously rutting sister, she turned back to him and shakily nodded. ‘Good,’ he purred, his hands slipping to her back to find her dress’ zipper. ‘Relax, I’ll take good care of you.’ He moved his lips over to her other ear, and Petunia shuddered again as she felt his warm breath against her sensitive skin. ‘I’m going to teach you things about your body you’ve never even dreamed of…’

Petunia’s eyes fluttered closed and she trembled in lust at the raw promise in his words. With painstaking slowness, he drew the zipper on her dress down while continuing to whisper honeyed words in her ear, her body growing more relaxed and receptive by the second.

James purred when Petunia’s dress fell around her ankles, revealing her slim body clad in only lacy, white lingerie with garters and stockings. It was an incredibly innocent, bridal look and his libido roared in his chest, urging him to devour her.

He would.

His hands snaked back around to her front, goosebumps pimpling on Petunia’s skin everywhere his fingers brushed. James made sure to pay close attention to the exposed skin around her bra-clad breasts, coming close to but never touching the objects of his desire directly.

As horny as Petunia obviously was, he’d still need to take his time. If he were too aggressive, she’d scamper away like a startled mooncalf, if he didn’t keep her in a perpetual state of building arousal, she might come back to her senses and reconsider.

And he couldn’t have that…

When Petunia’s impatience and arousal coalesced and reached their combined zenith, she whined and grabbed his wrists, tugging them up towards her neglected breasts.

‘Oh?’ James teased directly into her ear, earning himself another pleased shudder. ‘Feeling a little…constrained?’

‘Please,’ she whimpered as she writhed against him, her back arched as she offered her chest to him. James’ eyes flicked over towards Lily and he grinned when he saw her watching them eagerly, her bottom lip perpetually caught between her teeth. She was still bouncing on Sirius, but now she was paying more attention to him.

For once, he’d be the one providing the erotic show.

When James traced the underside of the cups of her bra, Petunia all but collapsed against him. When he unhooked the front clasped and released her breasts, she did.

Wrapping one arm around her waist to keep her steady, James started to kiss the side of her long, slender neck, his lips trailing along her pulse point and earning him more whimpers. He didn’t immediately paw at her tits like an overeager teenager, instead letting them breathe like he would an aged bottle of wine.

That didn’t mean he looked away though, his smouldering gaze devouring the heavy breasts that sagged deliciously low on her chest under their own not-inconsiderable weight.

He’d noticed it earlier. The Evans clan’s women all seemed to be gifted in the chest department, with Petunia and Lily being prime examples. He loved Lily’s breasts - large, pale with delectable pink nipples and the perfect amount of sag.

Petunia’s looked almost identical…just a cup-size larger. The difference wasn’t massive, but Petunia’s slimmer frame exaggerated it deliciously.

‘I don’t know why you’re so jealous of your sister…’ James purred, getting both women’s immediate attention. Lily somehow managed to give him a warning look while bouncing on Sirius’ huge cock and Petunia stared up at him with wide, vulnerable eyes. His fingers brushed the underside of her heavy breasts and she once again whimpered, staring down at her exposed mammaries with wide-eyed shock - as if she couldn’t believe what she was doing or seeing. ‘You’re so pretty and your breasts - mm mm mm - utterly delightful. Are they…yes, I think they are bigger than your sisters…’

‘Oi!’ Lily snapped, suddenly adorably jealous. Her protestations died however after several harsh spanks from Sirius, who quickly brought his beautiful spitfire to heel and had her moaning in bliss once more.

Petunia looked incredibly pleased by the compliments, her chest rising and falling rapidly in time with her thundering heartbeat. She kept staring up at him, her wide eyes screaming the words her lips did not.

If you like them so much, why the bloody hell aren’t you touching them?!

James grinned cheekily and went back to kissing the side of her neck, suckling on a point he felt got the best reaction from the amorous bride.

With her eyes fluttering closed once more as she basked in his ministrations, James chose that moment to strike. His hands glided up her bare tummy and carefully, as if he were handling dragon’s eggs, he cupped the undersides of Petunia’s breasts and hefted them in his grasp.

Her exultant, relieved and surprised moan was so powerful it sounded like she’d just had an orgasm.

Heck…she may just have…

‘Good girl,’ James praised as he palmed Petunia’s breasts, weighing them in each hand as if he were the scales of justice. ‘They’re so soft, so beautiful, I can’t wait to taste them…’

‘I’ve never - no one’s ever -!’

‘Shhh,’ he shushed her, his fingers now teasing her pebbled nipples as he suckled on her neck. ‘Don’t worry about any of that, just focus on feeling and enjoying yourself.’

Her lips snapped shut and she whimpered, her hands clamping down around his wrists like manacles as she writhed against him. He kept this up for a while, slowly playing with Petunia’s pliable tit flesh and feasting on her neck. He’d gently pinch and pull on her nipples while slowly leading Petunia closer and closer to the bed.

He wasn’t some kind of saint, someone able to stave off their own desires for an infinite amount of time. A big part of why he was able to slow roll Petunia so well was because he often found himself transfixed by the sight of Lily and Sirius shagging. They constantly kept his dick hard, and James would grind it into the bride’s lace knickers.

When they finally reached the bed, James slowly spun Petunia around and pushed her back until she sat on the edge of the bed, resting back on her hands as she alternated staring up at him and turning to stare over at Lily and Sirius.

His best mate barely paid them any mind, his entire focus on not cumming as he thrust up into Lily for all he was worth. His girl, on the other hand, was the opposite. She watched them like it was her favourite soap opera, her face flush and her body slick and shiny with sweat.

When James started to slowly unbutton his shirt though, Petunia’s gaze remained firmly fixed on him. With a charming smile, he took his time revealing inch after inch of naked flesh as he unbuttoned his shirt’s buttons at a snail’s pace. Petunia stared up at him with wide eyes, her cheeks flush as she eagerly drank in the sight of his pale, muscled torso with hunger.

With the last button undone, he whipped his shirt off and tossed it to the floor, making sure to subtly flex his pecs for his enraptured audience. When he finally joined the others on the bed, he had Petunia scootch all the way back until she was laying flat on her back and staring up at him, her breasts pancaking and wobbling on her chest as he loomed over her.

‘Good girl,’ he whispered, bending down and swallowing Petunia’s gasp as he captured her lips with his own. Beside them, he heard Lily groan with need as James deepened the kiss, his hand coming up to palm one of her large breasts as he had his way with her.

It was a little frustrating how one-sided everything felt, but James consoled himself, knowing how sweet it would be when he had his girl’s older sister screaming his name enticingly soon.

His lips finally left hers and he started trailing his kisses along her sharp jaw and down the side of her neck. His progress once again halted when he reached her collarbone, refusing to give the whining bride what she wanted until she threaded her hands in his hair and pushed him lower.

James stared up at her with a roguish smile as he kissed Petunia between her breasts, his eyes twinkling with mirth. He kissed around her breasts, his lips sinking into the pliable flesh, but never making contact with her aching nipples.

‘Please,’ she whined, her cheeks aflame.


Please,’ she begged with an adorable, needy pout and James finally relented, sticking out a tongue and licking at the accumulated sweat between Petunia’s heavy breasts. He then dragged his tongue closer and closer to her cruelly neglected nipples, circling the erect but until he finally captured it between his lips.

Petunia’s moan was positively orgasmic, her hands threaded themselves in his messy hair as he feasted on her hardened nub. Throughout all this, he didn’t break eye contact with her, continuing to stare deep into her wide, disbelieving eyes as he feasted on her incredible breasts.

Yesssss,’ Lily finally hissed off to the side, her voice filled with lust and need. ‘Eat her tits baby, make her - mhmm - squeal!

He didn’t look over at his amorous fiancée, but he nevertheless did as she asked. Cupping both of Petunia’s heavy breasts, he squished them together until her large nipples were side by side, her soft flesh seeping out from between his fingers, and alternated suckling on and licking each of her aching, needy nipples. The bride was panting heavily and staring down at him with wide eyes, biting her lip to muffle the embarrassing moans that were spilling out - seemingly against her will.

James made himself comfortable, crawling up to lay beside Petunia on the opposite side of the bed from Lily and Sirius. This let him watch their continued shagging out of the corner of his eye while also giving his hand free reign to tease and touch Petunia’s quivering body.

‘Does this feel good?’ he whispered, bending down to capture one of her puffy nipples in his mouth once more while his fingers circled her belly button. Petunia, her face beet red and green eyes - a duller shade than Lily’s - staring up at him in desperation, nodded hurriedly, her back arching off the bed as if to feed him more of her breast.

James’ chuckle was muffled by her flesh, but when he came up for air once more, his fingers now dancing along the inside of her thigh, he smiled and stared deeply into her eyes.

‘I need to hear you say it Tuney,’ he purred, an excited thrill shooting up his spine. He figured he had her at this point and so risked being a little more aggressive. ‘Do you enjoy cheating on your husband? Does acting like a slag excite you?’

Petunia reeled at each question, reacting as if he’d physically slapped her. It looked like she was going to retort angrily, but when he took her nipple in her mouth once more, and his fingers brushed ever closer to her core, she grit her teeth and whined, her back arching and her legs spreading invitingly.

James chuckled again. ‘I need to hear you say it Petunia, or we stop right here…’

The woman’s eyes widened and she gasped piteously when he released her puffy nipple, his fingers disappearing from between her legs. Frantic, she looked to her sister for support, but that… was a mistake.

Both Sirius and Lily were watching their show intently. Sirius had repositioned them so he was spooning her from behind, one of his girl’s legs held in mid air as his huge cock kept sliding in and out of her. Lily lay flat on the bed, her breasts rocking with each thrust as she watched them with wanton desire.

‘Tell him Tuney,’ she whispered, her head resting on her outstretched arm. ‘Tell him or he’ll stop, be a bad girl for once.’

Biting her lip, Petunia turned back to him in desperation. She made to speak several times, but held herself back before words could escape her lips. Finally, clearly desperately missing his touch, she tore off the bandaid.

Yesss,’ she hissed, her voice thick with desire. ‘P-please, please continue, I’ve never felt so good. I need…please.’

‘Do you enjoy cheating on your husband?’ James goaded, his eyes dancing with mirth. He lay his hand on her stomach once more and it was as if he’d electrocuted Petunia, her body jerking at but accepting his touch. His fingers slid down past her garter belt and started to play with the hem of her knickers as he waited for her answer.

Biting her lip in desperation, she hesitated for only a few more seconds before finally relenting, nodding hurriedly. ‘Yesss,’ she whispered, moaning gutturally when his fingers slipped into her knickers and drew closer to her core. Emboldened by his advance, she continued, clearly desperate to urge him on. ‘I-I’ve never felt so good…been so excited!

Smiling wide, James bent down and captured her lips in a soft, passionate kiss. Groaning into his mouth with need, she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders then squealed when his fingers started gliding up and down her drenched lips. When he’d first kissed Petunia, she wasn’t really an active participant, she’d just held her lips against his and let him do his thing. Now though, with his fingers toying with her core and her libido inflamed, her tongue aggressively sought his out and duelled him desperately.

This is bloody brilliant…

When he pulled away, she was a sweaty, panting mess, her chest rising and falling rapidly and her eyes wild with desire.

His eyes never leaving hers, he slid down her body, planting a trail of kisses all the way. When he slipped past and was obscured behind her heavy, mountainous breasts, Petunia propped herself up on her elbows to keep watching his journey.

Situating himself between her stocking-clad thighs, James kissed her hip before taking the strap of her drenched, white lace knickers between his teeth. Petunia let out a startled gasp as he kept moving lower, pulling her knickers with him and revealing her glistening, tight, virgin pussy to his greedy eyes.

Expertly, he slipped her knickers past her white heels and stood triumphantly, his prize still between his teeth. He looked over to Lily like a puppy who’d brought back a bone and grinned around the lacey material.

‘Make her scream, honey,’ she panted, luxuriating in the feel of her bull’s immense cock as she eagerly watched the show. Sirius had his arms wrapped around his lover, clearly far more interesting with the woman in his arms than the show going on beside him - James could hardly blame him.

Laying flat on his belly, he looked up the length of Petunia’s naked body and smiled, her face staring back at him in shock and embarrassment through the valley of her splayed breasts. Kissing his way up the inside of her thigh, he nuzzled his face against the soft, stocking material and worked his way to her core, hooking her legs over his shoulders.

‘Relax Tuney.’ Lily’s voice came out as a moan as James’ face was filled with the bride’s leaking womanhood. ‘If you think what he’s - mmm - he’s done so far has felt good, you’ve felt - hah - nothing yet.’

Naturally, James didn’t go directly towards his prize. His hands running over her stocking-clad legs, he continued to kiss around the general vicinity of her womanhood without touching her poor, neglected, virgin pussy directly.

When she felt his warm breath on her nethers, she jolted as if she’d been struck with a flippendo, his grip on her thighs the only thing keeping her from tumbling end over end.

He drew it out a little more before relenting and finally licking up the length of her slit.

‘Oooooooooooh my Gooooooooood!’

James ignored Lily’s amused titter and focused the entirety of his energy towards Petunia’s core. Over the next hour, he fully intended to make love to it with his tongue, plundering her virgin depths and bringing her to as many earth-shattering climaxes as her body could handle.

With her euphoric cries as an encouraging backdrop, he did. He kissed all around her opening, licking at her secretions and blowing on her hyper-sensitive clit. After a toe-curling orgasm, he spread her lips wide with his fingers and exposed her sensitive bundle of nerves. When he pressed his tongue against it, applying varying amounts of pulsing pressure, she sang, her hands gripping his hair in a vice like grip as she bucked and moaned against him.

‘Yes, yes, yes, oh God why did I wait so long?!’

‘I told you,’ Lily purred as Petunia continued to buck in his grasp. ‘And it’s - nnh - only going to get better, Tuney. You don’t even know…

Lily was bigging him up so much he felt like he had to deliver.

So he did.

Instead of going to town and aggressively attacking the virginal bride’s womanhood, he took his time. He was gentle, loving, his tongue never breaking contact with her clit but his touch was gentle, a soft caress instead of a tongue lashing.

His fingers weren’t idle either. She was tight, obviously, and James slipped first one, then two fingers inside her as her arousal loosened her further. He hooked his fingers, focusing on rubbing her g-spot directly while his tongue continued to keep her in a perpetual state of euphoria.

‘I’m - I - I think I’m going to - noooooo!

‘Relax,’ Lily urged again, taking her sister’s hand. ‘Let it happen, let go. It’s natural, you’re not about to pee, trust me.’

Trusting in her little sister, Petunia covered her face with her hands and screamed, her body jerking and jolting as her most powerful orgasm yet crashed into her. James was rewarded for his efforts with a face full of the bride’s squirted release, but still, he didn’t stop. Through her convulsions, her shaking and her moaning, James kept up his assault. He prolonged her pleasure for as long as possible, letting her ride the wave to her heart’s content.

When I’m done with her, every time ol Vernon so much as looks at her she’ll be thinking of me…

He kept up his oral ministrations until Lily got his attention by pinching his thigh. Looking up into his fiancée’s heavily lidded eyes and her flushed, sweaty features with a face full of her sister’s cum, she motioned towards Petunia with her head, her hands making a universal gesture that let him know he should move things along.

When he pulled back and slid up Petunia’s quivering body, he smiled when her eyes fluttered open and she stared up at him reverently.

‘Enjoy that, luv?’

He seemed to have robbed her of speech, because she could only shakily nod while biting her lower lip. Smiling, he stood up on the side of the bed and removed the rest of his clothes, first his shoes, then his slack and finally his pants. Petunia watched it all hungrily, but when his cock was revealed, she frowned, staring between him and Sirius to her right.

Lily was riding her bull once more as she watched them, occasionally lifting herself up off Sirius’ massive pole and revealing his jaw-dropping length before taking him inside her once more. Petunia very obviously stared at the exposed length before turning back to stare at his own more modest endowment.

‘It’s…so much smaller than your friend’s…’

Lily barked out a breathy laugh, leaning back to support herself on Sirius’s knees while giving her sister a better view of the larger member. James only rolled his eyes and earned a yelp from the bride when he poked her side.

‘Most beings on the planet - both human and not - are smaller than him,’ he replied dryly, holding out a hand. Cautiously, she took it and allowed herself to be pulled up on shaky legs. James took her place, laying beside his best mate with his hard, girthy six-inches pointing directly at the ceiling with a noticeable curve that made him look even less than half the length of the man shagging his wife. ‘Come up here, luv. Take it slow, you control the speed and how much you can take, come.’

Her nervousness back in full force, Petunia nevertheless mirrored her sister by climbing back up onto the bed and straddling his waist, his hard cock resting against her mons.

With a shudder, Lily sheathed herself as deep as she could go on her bull’s cock and stopped gyrating. Turning to her sister, she put a hand on her shoulder for support. ‘Get up on your knees, Tuney.’

Panting so hard she was on the verge of hyperventilating, Petunia instantly calmed when Lily put a hand on her shoulder. Turning to her sister, she nodded shakily and rose as she was commanded, Jame’s member waving in the air now that it was free of support. His fiancée turned to him and shot him an excited smile before reaching down and steadying his member, aiming his crown at her quivering, leaking entrance.

‘When you’re excited, your body will excrete natural lube,’ Lily explained to her inexperienced sister, putting pressure on her shoulder to ease her down while holding James’ cock at the entrance to her womanhood. ‘If you’d gone in dry, it would have been painful, but as you are now?’ Lily shot him another wicked smirk. ‘You’ll barely feel it.’

‘You’re hilarious.’

Lily cackled and blew him a kiss. ‘Love you too, honey.’

Petunia wasn’t listening anymore, distracted by their byplay, her mouth had dropped open in a silent wail the second James’ thick head parted her folds and slipped into her canal.

Holy moly - so tight!

‘That’s it,’ Lily coached, her eyes wide with excitement as she watched her man take her sister’s virginity. ‘Take it slow, go at your own pace.’

‘O-oh!’ Petunia gasped, her painstakingly slow journey finally at an end as she fully sheathed James inside her. Her body trembled and her eyes fluttered closed as she swayed above him, her hands perched on his chest and bracketing her hefty, low-hanging breasts, somehow making them look even larger.

James reached up to play with them while Petunia grew accustomed to having a cock inside her for the first time.

Mmm - I - so big, so full -’

Lily snorted then yelped when James reached over and pinched her hard nipple, hanging just as low as her sister. 

Petunia’s eyes fluttered open and she stared at her sister, and the cock she impaled herself on, in shock. ‘H-how?!’ she gasped. ‘James…he feels so big, how are you okay with that?’

Sirius winked at her. ‘If you’re a good girl, maybe you’ll find out…’

Lily pouted and slapped his chest. ‘No! You’re my bull, Tuney can get her own.’

James barked out an incredulous laugh. ‘You’re possessive over Sirius, but with me, you’re willing to share?’

Lily poked her tongue out at him playfully before going back to riding Sirius with a deep, sultry moan. ‘I don’t mind sharing my old, small toys,’ she joked with a wicked grin then turned into another moan when Sirius reached up and pinched her naughty, low-hanging nipples.

‘Oi, that’s my best mate you’re talking about, wench.’

Lily promptly shut him up by bending down and stuffing one of her tits in his mouth. It proved remarkably effective.

Their banter had served to calm Petunia, distracting her enough from the minor discomfort and allowing her to grow used to him. She was now slowly raising, and lowering herself on his member, her body quivering with pleasure every time she bottomed out.

Her pussy wasn’t as deep as her sisters, and James felt himself pressing against her a spongy wall every time she fully sheathed herself.

‘How are you feeling?’ James whispered, reaching up to brush a loose strand of blonde hair behind Petunia’s ear. ‘You okay?’

‘Good!’ she groaned with pure lust, her eyes fluttering open to stare down at him in shock. ‘Sooo good - mmh - so full!’

Her deep moans turned into an excited squeal when James stopped being a hapless meat dildo. One of his hands reached up to palm a heavy, heaving breast, squeezing the soft flesh in the palm of his hand, while the other went straight to her mons, his thumb rubbing her exposed clit as she rode him. 

‘YES!’ she wailed, her bouncing growing more desperate and needy. ‘Ooooooh Goooood! Yes, yes, yes!

Lily had slowed her own fucking and was watching them while biting her lip sexily. Looking down at her bull, she snatched at his hands, putting one near her clit and the other at one of her breasts, mirroring what James was doing with Petunia. Sirius snorted, but otherwise obliged, rubbing and groping as Lily watched on with a wanton expression.

It took no time at all for Petunia to reach her climax, stilling above him and screaming her pleasure out so loudly it made James glad they’d put up silencing charms. Lily, insanely turned on by the scene and, of course, with her own source of pleasure, quickly followed her. The sisters clasped hands as they shook from the power of their release.

James wasn’t far behind, the combination of shagging a virgin right next to his naughty fiancėe and watching the two pretty sisters shaking with orgasm above him did him in rather effectively too. Groaning, he unloaded inside the no-longer virginal bride, his seed filling her womb with his warm release. Petunia’s eyes shot open wide at the foreign feeling, her hand going to her belly as she felt him fill her.

Unwilling to let it end there, James put on a clinic. He’d taken the bride’s virginity, but now he wanted to show her the limits of the wide, wonderful world of sex. With Sirius and Lily following their lead, James led them through a host of different positions, each one progressively driving Petunia more wild with lust.

They went from reverse cowgirl, to missionary, riding while seated on the edge of the bed, and even with both sisters facing each other while the men spooned and shagged them from behind.

James honestly lost track of time, so he shouldn't’ have been surprised when, while introducing Petunia to the wonders of doggy style, somebody broke down their door and charged into their room in a huff.

Vernon Dursley stood there, the ruins of their door in his wake, his face going from an ugly puce to a pallid white when he beheld the scene before him.

Both Lily and Petunia were rocking back and forth on their hands and knees, their heavy tits swaying like pendulums as Sirius and James shagged the naughty sisters rotten. They hadn’t even paused when the large muggle burst his way into their room, instead looking up at him with identically raised brows. James and Sirius shot each other mischievous looks before he turned back to the despairing groom.

Vernon, buddy,’ James greeted with faux warmth, the annoying jokes the infuriating groom had been spouting all night at the forefront of his mind. He took great pleasure in Petunia not even reacting to her husband’s presence, instead, staring up at him defiantly at the oaf while continuing to rock back and forth. ‘As you can see, we’re a little busy. Why don’t you put on a pot of tea and take a seat?’

He rather enjoyed seeing how quickly the man’s face shifted back into a violent crimson, not at all helped, he was sure, by his wife wailing out another toe-curling climax right in front of him.

Muggle weddings were so fun!


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