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This set of 19 images and 3 videos can now be found in the MASSIVE Archive Folder for my $25 and up Patrons.  Consider subscribing for instant access to thousands and thousands of my photos and lots of videos!

Whoah - July got away from me, or rather it was too hot to spend any time in this un-air conditioned house, so I kept escaping to bodies of water in the wilderness all month! I cannot believe how the time flew!  Anyhow - endeavoring to catch up before the month ends!

Here is some behind the scenes-y kind of stuff from my trip to Joshua Tree with my friend Tilley back in May. It was hard for me to make this post because there was waaay too much goofy material, since we mostly just joked and danced and sang the whole trip, but I couldn't really tell what would be entertaining to viewers out of the context of our friendship and the trip.  That is often the hard part for me in making my posts for you $15 BTS patrons, and why these posts are usually delayed! 



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