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I tried to make this a one-shot, but it got too good. The camera is an example of a revolutionary tech that changed our human society. But when that power is used by hellish powers and twisted into a monster, there’s where the fun can begin.

Taylor Earhardt the Yellow Wild Force Ranger didn’t trust her team, especially her new team leader. She should be the leader instead of that jungle boy. She will prove it no matter what!

Such spirit sent her into a dangerous path of forced invisibility in canon, with Camera Org taking away her form for energy. Sounds perilous enough, but cameras can be used for something darker. Editing can change a simple, innocent picture to kinky depravity!

Special thanks to my patrons:


Matt Thomas

Dragonkingkj & Famousfox13


Shunsuke Hoshino


Marc Gantha



Red Nineteen

Daniel K


Take a snapshot!

Taylor heard screams when she strolled down the park path. The unmorphed Yellow Rangers immediately rushed to the scene of the panicking civilians. When she arrived, there was no one there.

All she found was a discarded storybook. The confused heroine looked around and heard whispers. “Help us! We’re here!”

On the paint-soaked beach platform, ghostly shoe prints emerged. “What… What’s going on here?” demanded the alarmed Yellow Ranger.

A small mishap made Taylor bump into the invisible figures. She tripped and landed on a pile of cement packs. The resulting dust revealed two youngsters who somehow became concealed. “Please, you gotta help us!” begged the boy.

“There was a monster with a camera. He managed to make us invincible!” added the girl who looked at her blurred arms with a sunken heart.

Taylor’s heart was filled with conviction. With a firm voice, she assured, “Don’t panic. I’ll help you.”

The Yellow Ranger dashed away while opening her Growl Phone. She contacted White Ranger at the Animarium. “Alyssa, there’s an Org monster on the loose. He’s making people invisible. I’m going after him.”

Alyssa didn’t have time to respond as Taylor already hung up. Even Cole who demanded that she wait for others before going into action was too late. The Rangers didn’t have a choice but to hurry out of the magical floating island.

At the university campus, the four Wild Force Rangers arrived at a scene fresh out of a horror movie. Dozens of people were being treated by emergency dispatch officers. They were given blankets and were rushed into the waiting ambulance. All of them were traumatized and invisible.

Alyssa covered her gasping mouth. It was horrifying. “They’re gone!”

Something worse happened there. While adults were turned completely unseen, jerseys of the freshman football team were left neglected on the ground. So were the uniforms of the local cheerleader team. It was as if their young users had been taken away.

Cole had to tap Alyssa’s shoulder. The Rangers would need to continue their chase. They needed to find Taylor fast.

On an empty lane under a bridge, Taylor found her target. Camera Org was right ahead, looking for a fresh scene to capture. Without wasting time, the tomboyish girl took her Growl Phone to transform.

The Morphing Grid energy enveloped her with a signature form of a golden eagle. The magical force solidified into a form-fitting spandex costume before the helmet materialized. She immediately brandished her Golden Eagle Sword, but her leaping strike got deflected by Camera Org’s arm. He had waited for her.

Her surprise turned to pain as the sharp blade of another sword struck Taylor’s chest. The female warrior was thrown back. Writhing on the ground, she found out that the monster was not alone. “Jindrax!” she hatefully called her assailant.

“Master Org likes your work. He thinks it’s time that you have your own gallery,” exclaimed the horned demon. From both his protrusion and sword, he added another energy barrage to keep the Ranger on the ground. “Don’t you wanna know the fate of those poor people this lovely Org took, Ranger?”

Camera Org’s lens projected a bright image in the air. On it was screaming people. Those were the monster’s invisibility victims. “While the adults will slowly decay into nothingness, the younger ones will be stored for their energy. Their fresh spirit will power Master Org’s empire for centuries to come!”

Taylor was terrified to see what would happen to the two youngsters she met earlier. On the hologram, they were confined into camera rolls. The spinning film inside perfectly captured every moment of their eternal torment. They weren’t alone as football jocks and cheerleaders of the local freshman team suffered the same fate. Trapped inside the foil, their muffled screams could only be heard when their prison turned. Even the quarterback and the previous prom queen couldn’t escape the misery. “You’ll pay for this!”

“Yellow Ranger sounds so tough, but you have lost your team, haven’t you?” mocked Jindrax as he jumped with aggression. His sword skills were a danger to the Yellow Ranger. Taylor was being pushed back time and time again even got the back end of her enemy’s weapon. Sparks burst from her spandex costume and no matter how fast the heroine tried to move, Jindrax was faster. He struck at her chest, abs, arms, and thighs. Eventually, all strength that Taylor before had depleted. The Yellow Ranger fell with her Golden Eagle Sword as useless as a toy weapon.

Little that she know, Jindax’s fight was a mere distraction. Toxica had observed the two with Camera Org. She was enticed by the Yellow Ranger and today’s plot will satisfy her. “Let me do the honors,” she said with a flirtatious tone as the female demon reached for Camera Org’s shutter button.

The monster took a single snapshot of the Yellow Ranger. The other heroes arrived just in time to see Taylor’s form being sucked into the lens while screaming. “Taylor!” Cole called, but they were too late. “What have you done to her?!”

“Turning her into a part of Master Org’s collection,” blurted the pleased Toxica. “Your yellow friend here will be a fine addition to our movie!”

The Rangers didn’t even have time to morph. Their enemies had left them. The discouraged Cole punched his own palm. “This is all my fault…”

The trio teleported to an abandoned movie theatre. The place was dark with seats coated with dust. A simple Org magic made things a little bit better. Not need to be too fancy for today’s show.

Like VIPs, Jindrax and Toxica sat on the middle seats with Camera Org between them. The smug male horned demon put both of his legs on the seat head before him. “Roll the movie, Camera Org!”

The monster’s camera lens brightened up and projected a motion picture on the dilapidated stage. There, the young people that he captured came back to reality. The football players, the cheerleaders, and even the Yellow Wild Force Ranger were there. They were dazed and confused, almost like being intoxicated. “Haha, we have a star-studded cast here!” shouted Toxica with a whistle.

“We even got a Ranger on board. Hey, little yellow bird, do you know your part in this play?” asked Jindrax with a condescending tone.

“Wha… huh?” Taylor shook her head. “You, what have you done to me?”

“Looks like someone needs an audition,” mocked Toxica.

The Yellow Ranger displayed her deadly talons before leaping toward the monsters. To her literal shock, the stage kept her in. A powerful electrical surge flooded her body. Taylor shrieked in agony midair before falling with disgrace.

Gasping and moaning, the weakened Yellow Ranger tried again to reach out beyond the theatre stage. All her attempts were met with some kind of a force field. “What is this?”

“What else, Ranger? That’s your acting contract. You will stay there and do your part until the director - or directors - are satisfied with this movie,” replied Jindrax.

“I ain’t gonna participate in your twisted movie, Jindrax!” Taylor’s confidence was shattered right there when a heavy object hit her helmet. Then again and again, with the climax being a sharp jab to her abs.

The Yellow Ranger fell kneeling under the shadows. She looked up to see a bunch of jocks standing before her. Many of them still wearing their helmets, some took it off and had used the head protectors to beat Taylor. They did it again, making the heroine’s head swung to the left and right.

“Should we make a slasher film?” suggested Toxica with a twisted sense of thoughtfulness. Her index finger tapped her chin as the Yellow Ranger was being overpowered by the crowd.

“Nah, the fun will go out the window too soon. Torture is good as long as the victim can continue for a sequel,” replied Jindrax like a film critique.

The disoriented Taylor felt her body move on its own. No, her body was being pulled by the crowd. They kept her in a kneeling position while the arms were extended to the sides. She tried to fight it, but the strength of a dozen cheerleaders was too much for the weakened Ranger. “Let me go! All of you gotta wake up!” demanded the tomboy.

“Don’t you see it yet, Ranger? In this masterpiece, you are nothing but a side character. The scene is designed to prepare your later assistance to our protagonist. All you have to do is to follow the flow,” hissed Toxica.

“Like hell, I will,” barked the Yellow Ranger defiantly. She then heard the rustling sound of clothing.

Taylor was shocked that the brawny freshman jock in front of her had lowered his padded pants. Her sight of his throbbing meat was unobstructed in any way. The veins pulsated with an unnatural amount of libido. The controlled athlete then thrust his baton to the Yellow Ranger’s helmet visor. The glorious detail of it was up close and personal for her now.

Inside the protection, Taylor gasped. She shouldn’t be since none of this was right. But the girl’s breath became heavy the moment it touched the darkened glass. Devilish thoughts began to stir within her brain. She hoped that the visor was clear enough so that the meat could see her. “What… What are you gonna do to me?” asked the exhausted Yellow Ranger.

“In a fictional university, a country boy comes to be the best student-athlete of the year. Of course, his path is full of peril. The dean had turned a blind eye to various harassments that happened to youngsters who think they could best the system. One of them was a girl who dreamed and talked big. It turns out that she buried her true desire to be a slut. One small incident in the boys’ shower room and her buried past came back to dominate her.”

“No, no!” Taylor’s voice was close to begging. The projection’s background changed into tiles of a college shower room. Props of urinators and toilet stalls appeared on the side, but the main show was for a row of showers.

“You’ve been a naughty girl, Ranger!” shouted one of the jocks. Somehow, his meat could penetrate Yellow Ranger’s helmet without breaking it. Taylor hated every moment of being gagged by it. The smell hit her hard. Between gagging, she gasped for fresh air that she wouldn’t have.

The Yellow Ranger was forced to bend forward. The cheerleader captain rode her on the back with arms exploring the spandex warrior’s toned body. She felt and caressed every detail of Taylor’s military-trained abs before going to the mature breasts. She yelped in shock as her focus began to dissipate. She was being violated front and back by boys and girls alike. “You’re nothing but a slut,” whispered the cheer captain next to her helmet.

Taylor couldn’t reply. Her mouth was still full with the thrusting meat. It went back and forth over and over again as its owner let out a war cry of lust. The jock grabbed Yellow Ranger’s helmet to help the movement. The girl’s eyes went wide with the monstrous ecstasy. “This is… This not who I am…”

“What’s that, Slut?” asked the fellow jock who whispered it to the other side of Taylor’s helmet. “Sluts can’t be choosers!”

Taylor squealed as the showers burst their load on her. It wasn’t water. Whatever it was, it was thicker and gooier. It made her spandex costume shinier than ever. In turn, it made the suit devoid of Ranger power. Soon, the Yellow Ranger was nothing but another girl in a costume.

“What’s with the clown costume, Slut? Do you think today’s Halloween?” mocked the thrusting jock as he slapped Taylor’s helmet. The tormented girl gagged again in despair.

“I… I am a Ranger… I defend…”

“That’s all you got in your retarded brain, Ranger! Defend, defend, defend. Us? We are on offense!” The jocked unloaded himself in Taylor. Her digestive system was being drowned. She could feel the hot stickiness flowing down her throat. Moreover, she could feel the script encroaching on her soul. She was a slut like the directors said.

Taylor vomited the milkiness when the jock retreated. She coughed in fatigue and collapsed on the tainted stage floor. Her mind had become fuzzy. She tried to remember her Ranger training, but it was too hard. It was as if a distant memory. All she could remember now was: “Full, full, my mouth is full. My throat is full. Why wouldn’t they do anything about this? I tried to report to the dean. I tried to talk to everyone. They instead called me a slut!”

As the delirious Yellow Ranger became affected by Camera Org’s projection, the two horned demons laughed. “That’s a good opening act, Camera Org. But we need more!”

“How about…”

“How about turning her into a guy?” exclaimed the excited Jindrax. Toxica looked at him, then licked her own lips. “I know you’ll like it!”

“I LOVE it, Jindrax. Such a powerful plot twist. Let’s see…” Toxica flicked her finger. “Drug is a lingering problem in universities.”

The conquered Yellow Ranger was grabbed by her neck. The jock easily dragged her across the shower room to one of the urinators. It was just being used by an athlete and he didn’t flush. “Get some of that, Slut!” ordered the quarterback as he forced Taylor to bend forward toward the urine-filled bowl.

She could smell it. Her mind was being penetrated by it. The waste liquid of a jock after a hard day of physical practice. She moaned before the quarterback pushed her helmet into the urine.

Like the meat before, the liquid penetrated Taylor’s helmet like it wasn’t there. It flowed down her mouth, basked her tongue, and poured down her throat. She howled at the humiliation, but a growing part of her tainted soul accepted it. It even embraced the horrible fate as she surrendered her Ranger identity to be a bimbo.

As she gulped a big portion of the jock’s liquid, she was once again thrown to the side. The defeated Ranger could see another figure approaching her from the crowd. It was another athlete, but he wasn’t here for physical abuse. With a syringe in his hand, the corrupted youngster smirked.

Taylor Earhardt shrieked as the needle pierced her buttcheek. Its cursed chemical got pumped into her bloodstream. Not even her Ranger suit spandex could block it or its emerging effects. The heroine whimpered like a shoddy individual. She basically dragged herself across the wet tiles of the shower room floor. All around her, the jocks and cheerleaders mocked her and called her names. She was the lowest creature on the campus. “I won’t be able to graduate. I am a failure… I am the campus’ slut....,” the Yellow Ranger mumbled while sobbing.

Then the drugs began to affect her. Her body ached and twitched. The former heroine writhed about and thrashed around on the floor while the condescending laughter continued to chip away the last bits of her Ranger spirit. She was utterly broken. Now her body would follow her downfall.

She could feel it. She could feel her body changing. Her hair shortening, her breasts retreating, her hips expanding. Her crotch bulging. Taylor panted as the uncontrollable male libido began to overtake her brain. She was being slowly turned into a guy.

“A freak boy who likes to dress around like a hero. He’s nothing but a V-boy to be owned!” declared the quarterback as he again forced the turned-male Yellow Ranger to swallow his meat. Now that they share the same sex, his lustfulness got a big target to conquer.

“Please… Please…” But her mouth was now a toilet for her/his captor. Taylor’s mind was nothing more than a small field filled with a simple fact. It was a fact that he was inferior to these jocks and cheerleaders. “I obey… I obey the campus’ elite club of champions.”

“Damn right you are!” shouted Jindrax as she French-kissed Toxica. The movie was too good. Camera Org simply laughed maniacally at his work. “That’s a five out of five kino experience, baby!”

The torment was already humiliating enough for the genderbended Yellow Ranger, but that wasn’t enough. Jindrax put out a remote controller that commanded cameras around the stage. Taylor’s suffering and forced transformation were broadcast live throughout the city. The moment the quarterback violently took away the Ranger’s helmet was for everyone to see. That and the details of her ridiculously orgasmic facial expression. His eyes rolled back, his tongue stuck out with drooling saliva, his cheeks blushing bright red. He screamed and wailed like a messed-up animal.

The egotistic voice of the off-screen Jindrax was heard, “This weirdo in a suit looks so dirty. What’s your name, Boy?”

The male Yellow Ranger gasped and gagged at first, sobbing the next. He then answered, “My name? I am nothing compared to this film’s production scale. I am nothing but a supporting character….”

“I guess this loser really knows his place!” There was laughter heard, some from the abusing jocks and cheerleaders who continued to torment Taylor. Some came from unseen locations throughout the theatre. The empty place seemed to come alive with the lewdness. “Let’s give him the only number he deserves!”

Taylor screamed again, and the whole world could see his lower abs glowed with a burning stamp. The squirming Ranger was held in place by his masters. His muscular form was nothing against their corrupted power. Slowly but surely, the number zero was branded into his suit, just above the bulging groin. “I am nothing… I am just in a cameo… I’m just a stock character...”

Taylor’s current state was also seen as a reflection of Animarium’s magical pool. Alyssa covered her mouth and hugged Cole as she couldn’t bear what had become of her best friend. The Yellow Ranger had been enslaved by a twisted television program.

Cole clenched his fists. He bolted out of the group. “Wait, where are you going?” called Max.

“This is all my fault. Now I’m gonna save Taylor!”

Cole already turned around when Alyssa put her hand on his shoulder. She gulped down her pain. “We’re gonna do this together. Wild Force Rangers forever…”

It took a moment, but Cole nodded. The four Rangers teleported out of the floating animal island to save their friend.



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