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Hi everyone! Here's your monthly mid-month progress report! :D

POTTY PANICS. I've been working a bunch on "Potty Panic" scenes!! Have you seen what happens when Kiera has to go potty in the bouncer? Well, these are like that! When Kiera gets her 3rd, 4th, and 5th potty warnings, you'll get a choice to have her try to hold it, or hurry off to go right away! Hooray for being a big girl!~ Except - as we all know - getting to the potty on time is still a tricky job! These scenes will show her frantically running towards the potty, with mixed results - and custom scenes depending on her Party Buddy!

ABDL INTERACTIONS. I've been implementing more ABDL interactions, where Kiera either doesn't mind so much about being a baby, or acts extra Little to get more attention! She can "pretend" to have accidents in front of other characters, show them what a good thumb-sucker she is.. and more! (Well, not actually "more" yet cuz I gotta work on one thing at a time.. but progress!!)

POTTY TRAINING. Interested in picking "Big Girl" over ABDL, or at least want the option? Well, I am working on a just the Skill for you! A Big Girl Kiera will be able to use her Potty Train skill to begin potty training with Blossom. This adventure will unlock extra scenes for Kiera's desperation and accident events, and track her progress as she tries her best to potty train! She'll even get put straight into pull-ups- oh boy! Successes will do wonders for the girl's self-esteem, while failures will cause an extra hit to her ego. At least she has you there to help her along! ..Right? ;)

PRINCESS CLEOPATRA. As the winner of this month's poll, I have put some time into working on an Adventure that involves getting the brattiest of the 3 other Princesses to have a potty crisis! It will be fun to have some options for NPCs to have accidents, too!

DRESS ADVENTURE. I am working more on Kiera's "Remove Dress" adventure, allowing some more.. unconventional methods of getting out of an outfit :P (This will also lead to her actually being able to get out of her dress once she's been put in it, so she can wind up back in her trusty overalls!)

ADVENTURES. I continue to toil at the main plot adventures! There will be some high chair shenanigans and fun with stuffies. I'm getting very excited to share more of this Little world with you!

That's all for now! Let me know if you have any thoughts or feedback about these ideas, would love to hear from ya. Thanks for reading and looking forward to chatting with you at the start of April - halfway to our next update! <3



I LOVE all of this. One idea that I think could be fun around potty training is what happens after Kiera fibs about not needing to use the potty. Depending on who she's with or who is around, she might feel like she can't exactly just change her mind and go use the potty right after claiming she didn't need to go. Or if she does change her mind, she might get teased or get in trouble for lying. I can imagine a lot of fun scenarios playing around with that dynamic. Another idea: what if one of the other littles is busy using the potty when Keira needs to go? Or maybe one of the caregivers is trying to get one of the other littles to use the potty but they are being stubborn, so Keira has to wait her turn.