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This is the life of Iris, a cyclop girl who went from being a timid nerdy girl to a confident renowned researcher in the field of mutants and other body modification (especially dicknecks, thanks to her wife!).
It's a commission by @DragonTheKomodo

At seven years old, Iris is a bundle of curiosity and apprehension. Her one large eye, a distinctive feature that sets her apart, often leaves her feeling self-conscious, especially in the curious gazes of others. Despite her innate intelligence and keen interest in books and science, she tiptoes around social interactions, preferring the comfort of solitary exploration. Her glasses, specially crafted to accommodate her unique physiology, sit perched on her small nose, a constant reminder of her otherness. Yet, behind her timid demeanor lies a world of imagination and wonder, where she dreams of adventures beyond the confines of her small neighborhood. With each cautious step, Iris navigates the delicate balance between her curiosity and her fear of being scrutinized, yearning for acceptance in a world where she feels like an outsider.

At fifteen, Iris has blossomed into a confident and intellectually vibrant young woman. While her single large eye and specially crafted glasses still draw occasional stares, she carries herself with a newfound poise and assurance. No longer confined by the timid insecurities of her childhood, Iris has embraced her uniqueness as a badge of honor, a symbol of her resilience and individuality. With a voracious appetite for knowledge, she has ascended to the pinnacle of academic achievement, earning the title of top student in her entire school. Her days are consumed by study sessions and voracious reading, as she delves into the depths of science and literature with a fervor that belies her years. Yet, amidst the books and equations, there beats the heart of a young woman yearning to explore the world beyond the pages, to leave her mark on a universe that once seemed dauntingly vast. Armed with intellect, confidence, and an unyielding spirit, Iris stands on the cusp of adulthood, ready to conquer whatever challenges lie ahead.

Now 26, Iris radiates a quiet confidence and a profound sense of contentment. Her journey from a timid child to a self-assured woman has been marked by trials and triumphs, yet through it all, she has remained steadfast in her pursuit of knowledge. Now, as she stands on the threshold of matrimony, preparing to marry the love of her life, she reflects on the winding path that led her here. Her partner, who is a dickneck, is a testament to the extraordinary twists of fate. Yet, in each other's eyes, they found an instant connection, a bond that transcended the boundaries of the ordinary. Together, they navigate the complexities of life with a shared sense of wonder and acceptance, embracing their differences as the very essence of their love story.

At twenty-nine, Iris, the scientist on the brink of motherhood, finds herself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions. Despite her dedication to research, the impending arrival of her child fills her with unparalleled happiness. Balancing her scientific pursuits with the anticipation of parenthood, she approaches each day with a sense of wonder and gratitude. As she prepares for the journey ahead, she eagerly embraces the opportunity to nurture and love her little one, cherishing the profound privilege of bringing new life into the world while continuing her quest for knowledge on mutants and body modifications.

At thirty-four, Iris revels in the joys of being a mother alongside her beloved wife, their shared happiness a testament to their enduring love. As the head of a prestigious laboratory, her career has soared to new heights, a result of her unwavering dedication and brilliance in the field of science. Despite the demands of her professional life, she finds balance in the warmth of her family, cherishing each precious moment spent with her child and spouse. With her one large eye gleaming with pride and fulfillment, knowing that she has the love of her family and the fulfillment of her passions.



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