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Hello everyone and welcome to a brief progress report!

Progress goes forward, as always. This week I've been particularly busy resolving various model issues and sorting out a rather hefty amount of new ones, including a new Alexstrasza model and getting some in the Rigid lineup (including a new Wonder Woman) worked over, as well as some Cyberpunk stuff sorted. More is in the works, as well, many of them a big step up from their previous versions, so I'm excited to be able to finally add them to the model gallery file once I deem them ready for it :)

Given how the weeks go this month, with the first loop landing already on the 1:st, I find myself with an extra weekend to deal with. I'll see if I end up pouring my time into the Ivy project during it or if I'll try my hand at a Cycles render, or just end up doing some testing (such as for fluid simulation) to see how things work. Monday may or may not come with some kind of short animation in that sense, but I can't promise anything (pressure is also mounting from the wife to get some "weekend time", which cannot be ignored), save for the fact that I will be getting some kind of work done over the course of it. The remaining 2 weekends of the month will then be spent sorting out the Scenario, which was won by none other than Honoka from Dead or Alive, which was quite a surprise, though not an unwelcome one. I also do regularly check the statistics nowadays, and have found no foul-play since that one unfortunate Christmas event, thankfully.

That's it for this week folks, so thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Busy days, these days, so make sure to take a breather now and then - while tomorrow waits for no man, there is merit in being prepared for it, none the less.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!
