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Hole TV Screen Poll - April

  • Hole 1 Screen ReDo (Longest Time) 2101
  • Hole 2 Screen (Shortest Time) 731
  • Hole 3 Screen (Medium Time) 1001
  • 2024-04-14
  • —2024-04-28
  • 3833 votes
{'title': 'Hole TV Screen Poll - April', 'choices': [{'text': 'Hole 1 Screen ReDo (Longest Time)', 'votes': 2101}, {'text': 'Hole 2 Screen (Shortest Time)', 'votes': 731}, {'text': 'Hole 3 Screen (Medium Time)', 'votes': 1001}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 28, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 14, 21, 37, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 3833}


Hey, this is going to be the first scene poll, hopefully of many, where instead of having lots of different scenes it is going to be lots of variations of the same "theme" or similar kind of scenes. For this one i have gone with the Screens for all 3 of the Hole scenes as it will be a nice one to start with and see how this new way goes.


Quickly if you haven't seen the WIP with the F*job Scene please view it HERE :) It shows how those are coming along and the plan is to have all 4 options ready for this time next month to be in the scene poll then (May Scene Poll). At the moment i have two animation sketches done for them and should have another one done for the next WIP and the final one ready for the WIP at the start of May :D


Now onto this poll. There is also something different about this poll that might change what you vote for. Basically these 3 options have quite a difference for the amount of time they will take, i'll say which one will take the longest and shortest. The main reason i say this is because if one that doesn't take as long wins i will have more time to work on other things, probably more outfits and things that win the small feature poll in a week, this shouldn't fully sway your opinion on which scene you want but it's just a little extra to keep in mind :)

Edit: For The Timings, By long i don't mean really long just a bit longer than normal. Which ever scene wins will be done for the mid month update next month just like normal, the timings mainly mean i'll have to focus more time to making the scene just a bit less to other things like outfits and adding characters to scenes.

Its not a drastic difference between the shortest and longest times i just though i should let you know :)


Hole 1 Screen ReDo (Longest Time)


This one will take the longest mainly because i will be making the hand and arm placement work with how it does from the main view. Also this scene has been needing a full rework of the code for a long time and i thought will i'm adding this i might as well do that.

For this one i'm also going to move the body to the right a bit to centre it as at the moment it pointing a bit to the left.


Hole 2 Screen (Shortest Time)


This one will take a shorter amount of time as i can use the M*ssionary V2 as a good reference to start from and then move the arms around a bit and fix it up a bit.

The Hole 2 scene is also coded perfectly to add this right in so i don't think this will take me much time at all.


Hole 3 Screen (Medium Time)


This will take the normal amount of time to do, the only thing with this one i'm trying to think of is the placement of the tv, i could have it in the places of the Paper Image and the X-Ray but there might be a better way of adding it in so i'll have to have a think.

Anyway i hope you like this options, all of these will get done at some point as i know for a long time people have been asking for the screens to be in the other 2 hole scenes and also for the Hole 1 one to be made better.

If you notice anything weird about the sketches as well please let me know and i'll get them fixed as the scene is being made :D


Have Fun Voting


I Am Spikes

Anybody else still struggling with getting lucky with getting the shiny gardevoir

Matt Tapia

literally anything but hole1. just because there is no animation for the others and we at least have something for the time being for 1.