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Heyy everyone, i hope everything is good. I've got all the things i've been working on over the past week here to show you and i'm quite happy with how everything is looking. The thing that everyone is probably wanting to see is how the new scene is coming along so i'll start with thats :)

New Rev C*wgirl Scene

So for this one i want to go through it in parts showing how it has got to the stage that its at.

First its starting with the rough sketch which you have all already seen i think

Next we have the updated line work at 24 FPS. Here you can see how the motion is starting to look and get a feel for how it will all come together. Some of the lines are in different colours to make it easier to see the different figures before colour and shadow are added.

Now the stage i'm at at the moment. I have added colour and shadow to the body while the V*g and the B*obs have just the base colour added.

You might also see a purple line on the waist appear, this is some extra detail i want to try and add but i'm going to make sure everything else is ok before adding the extra parts.

For the guy i have also tried to add a lot more detail to the D*ck, although you don't see loads of it hopefully it looks better than the previous one :)

Onto the B*obs. These are things that can be changed very easily as they are separate from the body, at the moment they look a bit too bouncy so what i might do is either reduce the bounce for them or for the smaller/bigger options i could change the kind of bounce they have depending on what you'd like to see.

Keep This In Mind Though - At the moment this is playing at a slower speed than it will play in game, when i add it in the starting speed will be about 1.5x this. This is done to allow the speed slider to work properly and give people the ability to slow down speed without loosing any frames and making the animation less smooth.

Anyway if you have any suggestions or things you don't like about it please let me know as theres still time for me to fix some things :D

Character Poll This Month

So in the last progress report i talked about doing either another themed character poll or a new character head design poll. From reading what people have said i think for this one people would like to see a new character this month and with a lot of people asking for Mrvel/DC Characters, so for now i have got some character heads drawn up for what the poll could be.

If you do think a better theme is on the table please let me know. Some suggestions for future themes i've heard are

  • Monster Girl

  • Robo

  • Video Game

  • MHA/DBZ/Demon Slayer

Let me know any others though :)

For now though here are the characters i would like in the poll and some sketches of heads i have

  • Wonder Woman

  • Livewire

  • The Canary

  • Bat Girl

  • Black Widow

  • Scarlett Witch

  • Storm

  • Catwoman

  • Poison Ivy

  • Lois Lane

This Months Scene Poll

So i know a lot of people want the F*otjob poll and if you haven't read the Progress Report you can check that out to see how i'm going to add that in, also if you read the section after this i have some more stuff about it to show you.

Anyway with the scene poll this month i thought it would be nice to do a screen poll for the Hole 1, 2 and 3 to see which one of them will get the TV Screen next.

This is a very rough sketch of how the Hole 1 TV Screen will look, i plan to have it so as you change the hands in the main part it will change which arm/arms are behind the back.

For Hole 2 Screen as she will be lying on her back it will be a different kind of view. I will be using this TV look as well and updating the brick wall a bit. I would also like to extend the arms out either way and maybe bring them down more to the side a bit.

For the Hole 3 scene i don't have an animation sketch yet but it will be very similar to the Hole 1 TV.

The way this poll is also going to work is slightly different, basically these 3 Animations will take a very different length of time to do so what i'm going to do is include that in the poll just to let you all know

  • Hole 1 - Longest

  • Hole 2- Shortest

  • Hole 3 - Middle

Hole 2 i can go of the M*ssioanry V2 look however Hole 1 is going to require a complete rework of the scene just as it s very old scene and adding new stuff is quite hard, however once i fully update that scene i can add more stuff to it.

Anyway this shouldn't influence what one you vote for too much as you should still pick which one you'd like to see the most, however the less time i need to spend on it the more time i can and will spend on adding other things :D

FJ Scene Updates

Here is how one of the new FJ scenes is looking, by this time next month i will have the other 2 scenes done and animated like this and then in total i will have 4 FJ animations ready for next months scene polls. Hopefully everyone is ok with that and how this is looking, i'm really trying to make sure everyone is happy :D

New Outfit Poll

At the moment there is an outfit poll going on. If you would like to vote for a unique outfit there are a lot of scenes and character to pick from in this one (12) and also there are some outfits that go across all the characters following on from the Sk*rt outfits that won last month.

Still Images For Moxxi

This month instead of doing lots of images across different characters i thought i would do lots of images for one character, Moxxi.

You can see the other two images i have for her in the full images album at the top but hopefully you like how all of them are looking. If i have time i will also try to work on the image morph things like i did last month but at the moment my main focus is getting the new scene added :)

If you want to see another character get some still images let me know, i know someone said Roxy and i think that would be quite a good one to do as well.

Characters Added To Scene

So just like always i'm adding as many characters as i can to scenes they weren't in. For this one i have focused so har on adding Mrs McPherson and Mirko, Ahsoka And Yoruichi to the Double D*ldo Scene.

Now that i have done this, one i get the new scene added i will focus on Hole 3 and getting Lola, Loona etc added to the C*wgirl Gr*nding Scene.

Im not sure how this one below looks to you, i tried something a bit different with the hair. Instead of having it go straight i have tried to bend it down and have it flow with gravity. I'm not sure if this looks better though so let me know what you think.

Misc Stuff

Some other small things will be just bug fixes, making things look better and if i have time i will also be adding more audio getting very close to having all the characters updated to having lots of audio.

I hope you like the look of all this stuff and are excited for whats to come. If there are any things here you think look weird or could be changed and made better please let me know :D




Everything's looking fantastic!

José Mijares

I'm in love with you for the next month poll idea


everyone vote cat or wonderwoman lol


Your doing an amazing job. I would like the the video game characters there's tons of options and easy to get look up.

TheOgreMan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-11 18:26:18 If we’re looking at Marvel and DC for characters, I’d say a Marvel character because we already have some DC representation with Harley. My choice for more diversity would be Storm, but Black Widow would be pretty cool too. If you do go DC though, Batgirl and Poison Ivy I feel are the best options
2024-04-11 18:26:18 If we’re looking at Marvel and DC for characters, I’d say a Marvel character because we already have some DC representation with Harley. My choice for more diversity would be Storm, but Black Widow would be pretty cool too. If you do go DC though, Batgirl and Poison Ivy I feel are the best options
2024-04-08 00:11:17 If we’re looking at Marvel and DC for characters, I’d say a Marvel character because we already have some DC representation with Harley. My choice for more diversity would be Storm, but Black Widow would be pretty cool too. If you do go DC though, Batgirl and Poison Ivy I feel are the best options

If we’re looking at Marvel and DC for characters, I’d say a Marvel character because we already have some DC representation with Harley. My choice for more diversity would be Storm, but Black Widow would be pretty cool too. If you do go DC though, Batgirl and Poison Ivy I feel are the best options

Collin Bassett

Still no love for cats... (Yes, I know Catwoman is in there, but you know what I mean...)

Joshua Almony

All of them, they are all hot 🔥. Don't make us choose lol


Man I can't wait for Dexter's mom to be in 3rd hole so that THANG CAN BE THANGIN

Void Walker

Already love the idea of scarlet witch


Finally us insane foot lovers have something to look forward too! 😩👌very well done


Wow, I'm excited for these updates. Can't wait.


Will this poll be just for 1 character or 2? Lot of great choices by the way.


Well MHA Is definitely my first choice and you have art work. Also your picture for the start of the game Mina Ashido, Momo Yaoyorozu, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu "Tsu" Asui aka Froppy and my poll I would love to see is FF characters If you need more info I'll send you a list in your DM 💙


Go to his discord there is art work already for Mina so it's not like he's thought of her it's just whether he wants to carry on 💙

ismail ayten

Excellent job, bravo


Pls tell I'm not the only weirdo who is waiting for the footjob scene


I need that Wonder woman


Already a fan of this game. Barely joined this Patreon today and loving the progress.

Matthew Joberns

which wonder though? she's going to get two options, might do some extra ones for the others as well

Matthew Joberns

yeh they could be really good, maybe next month as theres still a lot of people wanting to see the DC ones this month

Matthew Joberns

all of the characters in the list will be in the poll but yes storm or black widow would be very cool, storm would get my vote but i think i a lot of people might like black widow

Matthew Joberns

yeh shes come out very well, its kind of hard sometimes to convert 3d to 2d but she looks good, just working on black widow at the moment

TheOgreMan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-11 18:26:18 Fingers crossed for a Marvel character 🤞🤞
2024-04-11 18:26:18 Fingers crossed for a Marvel character 🤞🤞
2024-04-08 17:20:35 Fingers crossed for a Marvel character 🤞🤞

Fingers crossed for a Marvel character 🤞🤞


I can't wait to see what you do with her. I love her model design already. Just remember she has a BIG ASS

Matthew Joberns

will be just for 1 character as there is also a scene poll, but like always the runners up will be in a poll again and even the ones that lose will be added at some point :)

Matthew Joberns

yeh mina does need to get in, she's been in some previous polls and i have her head drawn so will be in the MHA poll when that comes


Awesome can't wait for the MHA poll Mina is going to be my top vote 💙💙

Collin Bassett

The only reason I ask is because I have a little black and white ball of fur that converted me to cat.

Void Walker

Really hope she wins the poll when it's out because my crush on her is huge


definetly the second one u drew but if u could just add the star from the first one and put it on it would look just like her haha

Historia Durant

Monster girl maybe like a Xenomorph or Witch Quelaag


Since you are adding moms, what are the chances of Matty Fenton being added some time or maybe Trudy Proud?


not really fitting to the suggestions theme but Delta from Eminence in Shadow


Wonder how much work it would be to add Mal0 aka SCP-1471. I'm guessing she'd be very similar to Loona, so maybe some assets could carry over? Definitely my vote for Monster Girl.


Not sure if this is the right spot for character suggestions. I think all of the Marvel/DC you mentioned should be added. A few more that came to mind were Invisible Woman, Black Cat, Rogue, supergirl, Zatanna. Then a few not from Marvel or DC. Lara Croft from tomb raider and Cortana from Halo maybe Padme or Leia from star wars or Nami and Robin from One piece. I'm sure I can come up with more. But these came to mind.

Ian Finley

Well what about Karlach???


I wanted to ask you to make the male body invisible in more scenes if it's possible :p


Hey keep up the awesome work. Just wanted to drop in some character suggestions. Hopefully others will agree. Krystal from Star Fox, Dawn/May/Misty Pokémon, Amy Rose/Rouge from Sonic


Maybe Nicole Watterson/Lois Griffin? And will you add more scenes for Marge?

Matthew Joberns

oooo that could be good, i think i remember people asking for her before so could be good for the monster one

Matthew Joberns

ooooo a lot of suggestions i'll check them all out and if they are good they could make an appearance in a future poll :)

Matthew Joberns

marge is getting a scene in the new update and i have wanted lois for so long i keep trying to add her into polls and she never wins :( but i will add her at some point


Maybe "on side" "rev cowgirl" "thighjob" And in the footjob scene when you end it :p


tnx for answer! i really appreciate your work and hope to see a new update soon. it's very interesting to see your progress and wish you keep it up :)


appreciate all the work you put in! Maybe Midna and Purah for a future poll?

Kay Jay

so excited for footjobs

q q

Meybe some fetishes? And more weight/hight characters custom