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  • Anim 03.mp4
  • Anim 02.mp4



So I decided to do something different, instead of using the animation software to use all the animation frames as they are ( this is 120 frames of animation ) I'm skipping in 3s if that makes sense V: instead of using frames 1,2,3 and so forth, I'm skipping by 3,6,9 etc, and it makes this skipping, choppy type of animation, which looks kinda cool d;
I'll include some BTS videos I'm doing with Gardevoir down below if you want to check them out.

Also I've slowed down on the Haunting Animation I was doing, got out of my groove somehow o: but hopefully I'll be able to get back on it d; I might have too much stuff planned, need to put some stuff aside for now.




Looks pretty good tbh