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The final part of the redesigns! Some are characters you've never seen before lol We'll probably be doing some development doodles for our paid members going forward <3

First is Carol~ Carol is an english teacher living in Japan. Due to her name being a little hard to pronounce she goes by Kaoru, not intentionally but due to how a certain barista at the campus Carol works at's cafe pronounces her name she didn't have a choice. She may have a mild crush on that barista but he can't speak english and her accent seems unintelligible to him so their communication is pretty limited. Carol is a very shy, mild mannered baby with an affinity for cows and the water. She really loves her students as if they were her own children, often being the first person they come to for help in anything. She just wants whatever career they end up going with to be as successful and easy as possible. She's often always cold and wears multiple cardigans and still hasn't gotten used to the weather in Japan, or the random rains on the island.

The man beside her is someone you may already know of, if only in passing. This is Akio, Seto's brother. We always has dreams of him being a character and we're kind of indulging now. Akio is 25, 5 years older than Seto. Due to a tragic car accident in the islands horrible rains taking the lives of both their parents (not Kiki and Hotoro don't worry, just random anime backstory parents)  Akio has put his entire life on hold to raise Seto. He currently works 2 jobs so Seto can go through college. He's an adoring big brother type, being obsessed with how adorable, smart, and perfect his little brother is. With his brother's recent diagnosis he's not handling it well but...Akio is trucking along. The best he can. He has a pretty huge crush on Ms. Carol, the english teacher at Seto's college. But, due to his inability to understand her accent clearly he can't really communicate with her. He's trying pretty hard to learn English but...man that's a hard language...

Second you'll see two characters you probably don't recognize. We aren't sure if they'll stay or not but it was fun to design them owo 

Fist is Ikuyo, Raijin and Mizu's mom in the past version. She's still their mom but her story with Fuujin is far different. With the smaller cast, Fuujin had no friends and we hated how Ikuyo's story never got fully shown due to write'rs poor planning do we made some alterations with Ikuyo. Now she's Fuujin's childhood friend. in their senior year of highschool, Fuujin was debating on conflicting feelings about his sexuality and Ikuyo offered to help him figure out if he was gay or not. They slept together, Fuujin telling her a few days later not only was he sure he was gay but he was not a dominant person. Ikuyo was glad to help him figure out but weeks later after feeling worse than she ever had in her whole life she figured out she was pregnant. With overbearing Tiger parents she knew they'd stop at nothing to make sure unmarried Ikuyo gave up that kid or it was 'taken care of'. Ikuyo after delivering Raijin asked Fuujin if he would house him, and Fuujin of course obliged, knowing Toji and Hama would help raise him. Ikuyo had a rough life, agreeing to an arranged marriage to appease her parents wishes only to end up with an abusive drug dealer, getting her hooked on some really heavy stuff. She's almost 3 years clean from a decades worth of hell thanks to her sponsor and works reception in the hospital with Kuma. She's still heavily in Raijin's life. Lucky guy has 3 parents. She's also just adopted Mizu as her other kiddo. 

Second is Lan, a girl who was in the original draft but never got introduced. Lan is a nurse who works with Kuma, a woman who gives an air of mystery and danger. She loves motorcycles, weight lifting, nature walks and painting, she's a very calming person to be around. Lan was Ikuyo's sponsor through rehab, resigning her position when she realized she had strong feelings for Ikuyo. Ikuyo, always knowing she was a lesbian but not wanting her parents to kill her, never admitted to herself she was anything but the perfect traditional woman. After meeting Lan and falling hard for her it was pretty difficult to hide that side of herself anymore, and well...she and Lan are pretty committed. Lan was promised by Ikuyo after 3 years totally sober she and Lan would get married. Lan's waiting for that. Lan is a close friend of Kuma's, and does most of the grunt work for the big bear, which Kuma is really appreciative of. Raijin and Mizu call her Auntie uwu



Emerald Shine

Oh, I love all of them,,,