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Were making a youtube video! It centers around us redesigning the It Hurts characters for a potential remake. (were not insane, just finally in a good place to work on it and no longer sad lol)

A big step for this is that we wanted the characters to have some more natural esc tones to them, so Raijin has brown hair and more brown toned eyes. Seto is blonde instead of grey haired. They are cute ;__; UGH we missed them a bunch. ( we know black hair is natural but once i colored raijins hair with brown and ive been living on that high ever since)

By the way the remake will follow very closely to the original story with no major setting changes. Most of the changes will include characters designs and some plot devices for drama and the like.




They are super cute

Emerald Shine

AAAHHHH I love them so much 😭