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Here's some renders for all my Patrons celebrating Christmas this year. I know, I know, the theme has nothing Christmassy about it. But hey, I wasn't planning on doing this at all actually, but someone ask if I was gonna do one in Discord and I had this one concept I wanted to do so it was a good excuse. Sorry... I'm a Grinch that lacks Christmas spirit or any kind of holiday spirit for that matter :D.

Anyhoo, enjoy the renders (Click the arrow to download them as Google Image viewer adds a blurry filter to the images):

Christmas Render A 

Christmas Render B 

Christmas Render A (No Text) 

Christmas Render B (No Text) 




Super Number 2 :-)

charles carman

so many things to do to, er i mean with her, cause she wouldnt be able to ride that bicycle or walk straight for a while....