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Hello Hello!

We hope everyone has been enjoying the new romantic stories of 1.16 and looking forward to the next plot developments that 1.17 will bring, but that means its time to briefly look ahead to our next update: 1.18!

As has been the tradition for the last few updates, we are alternating between plot updates and romance updates. This means the next content package will focus on continuing to knock out romantic endings for our characters. The list is starting to shrink, but we've still got a lot of good stories left to tell!

Luciana and I have agreed that Petra Siren is the first on the priority list, as we didn't quite get to her with this last one and want to be sure we don't end up short changing your votes from last time! We think we will be able to do three characters this time, so we'll pick the top two from the poll below to complete!

We'll be aiming to get your favorites in, so you'll be limited to one vote this time around. Go for the gold!

So, who will it be? Who is the next one to get their perfect endings? 

This poll will be active until February 1st, so get those votes in!


Ama Jo

Hey Guys! With the new plot update coming I simply had to ask, is there any chance that "Daddy Avery" will appear again to "check" on our progress? (hohohooooo). Not that Michael didn't scratch the itch (great update!), but I simply got bewitched and bewildered by that calculated/detached "I am way above your pathetic existence" attitude to not hope for any continuation, so promising! I am just Greedy like that :D


Hey there! Avery will indeed be returning to check on his investment. I don't think the main character can afford anything too intimate, but there'll certainly be the opportunity for a proud daddy moment!


Hello! Likewise, I have been curious for some time as to whether there are any long-term plans for Sara to have at least a romance ending of her own? Kitsune Sara is definitely my favorite character, and, while she was included in the 1.12 poll, it feels as if she has completely disappeared from update consideration since... ;-;


Sara's somewhat more likely but she's a bit on the fence. She comes late, but not as late as Michael or Nadia, who are too late to date. At this moment, we don't think we're going to squeeze her in for the final updates (This includes Munokho, Kagar, and, Mammon, and Selene on the 'romances never started' list). We'd have to start her romances from scratch, and the romance paths are both writing and art intensive. We've made a note of the interest!