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Hello Incubi, Succubi, and just plain Bi!

Work has begun on our next update. Luciana and I are planning out the perfect romantic getaways for Samantha and Cassy. We're already extremely excited about what we have planned, and we think you're really going to enjoy what we're coming up with.

This would normally be the time when we would start the polling for our next update. However, Update 1.13.0 will be a Dealer's Choice update. For those of you that are newer, every fourth update is what we like to call a Dealer's Choice update, where we focus on something selected by either Cambion or Luciana. This allows us to make sure the game gets what it needs, even if those options might not be the sexiest, and give us the opportunity to make sure some of our smaller fan bases are served just as well as the favorites. For more information about our update schedule, check out This Post

We aren't quite ready to pull back the curtain on our decision for next update, but in the meantime, we like to fill the time with a little something fun. We are now soliciting questions for a Q&A! Ask us anything about Paradise, writing, game development, or our thoughts on the world and we'll be grabbing a selection to answer! To view the answers from the last time we did this, check This Post

You can email us the questions at paradise@sinspirational.com, comment on this post down below, hit us up on Twitter, or slide it to us in our Discord Channel under 'Ideas and Feedback'!  Luciana and I will put our heads together, and the QA post will go up on Monday, January 17th.  Shortly thereafter, we'll be announcing the contents for Update 1.13.0.

We hope if you have any curiosity about the demonic world you've fallen into that you share them with us. We had a great deal of fun this last time we did this, and we really can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Bring it On!

Cambion and Luciana


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