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This Powerful Meditation will help you:

- Completely detox and purify your mind, body and soul

- Fully rejuvenate your body and feel extremely young

- Immediately feel happy, refreshed and renewed

- Completely revitalize and recharge to perfect health

- Be able to patiently and successfully deal with any situation

- Have enhanced oxygen and nutrient absorption for optimal health

- Have tons of energy and feel absolutely great in your body

- Always wake up extremely happy and well-rested

- Have an extremely healthy renal and urinary system

- Provide your body with total immunity to all kinds of pathogens

- Have an extremely healthy respiratory and excretory system

- Have an extremely healthy cardiovascular and circulatory system

- Have an extremely healthy integumentary and central nervous system

- Have an extremely healthy muscular and reproductive system

- Have an extremely healthy endocrine and exocrine system

- Have an extremely healthy immune and digestive system

- Have an extremely healthy motor and skeletal system

- Have extremely healthy bones and muscles

- Have extremely healthy eyes and eyesight

- Have perfect, vision, smell, taste and hearing

- Have an extremely healthy thyroid and metabolism 

- Have an extremely healthy liver and great general health

- Have extremely healthy organs that work and function in perfect harmony

- Rejuvenate and revitalize all your organs to a perfect state of health and youth

- Have optimal levels of all needed nutrients for optimal health and perfect youth

- Have lungs with enhanced oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide removal abilities

- Produce, absorb, store and utilize all needed nutrients for perfect health

- Have perfectly balanced hormones for optimal health and perfect youth

- Increase, completely heal and restore all healthy bacteria in your body

- Have a positive and healthy outlook and look forward to a bright future

- Be a valuable and strong-minded person with a sharp and clear mind

- Unlock and master all beneficial abilities and powers you have

- Purify and heal your mind, body, soul and emotions with Divine Love

- Safely develop your true potential and easily recall any past lives if you need to

- Always be connected to Eternal Love and use its beneficial energy to recharge yourself

- Connect to Eternal Love and use its beneficial Energy to fuel your mind, body and Soul

- Trust in your inner ability to overcome any situation in the most graceful and successful way

- Choose to walk a path of love and truth and use your abilities and powers for the benefit of all

- Release yourself of any emotions or energies that held you back from progress

- Let go of any kind of trauma and only accept beneficial energies and influences

- Easily let go of any emotions, thoughts and energies you no longer need

- Let go of all unwanted habits and heal post-traumatic stress syndrome

- Be ready to accept all beneficial energies and influences that align with your desires

- Refresh your subconscious mind and energy and feel happy,  refreshed and renewed

- Have optimal levels of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide for perfect youth and ideal health

- Have ideal levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide for optimal health and an ideal metabolism

- Have an extremely healthy adrenal pituitary hypothalamic axis for optimal youth and health

- Have amazing time-management skills and be able to patiently and successfully deal with any situation

- Be immune to all and any kind of harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, toxins, parasites, vibrations, frequencies, affirmations, energies, influences and entities

I have worked on this video for uncountable hours, I hope you enjoy it!

I highly recommend this video to EVERYONE, as it will help you feel great while staying young and healthy. Listen at least 2 times a day. 

It's best to be relaxed during this session. Sit or lay down and breathe slowly through your nose. 

Gentle Rain Sounds version, https://youtu.be/PbH045cZ7Q0

Happy results! :)



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