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I can see now why Deluxe Volume 3 was nearly sold out! This volume, we get extra content on the "evil" queen, more parallels with Griffith and his "stepping stones," Casca being badass, ZODD IS HERE, and Guts decides it's time to pack up shop...but Griffith isn't going to let him go so easily!  

This volume was EPIC and there was a LOT to talk about! Let's talk about it!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Manga Volume 8 Reaction! HOLY NEW MATERIAL AND BREAKUPS, BATMAN!

**EXTENDED LOVE AFFAIR HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I can see now why Deluxe Volume 3 was nearly sold out! This volume, we get extra content on the "evil" queen, more parallels with Griffith and his "stepping stones," Casca being badass, ZODD IS HERE, and Guts decides it's time to pack up shop...but Griffith isn't going to let him go so easily! This volume was EPIC and there was a LOT to talk about! Let's talk about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



So, let’s talk about dicks! 😅 we have actually seen one that Miura has drawn pretty blatantly, but it’s also hidden in plain sight. It’s painted like one of those pictures that if you look at it, it’s one thing, then you look at it again and it becomes another thing. Go back to the first Deluxe Volume, book 3, the first page after the title page 462 from Guardians of Desire part 4. It’s a bit dark, I’m sure it looks different with some color, squints eyes to see….. 🤔 Miura! You sneak! I do have sympathy for the Queen. I think the short backstory is necessary to give her actions weight. Miura does a great job with characters, making them complex with their own motivations. The dab that Corkus does is something Hulk Hogan does? It says Hulk Hogan under that panel and Miura likes wrestling. So I googled it. Apparently he poses like this a lot! Corkus is very prophetic at the tree during the duel. He says,” Maybe losing an arm’ll wake his ass up!” Which it does! I want to point out that we usually don’t have a window into what Griffith is thinking. This is one of the few times that we peak into his mind and it is chaos! He is that ex who says, “if I can’t have him, no one can! “ he is drawn so chaotic with squiggly lines and flashing eyes! I agree with you that the duel breaks Griffith. Knitted Zodd update! I get my yarn today and I’ll start to work on it this week! 🤗🧶 edit : started knitting the body! Loved your very excited reaction to this volume! 8 is a great one as Griffith’s plans get derailed at the last moment! Very much looking forward to the next volume! 🤐 👁️👁️👁️ FEB Spoilers⬇️ 👁️👁️👁️ Miura can sure throw a great party! Volume 8: 1! ( it does appear twice) no loose ends left thanks to Guts!


This volume is so good I don't even have any stupid jokes to make. The writing, dialogue and the places without dialogue in this volume really make it one of the best volumes of any manga I've read. The psychology of these people is so well displayed that we kind of know how they're going to react in certain situations which creates the dramatic tension as the events unfold. This is also where Miura being a great artist moves from "nice to have" to "must have" because there are a lot of things communicated through facial expressions and eyes in this volume that are essential to understanding the plot. Princess Charlotte is one "I want" song away from being a Disney princess, and here she was freed from the evil step-mother by her knight in shining armor. That being said the extra character development of the Queen and the other characters is one thing that was really missing from the anime and makes this feel less storybook and more historical. I'm sure you had people comparing the first part of AOT to the Golden Age in Berserk before you had even seen it, mainly because as violent as it is, things get worse. Just prior to you saying in this reaction that these were "the happy days," Griffith had burned a bunch of people alive. I may be giving Corkus too much credit, but I always felt that he was being tsundure during the sequence with Guts leaving. Basically it was his backhanded way to try to convince Guts to stay by insulting and threatening him, because he didn't want him to leave either. This is also (I think) the first time we've gotten internal dialogue from Griffith. I think it was put there specifically so that we would know Griffith wasn't going easy on Guts during the fight and that Guts won fair and square. Anyway, great reaction, can't wait for the next one.


*goes to book* *turns to page* *scans page to find penis* *Realizes what you’re referring to* *Stares at book and questions life for several moments* ANYWAY, I do appreciate getting the backstory on the queen as well and Miura showing us characters that have sympathetic stories, even if they are garbage people in other ways. OHHHHH….God, I used to watch 90’s wrestling as a kid in America and I forgot this was a THING. Damn. Hulk Hogan, you sunnavabitch! That’s hilarious! Corkus out here being dang Nostradamus! Also, YAY Zodd Update! That’s so exciting! I can’t wait to get into these next several volumes as seeing Griffith’s plan fall apart is INSANE but I’m also definitely terrified of what’s to come….thank you for the kind words and comment!


This volume was EXCELLENT! I agree!! I would say this is my favorite volume so far, but having read Volume 9…it’s right up there with it! “Princess Charlotte is one ‘I want’ song away from being a Disney Princess” – AHAHAHA! TRUTH! Except you find out her “Prince” is one step worse than Hans from Frozen. HA, that’s so true about AOT – I can’t say AOT is the only manga/anime I’ve seen at the moment with shocking violence contrasted with hopeful messages, but it’s definitely the “fantasy action” genre one closest to Berserk. As a little dog in flames would note, “This is fine.” I could definitely see there being some tsundere-ness with Corkus; I mean, he never ACTUALLY tries to kill Guts after that initial time and seems to - in his own way - maybe warm up to him. On the other hand, I kind of like the idea that SOMEONE didn’t like Guts and actually loathed him this whole time and he wasn’t just a “darling” throughout among the White Hawk. And yessss, getting internal dialogue from Griffith and it’s pretty chaotic! Good to know that Griffith DID give his all, even if he “was” distracted somewhat with whether he’d actually kill Guts or not…in any case, thank you for the comment and kind words! So excited for next week!