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Oh, y'all will have to excuse me during the discussion -- I felt like I had ants crawling all over me from the tension and ANXIETY this episode introduced!

The sheer DREAD at seeing our white knight Gesicht reveal his past, at the horrific consequences that could lie in store because of Dr. Tenma's actions, and the fate of Atom could spell DISASTER...as if we didn't need any more of that in this series! I am on EDGE, y'all!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Xb1hXurdpZTiBCEQvkc5Zq?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Xb1hXurdpZTiBCEQvkc5Zq? **ANXIETY-INDUCING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh, y'all will have to excuse me during the discussion -- I felt like I had ants crawly al over me from the tension and ANXIETY this episode introduced! The sheer DREAD at seeing our white knight Gesicht reveal his past, at the horrific consequences that could lie in store because of Dr. Tenma's actions, and the fate of Atom could spell DISASTER...as if we didn't need any more of that in this series! I am on EDGE, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! 🥰 I really enjoy the continued work around the theme of ‘hatred’ (being taught, passed on, imprinted, “now that I learned to hate”), and how those under its influence have to keep being reminded (and convinced) of the humanity of others. Then the scene in the morgue (?) where the one of the robot!parents, when they hear the wailing, notes that: “Yes, I understand somehow.” I think this works really well in tandem with the former to show the other side of the coin - because they understand (they are robots, the point is that they ‘know’ what they are feeling, just may not be able to give it a name they think is equivalent), but the continued messaging around their lack of humanity - convinces them of their lack of ‘understanding.’ This is always the balance that I like in the robot/AI vs ‘humanity’ stories. There are some things I wish the show would do differently – but then again, I’m partially not certain who was the intended audience? So I wonder if I’m misjudging based on that. The floating swing was a really nice, small touch. The show is full of those. Also, I second that the dub is really excellent! RB: “Nevermind, I don’t want to pay the price anymore!” 😂 I understand. At this point, seeing flowers in this show is distressing! Oh boy... looking forward to next week! 💙


Thank you for the comment and kind words! The theme of hatred is so strong in this series and scary at times! And that idea of “understanding” being tied to humanity or being able to “feel” those emotions and comprehend them is so interesting! I like the little nods to technology in this show – y’all are making me want to watch the dub now, haha!! I definitely am on edge with what the show plans to do with the robots vs. humanity and with all the “blurring” between the lines – but like you said, I will probably wait for judgment a few more episodes or until the end. This episode was full of DREAD at what COULD happen moving forward based on the decisions of these characters…I feel so bad for Gesicht AND potentially for Atom if things go the way I think they will…*nervous laughter* I have been holding off on episode 6 because I’m terrified, but I guess I may have to dive in! Wish me luck!