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Well....uhm....I have honestly no words. I had SO many theories and expectations from this episode and this one subverted every. single. one.

I didn't think it was going to go this hard this soon...but here we are! I'm officially in for the ride on this show, y'all!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/05q08v 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 3 Reaction! I'M NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING ANYMORE!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/05q08v **UNAFRAID HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Well....uhm....I have honestly no words. I had SO many theories and expectations from this episode and this one subverted every. single. one. I didn't think it was going to go this hard this soon...but here we are! I'm officially in for the ride on this show, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\


Great reaction and discussion!! And finally!! The episodeTM!! I had the pleasure of watching this episode unspoiled so my jaw dropped all the way down when I first saw it. Mami death scene shocked me so much! It really broke all my expectations of this anime. Also, one correction! It wasn't Kyuubey who said "You mean Kamijo-kun" in that scene where they talked about if their wishes could be for another person! It was Madoka! She was the one who asked if it was Kamijo, Kyubey was just staring at Sayaka and not saying anything. I feel so sorry for Mami. She was all alone for god knows how long, a child that was exploited in her most vulnerable moment. Literally when her only options were death or making a deal with Kyuubey. She was just far too young to already have those sort of hardships to deal with. And the eternal conflict she must have within her to want companionship in her suffering vs not wanting another girl to suffer the same as her. It is shown so clearly that those two desires battle within her if you look at her actions. Her saying that being a magical girl is very dangerous (she doesn't want them to be in danger) vs her taking Sayaka and Madoka on her quests anyways (her being lonely and probably feeling like she alone shoulders the weight of the world). Also the fact that she says she doesn't want them to become like her, but as soon as Madoka says she will become a magical girl with her (even after Mami warned her of all those things), she very easily accepts Madoka's decision because it means someone will be there for her. The struggle of not wanting anyone to suffer like her vs the wish for someone who will understand what she is going through because they experienced the same circumstances.... That very much reminds me of person with trauma reaching out to people who suffered the same way they did to feel like they are not alone and to feel the comfort of having someone else who understands what they went through to talk to.


Thank you for the comment and kind words – yes – THE episode for sure! I’m so glad you got the chance to watch this unspoiled as well – what a crazy ride! Oohhh, that is good to know that Madoka suggested the Kamijo-kun line for the wish…look at me finding any way to point blame at this demonic cat creature! XD I agree, though; I feel for Mami as well – she had a lot against her from the start and she was just a kid. Her dilemma and choice to ultimately try and persuade Madoka is so telling and so warranting discussion; I agree. I’m definitely eager to break down future episodes because I think it’s going to bring up more issues like this – joy! *nervous laughter*