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vivy finished the reformat virus via headbutt.


The reason why Beth stop when Estella rise her arms is because she saw the bracelet with her hair in it.


I think Director understood, but then he didn't say anything? Did you get that Toak leader was the same guy Vivy saved in episode 2. He got 15 years older, but never forgot how Vivy looks.


Yea. We all understood it was the same Toak leader from Episode 2. Yeah. Yeah I thought one of acknowledged it. Well Adorkable will again in ep 5 or 6 lol


my only thing is sometimes you guys forget that they are ai but they have actual emotions feelings and can think for theirself that's why they're autonomous., these ai's literally live like normal humans and have jobs they arent just like a robot who only does this one thing and that's it they can weigh odds and reason in their mind on whats best to do


they have a mission and live for it but at the same time they have actual lives and do stuff. they don't do their mission 24/7 they laugh and have fun and enjoy theriselves