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Thanks to Awesome patron Joe Rafferty for this pick! A movie that neither of us had even heard of prior to this! Enjoy!



emily ღ

oh wow this is dark! but such an intriguing and unique plot omg. i've never even heard of this movie until now.

Joe Rafferty

I'll take the low B rating on the chin haha. I'm actually glad that you both had a somewhat mixed-to-positive opinion on the film which I think made for a really good reaction. I agree with you Hendo that it needs to be re-watched because this is definitely a film that grew on me with time and I came to appreciate later. For me, I think the film's main strength is that it has a disturbing tone that unsettles you as the story unfolds, instead of just being full of stupid and lazy jump scares like most modern horror films. A bit like Shutter Island, the premise of the main character searching for a missing person who turns out to be himself with repressed memories. Also, even though De Niro is not in the film much, I still feel his presence when he's not on screen which adds to the sinister vibe and the reveal that he's actually the Devil. I think Mickey Rourke also gives a really strong performance and I always recommend this to people who are not as familiar with Rourke's earlier work, and probably only know him from Sin City or The Wrestler. I think your rating is fair but I would recommend you give it another chance in the future because I had a similar reaction to you when I first saw it, so you never know. Catch you on the next one guys. Fun fact: the sex scene between Rourke and Bonet led the MPAA to initially give the film an X-rating which is usually for porn films. Alan Parker had to fight them tooth and nail to get it reclassified and in the end had to cut 10 seconds from the scene to get it down to an R-rating.


Thanks for the pick Joe! I must say since the reaction, we have gone and done a more deep dive on the movie, checking out some videos and analysing it more, so it's definitely stuck with us! - H