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For Yowza

The words "can you fill in for me this nightshift?" take on a completely different meaning in this case.
Probably didn't expect to fill quite in this manner, but in a way you signed up for it.
Those puffy hands are more or less completely useless working on a computer, so a shift in job description is in order.
Judging by that milky predicament, I guess she could work in the cafeteria or the break room.




Incredible look of her being filled with the milk! Good stuff!

Rolo the donkey

Inflatables are always so good. <3


Thanks! I think it's a fun concept having liquid filled inflatables. Got to make use of this idea and the shark resort or the casino, pretty well suited form for serving drinks.


Oh they're fun for sure and it's an interesting material to play with. They seem to be growing in popularity too. I've been seeing more and more of them in the last year or so.


While she may no longer be quite as handy at handling computers (especially in the second universe), I'm sure she'll gain quite a bit of attention from the marketing department - both as a potential mascot and face of the company, and as the designated 'office bunny'. ... now the real question is if this mystical maleware was limited to this one computer, or if it, much like mundane malware, likes to spread over 'direct connections' or attached itself to 'transferred files' (or fluids in this case). Or perhaps it will one way or another affect anyone who is currently legally hired by the company itself, as a form of mystical resonance? Must be quite a surprise for anyone on vacation or otherwise off work if so ;)


Considering the nature of computers in corporations, they tend to all be wired together, so we can assume there's at least an entire nightshift worth of milky critters of all kinds running around. Maybe the entire YCH series is occurring in the same shift. And that other option is equally possible and even more interesting, people suddenly becoming all kinds of curvy critters in the middle of their day off or holiday. You try explaining that new form to the friends or family on a vacation trip.